At the same time, it is also a way to take action from a distance, and an invisible layout has already begun.

The opponent is Hanzo and Danzo.

Lord Noah, who is the winner in this war?

Someone asked this question during casual chat, and it was also the most common topic among ninjas outside the big countries.

I wish it was the Fire Nation.

Noah replied seriously and seriously.

Because the Country of Fire has money and resources, it has least exploited small countries after the war. It occupies the best areas and the richest resource areas on the mainland, and they may not necessarily look down on poor people like us from the Country of Rain.

If you think about the economic situation of the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth, you will know how greedy they will be if they win.

Hanzo-sama's strength is not yet strong enough to frighten other countries, so small countries can only pray.

At the same time, we also hope that Master Hanzo can shoulder the responsibility of Rain Ninja Village and protect everyone.

This answer is very realistic, and does not involve any right or wrong. It is just based on material considerations.

And he also put a high hat on Hanzo.

Does Lord Noah think the final winner will be the Kingdom of Fire? Just like the previous two times?

Some people heard what Noah meant.

It should be said that it is not a victory, but that it will continue to return to the state of previous years and form a confrontation between the five countries.

The foundation of the Fire Country is very deep, and the power left by the first and second generation Hokages there is unimaginable.

So Konoha will not lose. But it won’t win either. Because the previous Hokages were not people who liked aggression.

The trio still believe this, because it can be seen from Jiraiya-sensei's behavior style.

Generally, there would not be such a funny person in a very aggressive village.

Then why are they fighting?

There are too many people who are very resistant to war. Even among the ninja community, there are a large number of people who are unwilling to go to war.

World wars that occur every few decades turn everyone into a number and lose their humanity.

Wars have never stopped since the emergence of human beings, so the question should be why there have been so many in the past hundred years.

The reality is that people need war to achieve their goals.

I want better territory, I want better resources, I want to transfer internal conflicts, etc.

Conflict can arise for any reason. If it becomes large-scale, it is called a war.

This topic is a bit heavy, and Noah's blunt statement is even more sad.

At the same time, this is somewhat contrary to what the Akatsuki organization has always wanted to achieve.

Some people who were attracted by the philosophy of the Akatsuki organization were thoughtful and seemed to make sense.

Yahiko wanted to refute in the crowd, but he couldn't say it out loud.

After being educated by Noah, he saw the truth of reality, so he began to think about how to solve the current ideological problems.

There is no way, Yahiko doesn't have that kind of unreasonable mouth escape skills, nor does he have that kind of chakra assistance with bewitching power.

And Noah said this to change some people's minds, hoping to naturally transition to the mental state he wanted.

There are too many problems in the minds of people in the ninja world. The more powerful people are, the more likely they are to get sick.

How long does it take, Master Noah, to think this Ninja War will end?

The refugees and ninjas here are already feeling tired. As a battlefield, they have suffered far more than they imagined.

The resources of the ninja world, including the number of ninjas, do not support fighting such a protracted war, so it is expected to end in one or two years.

Noah gave a decisive answer, which also gave everyone hope.

Although Yahiko hoped that there would be no war for a day, a year or two would be considered lucky for a place like the Land of Rain.

Finally, Noah asked everyone to disperse and continue working, and today’s small class ended.

Some content needs to be released bit by bit in order for most people to accept it.

The camp continued to be busy and in full swing. The civilians found hope in the war and worked hard to survive, and the ninjas also performed their tasks while thinking.

At the same time, these conversations are transmitted back to the tower every day.

Hanzo felt a little headache looking at the content of today's conversation. What exactly is Noah's position?

It seems that it is a little different from what Yahiko promotes in the Akatsuki organization, which resonates with him, an old ninja.

Yes, how can war be completely eliminated.

It was only after I saw the truth about the big country that I gave up my previous idea of ​​conquering everyone and bringing peace.

At the same time, this guy's recognition of himself also made Hanzo very useful. Recognition from strong people is still relatively rare.

This makes Hanzo even more indecisive. It seems that the Akatsuki organization's development trajectory may return to his own rule.

Due to his status as the ruler of Yuyin Village, his ambition to recruit a powerful force gave him some illusions, but he didn't know that the greed caused by these was also a flaw that could be exploited.

Then consider Danzo's proposal again?

Consider? Hanzo, this idiot!!!

In the dark underground, a shadowy man with half his head wrapped in a cloth was getting angry.

Danzo Shimura, known as the Darkness of the Ninja World, was furious at this moment.

It was very uncomfortable to look at the reply in my hand.

The nonsense about the Rain Country being very united and being neutral and not participating made him seem to have seen a very bad and vulgar joke.

In order to provoke a war between Iwagakure Village and the Country of Rain, he began to think of some destructive tricks day and night.

Just a lot of Iwagakure ninjas from the Akatsuki organization and the dead soldiers pretending to be dead from the Root organization have been arranged, and they are even preparing to arrange a wave of small encounters.

This is the most precious resource, and it is being used up like this.

As a result, Hanzo has shrunk back again? ! ! This will make you look stupid!

Mingming and Hiruzen promised to hold back Iwagakure in the Land of Rain, but now they were tricked by this guy?

Go and investigate what happened in the Rain Country that made Hanzo start to shrink back, especially whether the Akatsuki organization showed any signs of moving closer to the Hidden Rain Village.


Danzo, who sent his capable men to calm down his anger, must not let those naive brats ruin his plan this time.

In the Rain Kingdom camp.

Noah likes this feeling of being busy and getting better every day, and so do the three disciples under him.

This gathering place is growing like a snowball, and its reputation is higher than that of the Akatsuki organization in the original work.

Even the relationship with Yuyin Village is a bit subtle, and there are also great fluctuations in the exchange of materials.

When the supplies provided by Amegakure Village are few, there will be more supplies from the Daimyo side.

When there are more supplies in Amegakure Village, there will be more supplies for the daimyo.

It can be seen that Hanzo is in a dilemma, and the daimyo is still very firm in supporting Yahiko, a young man, in his entrepreneurial work even though he does not know about the field.

The current situation makes Noah very satisfied and he is just trying to survive in the cracks.

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