Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1062 Make a wish and let the heroic spirits of the sea return

Even if the muscles are torn, the bones are shattered into pieces, the magic circuits are overloaded to the point of bleeding, and the will is destroyed into nothingness, they will never stop pursuing the direction of the righteous partners.

In the last charge, all the followers gave their greatest assistance.

Facing the falling rain of stars. Cu Chulainn was as brave as in the myth. Even though his two magic spears had broken, he still jumped into the sky to fight.

In the end, the heart was broken and the life was lost.

But Cu Chulainn could not fall. He leaned on the hilt of the sword behind him and stared at the enemy angrily.

“This time, it’s really fun.”

The Lancer returns to the Throne of Valor.

The other heroic spirits also blocked the attacks for the charging two people one after another, and even Medea fired the last wave of magic cannons with high-speed divine words.

Such passionate things are really not suitable for me, boss.

In the most difficult moment, King Arthur waved the sword of victory in his hand.

Saber has found her answer from her master. Shirou is a man who cannot speak, but his actions and will have long infected the former King of Camelot.

As long as the path is wrong, even your future self can firmly deny it.

Such a young man is really dazzling. It would be great if you were my knight.

The past is past, so remember your past for the last time.

The King of Knights concentrated the last strength of his body on the arms holding the hilt of the sword. Regardless of the wound on his chest that penetrated his whole body, he raised the golden sword high.

The light keeps gathering. The dazzling brilliance gathered together one after another, as if illuminating this peerless holy sword to embellish it with the most dazzling brilliance was their supreme mission.

The fierce and pure light made the King of Heroes on the opposite side hold their breath and become speechless.

This heroic figure once illuminated a dark and troubled world that was even more chaotic than the night.

In ten years of perseverance, he went through twelve battles without defeat. The King of Knights' achievements are unparalleled in the world, and his noble honor will last forever.

That glorious divine sword is the sad and lofty dream that all the warriors who died on the battlefield held in their hearts at the last moment across the past, present and future - the crystallization of their prayers called 'Glory'.

Turn that will into a glorious revelation and admonish yourself to carry out your faith. At this moment, the victorious king loudly sang the true name of the miracle in his hand.

That is--


The stream of light surged and the roar shook the sky. All obstacles in front of Shirou were shattered.

Shirou!!! Come on!!!

'Bring back the promised victory.'

The two Emiya Shirou followed the light cannon and rushed in front of the Ancient King. The King of Heroes also understood that this was a life and death crisis. He raised his hand and grabbed the Deviation Sword, and endless magic power began to gather.

Lock of Heaven!

This is the most trusted treasure of the King of Heroes and the incarnation of his beloved friend. You can definitely buy yourself a moment of time.

In just a moment, everything can be erased with the analyzed sword of deviation.

But the Heroic Spirit Emiya took the first step without any defense and wrapped his body around the chains. The pink petals did not block the crazy golden sparkle, and finally he was penetrated by a Star Sword.

Looking at the young man who passed him and continued to charge, Hong A was extremely envious at this moment. This was his former self and not his former self.

The red radiance on his body is everything he desires.

Come on, Shirou.

His sacrifice was not in vain, the young Shirou revealed the weapon he was most familiar with, Wadou Ichimonji.

Phew, clang!

One sword cut off Gilgamesh's arm holding Ea.

Seeing his arm detached from his body, the king was a little confused. How could this group of ants actually do it?

The merciless young Emiya retaliated and pierced the heart of the King of Heroes with his sword, showing no mercy.

Then there is beheading. A physically strong person will not die even if his heart is destroyed.

He firmly remembers the instructions from his teacher.

The king falls in the sunset. Only one of the eight servants survived, and this was the price of conquering the Ancient King.

Only Young Man returned to the ruins of Liudong Temple. Watching the other servants slowly being broken, he felt for the first time the sadness of the passing of his comrades.

It turns out that victory doesn't mean happiness either.

The masters at the foot of the mountain sensed the departure of their servants, and they all understood that their war was over.

The theoretical fifth Holy Grail War is over.

With the return of the souls of the eight servants, the hole leading to the Heroic Soul Seat was opened, and there was finally no limit to the massive evil in this world.

This human being named Noah actually had no restrictions on evil thoughts and did not make any strange actions, but no matter what, now was the time for his birth.

He has had enough of being burned by human will, and now the time for revenge has arrived!

A young man who looked like Shirou Emiya walked out of the black ocean. He had black hair and black eyes. His body was covered with ancient tattoos, and his head was wrapped in a red holy cloth.

Angora Mainyu, the ordinary young man who contaminated the Holy Grail.

Whether it was being sacrificed for carrying all the sins of the world during his lifetime, or the sorrow of being thrown into the Holy Grail during the Third Holy Grail War.

He is qualified to take revenge on this world.

The black ocean began to spread in this underground space, submerging the glory of this human being in the viciousness of human beings themselves.

The conflict is mutual. When evil thoughts are greater than human will, even Noah will be in danger of falling.

Noah was also waiting for this time.

Friends, it's time to go to the Heroic Sea.

He took out a book, threw it into the dark sea, and began to make a wish.

This operation has stunned all the evil in this world.

Noah, do you still want to make a wish after knowing the truth about the Holy Grail? Will you continue to make this wish even if it is twisted?

Haha, let's try to twist them.

Noah had already figured it out at this time, and entering the medium and desire of the Great Holy Grail was the last resort.

Pray that all my former partners will become heroic spirits and continue to fight to protect a beautiful world!!

The black sea began to rise and fall, and endless power was poured into the book.

Filth, corruption, curse, greed, desire, death, fear, jealousy, all the negative aspects of human beings are stirring.

This is a force that a mere Noah cannot resist, an abyss that even gods cannot resist.

Starting from Pirates and Burning the World

From the book of legends of Noah from another world, countless beings who can become heroic spirits were born from the epic and magnificent sea war.

The evil in this world decided to twist Noah's former partners and let them destroy the world in a dark way.

Noah, I will make you so heartbroken that you will regret it, and you will be immersed in the cruelest torture for eternity?!

Boom! ! Boom! ! Boom! !

In the ocean of evil in this world, an endless heartbeat suddenly appeared, and the huge pulse even made the ocean tremble.

What is this?

Angola Newman knelt down on the sea as if he had eaten something poisonous.

Little red stars appeared in the black ocean, and then more and more, more and more.

It was like someone dropped countless fiery red crystals on the bottom of the sea.

Then the books that absorbed the black evil of this world finally gathered enough power.

Mars turned into an erupting volcano, a burning sea of ​​fire, and a red sun.

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