Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 107 Fighting the Flamingo

On the Voyager, Terzog was knocked out for the 100th time in physical education class.

After the future Golden Emperor gave up his starting career, he was first tortured in cultural class and then beaten around in physical education class. Knowledge can change your destiny. I am not deceived.

The situation in the North Sea has been very complicated recently. Noah remembers that the Navy Headquarters also got involved at this time and staged a Mission: Impossible show. In the duel between the two undercover agents, the Don Quixote family finally won the spy war. But in the end the fruits of victory were handed over to Luo by Rosinanti.

Also an undercover agent, Guizhu Verge's rank is obviously higher than that of Sengoku Yoshiko. It wasn't until the Dressrosa chapter that Vergo was exposed.

The complexity of the matter this time is really a headache, and I need to list my goals.

The adopted son of the Warring States Period can't be saved for the time being, but he can be saved. Good people must be rewarded. It doesn't matter that he cheated his own family. When he decided to choose the courage to fight against the world's largest force for Luo, he had to save him. Besides, we are already on the line with the Warring States Period, just in case there is any possibility of cooperation in the future.

The fruits of Luo He's surgery must be striven for. Noah still has some confidence in this aspect. Although after Luo Nandi dies, Luo can be firmly in his pocket, but a gentleman does something and doesn't do something.

The World Government already has too many debts to worry about. If you can, just add a little more reward. What else can you do?

The Quixote family? If you can't get within the opponent's range for the time being, you'll kill Doflamingo when he comes, showing off the demeanor of a strong man from the sea.

Although it is possible to use resourcefulness to plan the results of the operation at this time, it would waste too much time and time was not waiting for me. Let’s cut through the mess quickly and get the fruits of the operation first.

Now in Beihai, Noah's strength is considered top-notch, and neither Doflamingo nor Vergo is his opponent. Lieutenant General He is strong, but he is still young and very calm. He will not fight hard even if he knows that he will not get the fruits of the operation. Then you can play a crushing game. Some things no longer need to be planned slowly. It has been 11 years since he came to the world of One Piece, and he has not yet galloped on the sea with high spirits.

Now, the target: Mignon Island. Set off.

The Voyager moved forward at full speed, destroying all the pirate ships along the way and sinking into the sea, leaving only Terzog's screams floating on the sea.

The high-spirited Noah headed towards Mignon Island. On a small island, Rosinandi was anxious. He has been taking Luo around the world to find doctors for treatment for a long time, but Permanent Disease is considered a terminal illness and there is basically no possibility of cure. Seeing Luo approaching death day by day, his kindness made him feel extremely painful.

His undercover career did not go well. Doflamingo's cruelty and cunning made him not trust his brother so much. Recent events have aroused Dover's suspicions. The reason why he is still alive may be because of how much value he still has.

Recently, I finally learned the whereabouts of the surgical fruits. Corazon contacted Sengoku at the Navy Headquarters through a phone bug and confirmed that members of the Don Quixote family would arrive at Lubek Island in the North Sea three weeks later and three days before the transaction, and the Navy would arrive at the nearby An ambush was carried out on Svaro Island, taking this opportunity to completely annihilate the members of the Don Quixote family, including Doflamingo.

And he already had his own plan, which was to use the time difference before the transaction to use his fruit ability to steal the surgical fruit to treat Luo's terminal illness.

But Luo's health has suddenly deteriorated recently, and he can no longer wait. I had to brave the storm and set off early, hoping that everything would go well.

The navy troops are also on their way, and the Don Quixote family is preparing to set off. The North Sea island of Mignon is now a gathering place.

Dies Barreiros, who had arrived at Mignon Island, had no idea about all of this. As a former navy who had fallen into a pirate gang, he only saw his own desires in his eyes. He was very lucky to get the fruit of the operation. He didn't want to know the secrets of this fruit, which had a very special status within the world government. He just wanted to make money.

He believes that he is just here to do business with the world government, handing over the money and delivering the goods. 5 billion, which is equivalent to Noah, the most popular enemy of the world on the sea. After finishing this last vote, why should I be considered a pirate? This is a debuff for myself.

Little did they know that this time the goods were targeted by several groups of people, including the Navy, the World Government, the Don Quixote family, and the Revolutionary Army.

The first one to arrive was the navy, with an observation ship keeping an eye on Mignon Island, and two warships arriving near Petrel Island.

Corazon had already hidden Luo, and then went to the pirate's lair alone. Open the realm of the Fruit of Silence and let all sounds here disappear. A rocket launcher blew up the stronghold and created chaos. Taking advantage of the chaos, he kicked Dies Barreiros over and snatched away the fruits of the operation.

At the same time, in the chaos, he was shot several times, but under the cover of the Silence Fruit, he still rushed out.

It has to be said that this adopted son of the Warring States Period was extremely powerful. There seems to be no named person in the sea who has been shot like this. It is not a sea-stone bullet, nor is it wrapped in armed colors, so how can he be beaten like this? It’s hard to guess what Warring States was thinking.

After insisting on giving Luo the fruit of the operation, Luo Nandi couldn't hold on any longer and lay down in the snow. After giving the information about Dressrosa to Law, he couldn't do anything about it. Then there is the heartwarming scene of the meeting of three generations of hearts. The second and third generations are beaten up by the first generation and then run away.

Doflamingo also arrived at Mignon Island at this time. Xiang'zhe Virgo's intelligence was so furious that he covered the entire island with a birdcage. He had to dig deep to find Rosinandi and Luo. Of course, the most important thing was the result of the operation.

Finally Rosinandy was found in a corner. Doflamingo was more concerned about the fruits of the operation at this time. Rosinandi's declaration of, I'm sorry, I am a lieutenant in the navy made him unable to control his murderous intention any longer.

The rescue of X-Drake made him mistakenly believe that Luo had been protected by the navy, and a string in his heart was finally broken. Just when he was about to fire, there was an overwhelming pressure, and the entire island's snow was crushed by a foot. Among the members of the Don Quixote family behind him, some who were slightly weaker all fell down, and the rest were also crumbling.

Doflamingo's overlord instinct started to fight back, but was defeated instantly.

How could this be such a strong overlord?

Doflamingo's pupils behind his sunglasses were extremely shocked.


The birdcage was smashed from the front, and a figure descended with rage, slamming it down in front of Doflamingo. The intensity of the overlord color has reached another level.

Punch out!

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