Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1077 Special training methods for eye skills

Orochimaru once used murderous intent to make Sasuke and Sakura fall into hallucinations and unable to move. This was the shadow-level oppression of genin.

So will the Jonin also be frightened by the murderous spirit? Will do.

The domineering system is sealed, but the will and the past are not.

Blood began to slowly flow out, and the Land of Shura seemed to appear in the corner of the Kingdom of Rain.

Having fought a world war involving millions of people, and being baptized by the evil thoughts of 6 billion people, the murderous aura in Noah's bones was something that had never been seen in the entire ninja world.

The fact that he was severely injured and sealed by six paths may have something to do with the temperament in his bones and the traces of world destruction wrapped around his body.

Well. Burning the carnage caused in the old world and the smell of evil in this world is not simple.

As the controller of Huangquan, Otsutsuki Hagoromo can also clearly see the things wrapped around Noah.

Of course, the courage to build a new world and the world's blessings are also seen, and this is how the seal exists.

At this moment, the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, the smell of gunpowder smoke and death floated into the senses of the three young people behind them.

An extremely clear battlefield appears before your eyes, with single-winged angels, roaring soldiers, firearms and ammunition like a rain curtain, and powerful men destroying the world.

For a moment, they felt the malice of the world, and even the air contained a curse.


When the murderous intent subsided, the three of them returned to the world.

Konan began to pant heavily, Nagato's eyes gathered unconsciously, and the cold sweat on Yahiko's head fell together with the rain.

After a simple proof, they believed that their teacher might also have unfathomable strength, but was currently hampered by serious injuries.

Otherwise, normal people would not have such a devil-like temperament.

Jiraiya once released his murderous intent to train three disciples, just because he was afraid that they would lose control and be killed when they faced him for the first time.

The terrifying gesture of that funny man turning serious was something that stayed with them.

But they can forget about it now, because the new teacher has immediately raised their awareness of murderous intent.

Teacher, you are here

I said the first time that I still have some strength.

A little force? It can be understood this way.

Although the teacher still looked like he was struggling to walk, when they looked at that figure, they always felt that there was a big devil hidden under the human appearance.

As for the subsequent inquiries about the teacher's past, no results were obtained.

Those are things in other worlds. You can understand them as stories above the boundless sea.

Afterwards, Noah accepted the training task as a matter of course.

After seeing Nagato's eyes covered with ointment, he continued to explain the key points of training to the boy and Konan.

A body that can hold the Immortal Eye is not that fragile. Do you know what red hair represents in the ninja world?

The symbol that represents the Uzumaki clan.

Nagato was a little excited. He knew the origin of his family for the first time. According to the theory taught by Teacher Noah, a strong bloodline is very difficult to die in inheritance.

So are there really any members of this Uzumaki clan still alive in the world?

Noah could understand the young man's excitement.

By analogy, it is the same feeling as when you suddenly know that there are other people from the world of One Piece.

The Uzumaki clan is a race that is very good at sealing. Its characteristics are strong vitality and recovery ability, as well as massive amounts of chakra.

These eyes can only remain active when placed on you. Putting them on an ordinary ninja will only drain that person dry.

As for the Kingdom of Whirlpool, which has been destroyed, there should still be some clan members scattered in various places. The most famous one should be in Konoha Village.

When the war is over, you can find a way to contact the clansmen. I don't want to do it on the surface. After all, you know your eyes.

After roughly explaining the affairs of the Uzumaki clan, Nagato also understood how sensitive his eyes were after Noah's popular science.

At the same time, I also had a certain feeling about the recovery ability that Noah talked about.

After all, they continued training after the chat, but no matter how hard the boy practiced, he could not inspire the power of the Samsara Eye.

Even if the pupil power is concentrated in the eyes, it cannot activate any technique.

Forget it, Nagato, sit cross-legged among the rocks and meditate. I'll help you.

Noah felt that this powerful pupil technique required some fluctuation of mental power, so he started to set up a scene by imitating the aura of evil in this world.

Nagato, imagine that on a rainy day, Yahiko and your Akatsuki organization accepted Hanzo's commission to negotiate with the Three Kingdoms of Wind, Fire, and Earth for the sake of peace.

But he was betrayed by Hanzo and fell into a trap set by the Root Organization of Konoha Village and the Rain Ninja.

Xonan was caught by the other party and threatened you to kill Yahiko in order to let her go. When you were in a dilemma, you began to despair.

When he said this, he could already feel Nagato's body beginning to tremble, and strength began to gather in his eyes. Xiaonan on the side was also immersed in the situation and felt a deep despair.

In the end, Yahiko took the initiative to die in your hands and gave you his wish for peace. He believed that you are the hero who can save the ninja world.

And Hanzo still had no intention of letting you go and started a siege. He tried his best to save Xiaonan, but everyone else in the organization had already died.

In the end, only you and Konan were left, who were seriously injured. Yahiko's dream completely collapsed.

boom! ! !

Shinra Tenzheng!!!

A powerful repulsive force appeared around the red-haired boy, and domineering power swept across the place.

Rain, air, rocks, soil, trees. The shock wave was blasted away at an extreme speed.

When the aftermath dissipated, a deep pit of tens of meters was left on the spot.

The pupil power of the Samsara Eye in Nagato's eyes was raging, emitting a strange purple light. The young man floating in mid-air now looked a bit like a strong man.

After he calmed down, he slowly gathered his strength and landed on the ground.

Teacher Noah, I won't let such a future happen!

The young man categorically stated his oath, and then passed out due to exhaustion and was caught by Xiaonan.

The high-intensity training in the past few days made Nagato, who had two top-level physiques, unable to withstand the pupil release technique.

After checking with lingering fear, Xiao Nan was relieved to find out that it was just physical exhaustion. Then he began to express his rare dissatisfaction towards Noah.

Teacher Noah, don't say such scary things next time.

Oh, it's just a short story. It shouldn't appear again in the future.

Then they went back to the camp together, but before leaving, Noah placed an umbrella next to the pit and put a few pieces of paper under the umbrella.

After a while, a white monster crawled out of the soil.

Looking at the big hole created by Shinra Tianzheng, I was a little confused, and there seemed to be something wrong.

And aren’t those papers too obvious?

After scratching his head, he decided to take this thing back without much thinking ability.

After all, Mr. Madara also began to pay attention to the sudden appearance of Noah. The transformation of the Akatsuki organization and changes in various aspects will affect Nagato's route.

This was Noah's first test of the old man who was hiding underground and pursuing his dreams.

After a pair of old hands took the papers, murderous intent ran rampant in the underground space uncontrollably.

I laugh at Senju Hashirama for being too naive, and Uchiha Madara for his extreme methods.

That's all for today, I'm tired. It's time to take a rest. Long-term bursts of updates are really stressful on the body. I work part-time, so I have to code like crazy every day after get off work. It’s basically 2 a.m. every day, which is really unsustainable. The framework of the New World Naruto Chapter is very large, and Kishimoto is a book eater, so he has more information to look up. Anyway, I will try to write more when I regain my energy. I hope everyone will continue to support us.

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