Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1075 The war of public opinion takes the lead

This wonderful association is also very powerful.

The main thing is the list of abilities of the Samsara Eye. Is this something that can be explained by knowing a little bit? Jiraiya-sensei is a legendary Sannin and a direct disciple of the Third Hokage. He didn't even know it.

Who else but the Immortal of Six Paths could tell you this?

The three little ones instinctively wanted to complain about how there could be such a fool. But it’s really easy to develop with this list.

Especially things like pupil surgery, which basically come with their own software and hardware.

Nagato now sees how kind Noah is, as if he is seeing a relative.

There is nothing Noah can do, the enemy he will face next is too strong.

Any ability that Nagato can freely control can play a decisive role in the battle, and this is the pupil technique.

Then the next crisis is Hanzo-sama, right?

Yahiko said after thinking about it. Because he had already sensed the murderous intention of the other party during that meeting.

During this period, Noah's realistic perspective made him mature a little, and he also saw the differences and conflicts between the Akatsuki organization and the Rain Ninja Village.

Yes, as Xiaonan said, he is an old hero.

So for a young group like the Akatsuki Organization that is so prosperous, are they really willing to give up their power?

The material support from Yuyin Village has fluctuated so much recently. Many times it comes from the daimyo. Don't you understand?

Although Yahiko had some suspicions, he still felt a little disappointed after it was confirmed.

However, it is normal for friction to arise if a force beyond Hanzo's control appears in the Rain Country.

In the past few months, Yahiko's mentality has also changed as the Akatsuki organization has grown.

No matter how powerful Hanzo-sama is, he still doesn’t want to lose, and it’s not impossible to resort to force in order to realize his dream.

Of course, it would be better not to fight. It would be great if Hanzo-sama can be made to accept our thoughts.

So, ask the teacher.

Yahiko felt that the transformation of himself and others, the transformation of the Akatsuki organization, including the transformation of Hanzo-sama, were all leading to a good ending under the guidance of the teacher.

Teacher, what should we do?

Noah took out a few more pieces of paper.

Ideally, we implement the first plan, the peaceful evolution plan. If it doesn't work, we will implement plan B.

The three students were a little confused after reading it. Is this really okay?

It should be possible. The aging hero lacks faith. Just make up for it. At this time, the Kingdom of Rain needs Hanzo to become a hero again.

The three of them are still a little bit reluctant to let go. They always feel that it is a bit despicable and not the right way.

Students, believe in Hanzo and give him a chance. This is saving the Land of Rain, and it is also saving Hanzo.

Noah ended the conversation with a positive tone.

When the value of force is not enough, isn't it also a good choice to use public opinion and some strategies to stabilize the target and destroy the secret enemy's plan?

It would be best if this guy could really be put on a pedestal, but as an old man in power, he probably wouldn't put himself in such a passive situation.

From this day on, some small stories began to spread throughout the Akatsuki organization.

Why is Hanzo-sama so loyal and loyal that he is willing to shed his blood for the Kingdom of Rain?

Master Hanzo is thinking about everyone's livelihood every day on the high tower, and he takes supplies from his own family.

And Master Hanzo admires the new generation of Rain Country very much, especially he had a great time chatting with leader Yahiko. He even said that he would build the Kingdom of Rain together with him.

Lord Hanzo said that the Akatsuki Organization is an excellent organization and the future of the Rain Country.

Master Hanzo also said that whoever dares to harm the future of the Kingdom of Rain will be killed.

Originally, Sanshouyu Hanzo was a legendary figure in the Land of Rain, and there were countless stories about him.

Now more talk is spreading, and the reputation continues to grow.

Many Ame Ninjas in the Akatsuki organization have taken on missions from both sides, and now they know these legends and have brought them to Ame Hidden Village.

There is a market for stories like this in pubs and on the streets.

After drinking some wine, bragging about the unparalleled loyalty of Hanzo-sama and the leader of the Akatsuki organization that he most admires, isn't this a routine operation.

Of course, some people are unhappy. Not all ninjas agree with the Akatsuki organization's approach of not using extreme force to connect the world's bridges.

So arguments arose, and the more arguments there were, the more heated they became. Now I can't hold it in anymore.

One day, Yahiko, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, happened to be walking in the village of Hidden Rain. As another protagonist in the story, he also attracted much attention.

At this time, a ninja suddenly came over and stopped Yahiko and said loudly.

Lord Yahiko, did Hanzo-sama really praise the Akatsuki Organization? Did he also say that the Rain Ninja and the Akatsuki Organization would work together to build the Kingdom of Rain?

The man's tone was full of disbelief. The ninja behind Yahiko almost took action to deal with the bastard who had offended the leader, but was stopped.

The young man seemed to be forced to explain.

I don't know how you know. Lord Hanzo may have just seen our attitude of working for the people of the Land of Rain, so he said some exaggerated words. Our Akatsuki organization is unworthy of it.

And please don't divide us. We are all ninjas from the Land of Rain and there is no need to separate into factions. Only by uniting tightly can we survive this war.

Finally, both Hanzo-sama and I are people who work hard to bring peace to everyone. Please respect everyone who pays for this country. They are all heroes.

Just leave after saying that, without giving others a chance to argue.

Anyway, after being personally approved by the leader of the Akatsuki organization, the topic of building the Kingdom of Rain together has completely spread.

Hanzo also knew these rumors.

Before he could react, it seemed that these contents were being circulated throughout the Rain Country. It was obvious that he did not understand the meaning of the golden 24 hours.


Are you still a hero?

But what does that kid mean? Admitting those words in public is a sign of submission?

Moreover, the content that praises oneself seems to be done deliberately by someone.

It could be seen from the stupid look in that boy's eyes when they last met that he was not that kind of person. Those who work for such a naive ideal as world peace will not do these things.

Even if it were done, it would be meaningless.

So could it be Danzo?

Use loyalty to frame your reputation, and then encourage me to target the Akatsuki organization.

In this way, the Kingdom of Rain can be brought into civil strife without any bloodshed, and the people of Yuyin Village can be disappointed with themselves. one stone two bird?

It's very possible.

Looking at the cooperation book on the table, he fell into deep thought and wanted to stop thinking about it.

Somewhere underground in the Fire Nation.

Danzo suddenly felt a strong sense of malice. He seemed to be taking the blame again?

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