Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1074 No one knows the Eye of Samsara better than me

After this period of management, his reputation had almost improved, and it was time to talk to Nagato about the future.

In a few months, it will be time for Danzo to use his damaging moves, and it will also be time for Iwagakure to make a big move.

At the same time, it is also the rampage period promoted by the plot. One after another conspiracies will be superimposed on this land, so internal adjustments must be completed first.

Nagato, the kid, is the biggest problem among the trio.

This includes its own instability and the catalysis of external forces.

Even in order to make him go to extreme black extremes, he probably wouldn't mind letting his two friends die together.

Jiraiya's mouth evasion ability was still far behind after all, and it did not help Nagato establish a perfect psychological defense line since he was a child.

On this day, Noah called Nagato and two other friends over.

Some issues are too sensitive. If you just call Nagato alone, it will trigger unnecessary and extreme reactions. You still need to exercise caution in this regard.

Of course, Noah, who has gained a lot of reputation, does not need to be as cautious as he was at the beginning.

Nagato, let's have a frank chat.

Do you remember what I once said about the Six Paths Sage who established the Ninja Sect?

The three young men nodded.

His name is Otsutsuki Hagoromo. He is the eldest son of the goddess Uno. He is also the creator of the concept of jutsu.

I won't go into details about how great he is in the ninja world. I guess there are many legends and the like.

So you know what I'm going to say?

Nagato hesitated for a while, lifted up his bangs, and pointed at his eyes.

Normally Noah would control himself not to look at Nagato's eyes, because it would arouse his hostility or cause unnecessary trouble, but now he didn't need to restrain himself when he needed to formally communicate with the other party.

The power contained in those eyes is really unique, and it is closely related to the sun and moon seal in his hand.

According to Obito and Zetsu, this boy contains the blood power of Uzumaki and Senju in his body, and is a combination of the two top bloodlines.

It is very explosive in the entire ninja world. In fact, even without the Samsara Eye, Nagato can become an extremely terrifying powerhouse with his qualifications.

Looking at the Samsara Eye, Noah said without much surprise.

Yes, the Samsara Eye is called the eye that controls life and death and has the highest power. It also represents a very special story.

Some people also see it as the future of the ninja world and can bring hope for world peace.

Yahiko heard the word world peace that interested him. So I asked.

So Teacher Noah, can the owner of the Samsara Eye really do this?

Although Mr. Jiraiya didn't say it explicitly, how could they, as the best friends, not know about Nagato's special nature.

It seems that Teacher Noah also has a very special evaluation of these eyes.

It's okay to a certain extent. After all, the world was indeed peaceful when the Six Paths Immortal was alive.

Nagato's expression was shocked. Did he have to bear such a great responsibility? Yahiko is happy that peace has a clear direction.

Because those who are not peaceful are suppressed by the immortals. This is the short-term peace brought by personal power. And it is the Immortal of Six Paths who makes the Samsara Eye, not the Eye of Samsara that makes the Six Paths Immortal.

And after the Immortal of Six Paths left this world, the world's strife began again.

There was silence in the room. The Samsara Eye seemed very powerful, but not that powerful.

And Teacher Noah seems to know these eyes very well.


A sigh made them feel a little depressed.

Looking at their worried eyes, Noah also explained.

It's not that these eyes are bad, the power of all things is contained in them, which is a very remarkable thing.

I feel sad for the way this world is made.

Although these eyes are very powerful, the qualifications and blood required to carry these eyes are also extraordinary.

Bloodline has been a thing throughout the history of the ninja world, at least from the starting point it has surpassed countless ninjas.

But it is precisely because of the strength of blood that the class in this world has been destined from birth.

The descendants of the strong will always be strong as long as their bloodline is not thinned, while the upper limit of the weak will always be drawn.

At the same time, the bloodline has also caused countless killings and countless tragedies.

Noah said something that the three young people seemed to understand, and then stopped thinking.

It's not the time to discuss this yet, at least we can wait until we take control of the Kingdom of Rain.

Is it too much of a burden not to use these eyes in battle?

Yes, it was also Jiraiya-sensei who asked me to keep it a secret.

Now that the secrets of the Samsara Eye have been revealed, there is nothing they can't hide.

Although it's a little unkind, I hope you will practice the Samsara Eye diligently in the near future.

Because we are about to encounter an unprecedented crisis, any resources at hand must be mobilized.

It takes strength to protect those around you.

This is a list of some abilities of the Samsara Eye that I know, which can help you develop skills. Just remember it here and destroy it.

When they saw the paper handed over by Noah, the three young people across from them couldn't sit still at all, and their eyes almost popped out of their eyes.

what is this?

Vientiane Tianyin: Focusing on oneself, attracting designated targets to oneself.

Shinra Tensei: Centering on oneself, all surrounding objects and ninjutsu will be bounced away and cause damage to them.

Resurrection through reincarnation?

This, is this a complete list of the abilities of the Samsara Eye? !

First, he was shocked that the Samsara Eye was so powerful, no wonder it could quell the war. Then there is whether it is too detailed.

From the repulsion that has been used, gravity. To the magical chakra swallowing and soul sucking.

Then there are the various forbidden techniques, such as the Earth Explosion Star and heretic techniques, etc.

Even the name is a bit exaggerated. Nagato felt that these names fit his heart very well.

Suddenly he had an impulse, focused his power on his Samsara Eye and looked at the teacher, and found something wrong.

Teacher Noah, you actually have the Samsara Eye, right? And the breath on your hand feels very friendly to me.

The Nagato boy used his Samsara Eye to keenly sense the power of the Yin and Yang seal.

Well, I said I know a little bit about everything. As for the illusion of breath, hahahaha.

Noah would definitely not say that this was a seal placed by the Six Paths because they were worried that he would mess up in this world, otherwise they would regard him as the Great Demon King, although burning the world is indeed what the Great Demon King should do to a certain extent. .

As for whether children believe it or not, they definitely don’t believe it.

Xiaonan suddenly realized, no wonder Teacher Noah appeared in such a special way that day, and he was still injured even though he was so injured. There was a reason for this.

Moreover, she was the one who picked up Nagato back then, and she is the one who picked up Teacher Noah now, so it is not unacceptable that both of them are related to the Sage of Six Paths.

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