Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1071 Seeing the real world

But they were directly rejected by this cheerful guy, saying that they are an organization that does not use extreme force to change the world.

Master Hanzo, we are citizens of the Land of Rain, and we have been building this country, changing the country, and building a bridge of hope leading to world peace through people-to-people exchanges.

Yahiko is unwilling to let his organization be completely integrated into the village system. That just makes partners and ordinary people once again become the knives in other people's hands.

But the naive dream was such that the ruler simply didn't believe it.

The organization is gradually growing, with ambitious leaders, groups that are unwilling to be integrated and broken up, and a refugee gathering place that intelligence reports are becoming more and more like a military fortress.

Hanzo was silent, the contents of the letters Danzo had written to him wandering in his mind again.

The leader of the Akatsuki organization is here at this time. If Yahiko is killed, the Akatsuki organization will be leaderless. If you rely on your own strength, can you still suppress the rebellion of those young people?

Or use mountain pepper fish to poison the camp and then clean it up directly?

In the original work, there was no one-on-one conversation between Hanzo and Yahiko at this time, but now that has changed.

So from a ninja's point of view, wouldn't it be a big temptation to solve the problem at this time?

The atmosphere became tense, and Yahiko also noticed something was wrong. So he also made some defensive moves.

Teenagers are easy to make mistakes in their dreams, but they are not stupid in their actions.


who! Shui Shuishen is ready to go.

While Hanzo was swinging, he was locked by a sense of danger, and that sharp aura stuck to his neck.

It was like a divine sword appearing out of thin air, its power unfathomable.

Hiss, when did the Akatsuki organization have such a master! ! !

The young Mifune was as different as clouds of clay compared to this sword intention. Purely like a legendary samurai.

Hanzo was shocked. Although he was not afraid, there was no guarantee that he could win the young man opposite him.

This is because Noah, who was blocked from the last hurdle, was leaning against the corner with his eyes closed and drawing his sword.

With the level of swordsmanship of a great swordsman, it is no problem to lock a person across a wall. Even if the sword cannot be drawn, it can still act as a deterrent.

In the end, this cautious strong man lost the heroic spirit and means of his youth and decided to let this opportunity pass.

When watching Yahiko and the boy who often coughed leave here, Hanzo asked his subordinates a question.

who's that person?

The person recently taken in by the Akatsuki organization is a teacher. He seems to have a high reputation among the gathering points.

Reorganize the information on this person.


When Yahiko walked out to the outside with a slumped face, he was still holding his breath. He could see the hostility just now without Nagato's perception.

Generally speaking, the material matters have collapsed, and there is even a greater danger that almost appeared. And that kind of idol-shattering thing is really hard to accept.

He had always thought that Lord Hanzo, who was fighting against the Three Kingdoms, had a magnanimity that was unmatched by others, and he had even imagined that the other party would have a happy conversation with him.

Let’s build a bridge of peace together. It seems that I am overthinking it.

What's more troublesome is.

There are not enough supplies. Hanzo-sama said he would consider some more for a while.

People in the camp are still waiting for support supplies.

Well, let's go first and then talk.

Only after leaving Amegakure Village did Yahiko truly confide his unwillingness.

Hopefully this mysterious teacher can give him some guidance. After all, there are still so many people in the organization who need to eat.

Remember, don't rely too much on the outside world in the future to provide supplies for people's livelihood, otherwise this dilemma will happen again.

Noah didn't criticize Hanzo's behavior much. In the ninja world, this is something that the leader of a normal force would do.

The other party is definitely collecting information about the camp and using other opportunities to suppress the Akatsuki organization. Of course, they will also focus on collecting information about themselves.

Who says that his frightening sword intent is a bit advanced in terms of senses? If he can use his sword intent to make shadow-level masters dare not act rashly, then he can't actually cut mountains and seas with his sword?

The disciple's troubles still need to be resolved.

The breaking point is those groups whose presence was very low during the war.

Noah's favorite trick of finding resources from noble lords can be used a few more times.

The group of people in the Seven Waters Capital back then did a great job in helping the cause of the Revolutionary Army. I hope the nobles in the Naruto World will not lose either.

Ahem, now you go to the capital of the Country of Rain to find the Daimyo to ask for supplies.

By the way, there was a little friction with Hanzo, I hope the Daimyo won’t misunderstand.

This sentence left the young man a little confused.

Daimyo? Is that okay?

Yeah, that's enough.

After Yahiko returned the supplies provided by Amegakure Village to the camp, he set off again to the capital of the Country of Rain. He met the Daimyo as the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

The pretentious head of the country was fine at first, but when Yahiko accidentally said that there was a little friction between him and Hanzo.

The other party's enthusiasm increased to a higher level, and he provided a lot of supplies without even asking. Directly doubled on the original basis.

The ignorant boy then led people to carry so many supplies back to the camp.

After the loading and unloading is completed, go and ask Teacher Noah why this is happening.

It's simple.

For those who have accumulated wealth over many years, it is just a few supplies.

It is not certain how happy the daimyo would be under the one-country-one-village system. They should miss the samurai era even more.

Therefore, I would not be stingy about using this small means to suppress Yuyin Village, something that was easy to do.

Do you think the daimyo will be happy or afraid after he has a strong man whose strength transcends ordinary people and can no longer be described as a simple tool?

Yahiko's mind suddenly broadened and he gave the answer.

It's fear.

Yes, then a well-known power group has appeared among the ninja groups, and there is some friction with the powerful, so is the daimyo willing to support it a little bit?

Many of the supplies you think are just a drop in the bucket for these nobles who have accumulated them for hundreds of years.

The desire for power has been integrated into the bones and blood of the people of that class, and they do it easily.

Also, do you think Hanzo feels the same way when he looks at you? I have a very powerful and disobedient guy under my command.

The confusion in Yahiko's eyes was violently torn apart by these cruel words.

It turns out that it is not responsibility and hope, but intrigue and desire.

This is the first lesson Noah taught the young leader. The bridge between dreams and reality was broken first.

How to make this child understand that the world does not need to simply build bridges without breaking the illusion, which is just a simple way of cutting corners.

What the world needs is a complete burn.

The strength will gradually recover, and it will be more difficult to ignite at this special node. Now that I think about it, Pirates took shortcuts.

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