Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1072 Crazy reputation gain

Yahiko became much duller after this trip to the Hidden Rain Village and the capital of the Country of Rain.

Judging from his often thoughtful expression and his overall temperament, he has received a certain amount of education.

It still takes some time to calm down after the first crack in the three views, especially for an idealist.

He even instinctively began to fear Noah because he felt that this man would lead him into a terrifying world that he had never seen before.

I even had a feeling that this teacher might do something even more frightening.

That should not be the way to build bridges of peace.

Nagato and Konan also felt a little disillusioned after hearing what happened before and after Yahiko asked for supplies, but it was not that serious.

Then a few days later, this time Noah did not continue to communicate in depth with Yahiko, because the child had not completely come out of it yet.

In the original work, after being disillusioned, he faced a life and death crisis, so the young man directly accepted the facts.

Now that we are in a buffer time, we are stuck in entanglements. This is a common human problem and there is no need to rush it. I believe that this young man who has the desire to make the world peaceful has a firm heart.

After that, Noah devoted himself more wholeheartedly to the construction of the camp.

In common parlance, it is to gain reputation.

For the trio, for the Akatsuki organization, and for the Kingdom of Rain, they all need a certain reputation to do things well.

There are some things that can only be said if you have enough reputation, and there are some things that you can do only if you have enough reputation.

Being good at using your own identity and resources to leverage greater power is what you need to do in the early stage, and you can push forward when the general trend has been achieved.

What's more, some changes can only be carried out during war, and time waits for no one.

Even in the face of a fatal crisis, we must not lose our position.

Afterwards, Mr. Noah's name spread at an extremely fast speed within this small camp, and more information about this person was received within Yuyin Village.

A new health system was built in the gathering place so that ordinary people could get some simple treatments. This simple treatment system saved many people's lives.

During the Third Ninja War, the medical ninja system was still not fully deployed.

Especially in a small country like the Country of Rain, doctors are still the main ones, and all the doctors serve the nobles.

So Noah just compiled some simple first aid knowledge and medical knowledge into a jingle and taught it to the civilians.

Hospitals for ordinary people can only be found in big countries like the Fire Country. Most people in small countries still have to decide whether their lives are strong or not.

The allocation and reclamation system around the camp and some farmland has been improved.

The war will not end so soon. If ordinary people want to survive starvation, they still have to farm their own land.

Simple methods to increase production are also contributed for a fee.

In fact, there are countless fields here. At this time, the fields still belonged to the large farm system and belonged to powerful nobles and temples. These families would send vassals to manage the fields.

For example, the farmland near Konoha Village is the product of accidents, and most of them are still under this system.

Farmers are actually tenants and have to pay high rents.

But one good thing about a country like the Kingdom of Rain, which is in constant war, is that it doesn't have that many powerful nobles. Therefore, farmland is the capital for ordinary people to settle down and live.

The fields cultivated under Noah's instigation are temporarily under the jurisdiction of the Akatsuki organization, and they can be cultivated with only a small amount of tax.

And you can also get guidance and military protection from agricultural expert Noah.

The transformation of agricultural tools is also carried out simultaneously.

In the world of Naruto, there are actually many ways to improve productivity, but none of them have been passed down to ordinary people.

It seems that this kind of output alone is enough for these nobles and ninjas to live in this world.

These actions of Noah were to break the class monopoly on the means of production. In the Land of Fire, the daimyo would have received reports from the nobles and put a stop to it.

Again, the small countries in the war are unable to control the domestic situation. Only when the Third Ninja War is over will the minions of those people extend their claws again.

But whether the farmers are willing to hand over what they have is another story.

Or whether the Akatsuki organization is willing to let go is another story.

Simply improve your productivity a little bit first and strengthen the foundation of yourself and others.

It is always correct to build walls high and store grain widely. Survive the immediate crisis first and worry about the future later.

The strength of the Akatsuki organization must be further improved in order to attract more talents and gain a higher reputation, and even set up an office in Yuyin Village.

This seemed to be a behavior that made Hanzo even more afraid, like drinking poison to quench his thirst.

In fact, when the reputation is too high, it is both a constraint and a strength.

It would be great if Hanzo could resist the temptation of the Root of Konoha. Noah really didn't want to plan to kill him.

Because the Kingdom of Rain needs him alive, and Akatsuki also needs him alive.

The camp of the Akatsuki organization moved frequently, and ordinary people and ninjas gradually realized the benefits of these changes.

It seems that even in this mud-like place where three parties are at war, there are still tenacious lives growing.

Hanzo on the tower felt a little uncomfortable looking at the information in his hands. Do these young people really not know what fear is?

Or do you have no consciousness at all and just simply want to benefit the people at the bottom?

Yahiko, who is still an Amegakure in name, is not willing to hand over his power at all, and continues to cannibalize the talents of Amegakure Village. This is a taboo.

Just relying on the swordsman who came with him that day is not enough to challenge him.

Is it possible that the other party has some trump cards in his hand that are not afraid of him, the strongest person in the Kingdom of Rain?

The fanfare here actually made Hanzo, who claimed to be a top expert, worry about gains and losses, and even the provocative words sent by Danzo lost some of their power of bewitching.

Being suspicious by nature is one of Hanzo's flaws, and it's also Noah's first move.

Noah's three disciples also received good training during this period. Their mentality changed from the leader of a ninja organization to a real manager, and their thinking became more comprehensive.

The busy young man slowly got over his worries and began to study crazily and absorb new knowledge.

In addition to people's livelihood, Noah's reputation among the ninja community is also growing rapidly.

The rain ninjas within the Akatsuki organization all like to communicate with this scholar who knows a little bit about everything.

From the geographical environment of the Land of Rain to human nature in war to worries about the future, this teacher with the temperament of a kindhearted elder will always give some new inspiration.

Some are chicken soup, and some are practical solutions.

By the way, the market for chicken soup novels is particularly good in this world. The pressure of war has made everyone very lacking in inner depth.

But Noah didn't want to say more, it was not a good thing to indulge in it.

During the exchanges with ninjas, Yahiko, Xiaonan, and Nagato will often listen on the sidelines, because this is also a form of guidance.

Noah will also encourage everyone who has time to learn, because the entire Akatsuki organization is his target.

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