Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 106 Knowledge changes destiny


With a bang, Tezog smashed the marble tabletop with one punch. He ignored the blood on his hands and stared at Noah with a ferocious expression. Not many people knew about this.

How did you know!

You know it accidentally, don't you hate the Tianlong people? Using money to control and do the same thing as those who hurt you, isn't it a kind of betrayal?

What do you know! There are things that money can't buy, and people without money can't do anything!

“I only know that your understanding of money is still too simple, your acquisition of value is too primitive, and you are still so ignorant of the nature of the world.

Stella's tragedy should not happen in the normal world, and Marie Joa's dungeon should not exist. Do you understand? You don't understand.

Noah, who turned on the taunt mode, squirted heartily. He really looked down on Tezog's future choices. The girl he loved was bought away, leaving a shadow in his heart. However, after he was rescued, he did even more extreme things and cooperated with the Tianlong people. Just want to dominate everything? He was just dominated by desire.

So what about the golden fruit? If you control gold, you will want to control the sea. Dream!

The living room fell into silence again, and the thugs who rushed in after hearing the noise were all knocked down by the overlord. The only sound heard at the scene was Terzog's violent breathing.

If you want to know everything, come to me. If you want to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future, come to me. I've been living on a boat at the dock for the past three days.

After that, he left a few books and left.

Tezog sat quietly in the living room, his memory of the smiling girl was a little blurry, Stella, did I really do something wrong?

After a long time, I picked up the books on the table.

Das Kapital and National Economics

Open the first book, Preface 1, Cost Price and Profit

Originally it was just a rough look at it, but Terzog quickly became involved. He is really good at knowledge related to economics and money. Some terms and formulas, combined with certain experience, context, and experience, turned out to be very useful. I walked in, and the more I looked at it, the more shocked I became. Although there were still many things he didn't understand, the parts he understood already made him lose his mind.

No wonder he said that I don’t understand what economics is. It was indeed simple before.

Not to mention Tezog who was studying hard over there, back on the Voyager, Noah and Tezog started working hard again. Job content: mop the deck, maintain the ship, replenish supplies, cook, and wash dishes. These things show that even if two people put together a reward of 6 billion beli, they still have to work, which will embarrass the strong men on the sea.

Whenever Robin isn't around, Noah misses her. Flowers and fruits, number one in the home life fruit rankings. The only thing that can compete with it is the results of surgery. That kind of unreasonable surgery space is also the best choice for life.

We stayed on the boat like this until the third day. In the cabin, Tiger asked Noah: Will Terzog really come?

He will definitely come. Noah said firmly.

So sure?

Yes, if he doesn't come I will tie him up.

Is this good? Tiger said with a black line on his face.

Why is it bad? If you leave him here, you will be on the road of no return. The abyss of greed is endless. If you don't interrupt it at the beginning, you won't be able to pull it back in the future. Look, isn't this coming? Well.

Noah's sense of sight has already sensed Terzog's arrival. When I came to the deck, I saw him walking over holding those books. It's just that the shape is weird, and the eye sockets are black.

Ah~~~, he yawned first.

How many days have you been awake for?

3 days.

Well, Tezog is still of average strength and is not qualified to stay up late. Staying up late is something only the strong can do.

I choose to join you.


Terzog is a smart man, and he knew from the moment Noah and Tiger came here that they must have something to do with him. With his current wealth, he is definitely not in the eyes of these two people.

Then he is the only one. His strength is average, and his power is small compared to those big forces, so what matters most is his brain and financial means. This is the only thing he is proud of at this time.

This was confirmed even more after seeing the book left by Noah. Regarding the criticism of capital, the formulation and operation of social economy, and their action programs, he knew that he had no choice. Because if what he did before develops further, he will basically end up being hung from the street lamp.

It can only be said that this kind of recruitment is very hard-core, and it is because he has failed to live up to his expectations and has become a black-hearted capitalist. Now he has no choice but to run away. Fortunately, no more serious crime occurred, otherwise there would not even be solicitation and he would be put on trial directly.

There are very few smart people who understand current affairs like this. Saved a lot of Noah's saliva.

What about your property?

Return wherever it comes from, but only normal labor income will be returned, and the part earned through me will not be returned. The excess part will be sold into liquid assets and sent to a secret base of mine. As funds for future activities.

I also paid severance packages to all the people I recruited, and those who wanted to leave could just leave on their own. I collected all the incriminating evidence from several people with criminal records and then sent them to the nearby naval base.

As for the corrupt people in the Navy, the list is here, and it's up to you how you want to deal with them.

He thought very comprehensively and acted very quickly. He took care of everything in just three days. He is really talented. As long as there is no slippage in thinking, it must be reused. I believe the dragon will be very happy.

Now can I ask some questions?

As he spoke, Terzog opened Das Kapital.

What a headache. When copying these books, Noah made a lot of localization modifications. The modifications made his head hurt. The modification of hard-core books is much more difficult than that of literary and artistic books. It must be logical and consistent with the language environment. It is too difficult. .

Now there is still a good student who wants to be tutored by the teacher, so come and let you see the power of the revolutionary lights.

Come here, there is a special classroom on the ship.

As he walked into the classroom, Tezog was a little curious about the iron bars nailed on the windows. Ordinary ships would not have such a design in this place. There are obvious signs of violent damage on some tables and chairs, and there are also drag marks on the ground.

This was done by the previous student. He had been wanting to rush out and jump into the sea for a while, so he sealed it as a last resort. After saying that, the door behind him closed with a creaking sound.

Then let's start making up lessons.

duang~~Another pile of books.

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