Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1061 The giant Emiya is unparalleled

Of course not. This black mud can be considered the magic power itself. Don't waste it.

Saying words that would make even the evil in this world feel frightened, Noah's posture was even greater than that of a devil.

The sound of the word Wado burning the evil in this world underground also reached Gilgamesh's heart.

Because he could feel the evil of this world remaining in his body, he was hysterical, and even tried to control the king's body.

But why would the Ancient King care about such a thing? With his personality and will, he cannot be controlled by such evil thoughts.

What the king is more concerned about is that these eight people are giving him some pressure that shouldn't exist.

What's going on with that human servant? Before, he was an ordinary human with exaggerated strength, but now he has become a half-heroic spirit.

Its combat power is even more exaggerated. Looking at the opponent through the omniscient and omnipotent star, there are many hidden secrets in it.

And I always feel that I have been defeated by the opponent somewhere in parallel time and space.

Based on his personality, if he feels this way, it means it is true, so the entanglement between them may go beyond this.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, so he struck harder and harder, but the king, who could never kill these little fleas, was a little irritated.

So it was decided to end this game, and Noah was the main dish.

Take out Ea and get ready to go crazy.

Although the EA sword belongs to the category of sword, it should be closer to a staff. The three stone slabs each represent heaven, earth, and the underworld, and each rotate in different directions to show the proper form of the world.

After the rotation completed the interpretation of all the information in this small world, huge magic power began to gather.

The star that opened up the universe (En?ma Eli?)

The tip of the sword was pointed at no one. The power of disorder's chaos struck the mental world, and the endless sword was drawn into it and began to fall on the path of destruction. The gears in the sky were sucked into it and twisted into disorder's magic power, and the world began to collapse.

The eight followers were also frightened when they saw the scene of heaven and earth being annihilated. How powerful this was.

Saber has no plans to use light cannons to fight. If the victory is determined by the power of the Noble Phantasm, the only one that can beat Saber's Holy Sword is the Hero King's Sword of Deviation.

The sky collapsed and the earth shattered. In the darkness where everything gradually faded into nothingness, only the King of Heroes' deviant sword shone brightly.

The space was distorted, and everyone returned to the ruins of Liudong Temple.

Without the support of the mind that can control the world, not even the eight servants can survive from his hands for long.

The white-haired heroic spirit is bleeding from the corner of his mouth at this moment. If his body is severely injured, his inner world will be defeated and fed back to his body.

But he was not sad because his other self had a different scenery.

The young Emiya stood out and watched his enemy sing about his own different mental world.

Experiences similar to but different from those of Heroic Spirit Emiya are passed on in time and space. No one felt sadness from it, but a will as firm as a sword.

I am the bone of the sword I hold, and this body is made of the sword.

Steel is the body, and fire is the blood. The tide of blood is like iron and the heart is like glass

There are more than a thousand hand-made swords, and they have conquered countless battlefields without defeat.

I don’t know what I have lost, and I have never been defeated.

I don’t know what I’ve gained, and I haven’t won a single victory.

Make all the weapons with pain, waiting for the beauty to come.

I am here alone, forging a sword on the sword hill.

No regrets. This is the only way, then this life does not have any meaning.

This life is the Unlimited Sword System

This body is determined to be made of the Infinity Sword

Flames flashed, throwing the Ancient King and other servants into the boy's infinite sword system.

The empty wilderness is filled with endless treasures, and there are no huge gears in the sky, only the beautiful clouds under the sunset.

The young Emiya stood on the Sword Hill and looked fearlessly at the King of Heroes.


After saying that, he pulled out the indestructible Holy Saint at hand and killed him. The decisiveness when one person charged gave Heroic Spirit Emiya a headache.

This Shirou was really excited.

But another infinite sword system is really beautiful.

Pull out the emptiness at your feet and open up the green horizon of thousands of mountains, and the dawn horizon that burns away thousands of seas.

Feeling the composition of it, his face was full of disbelief, how could that class card be so abnormal. What happened to Shirou Emiya in another time and space?

All the double swords of the God of War Zababa can be so lifelike.

But it was a bargain and I gained a new sword-making principle. Just like the boy copied the Noble Phantasm from him.

The white-haired heroic spirit carrying two swords also walked through the wasteland, with a wanton smile on his face.

I, Shirou Emiya, have achieved what I have today solely due to my own efforts. There is nothing wrong with me.

The others also recovered from the shock and continued to surround and kill the King of Heroes.

Anyway, this young man has been shocking everyone and is not ashamed.

And after just releasing a shot of Ea, even with the King of Heroes' ability, it is difficult to fire a second shot in a short time.

Moreover, the two worlds seem to be the same but are actually different. If the information of this world cannot be collected through the three sections of stone slabs, it cannot be destroyed in one blow, so EA also fell into a short CD period.

Then the most brutal fighting began.

In addition to the Kuili Sword, he also has many noble phantoms that are the pinnacle of mythology.

As a result, the declaration of the great god that appeared again was blocked by Cu Chulainn, not with his own red magic spear, but with Gayeberg in the infinite sword system. In other words, the magic gun is fully liberated.

Even with this thing, this mental world is really more comprehensive.

If Cu Chulainn hadn't learned the art of double spears, I don't know how happy he would be now.


Hercules fought with his life, losing 3 lives and fighting to get close again, and then was trapped by the lock of heaven.

No heroic spirit with divinity can escape. This is the incarnation of Enkidu, who is comparable to Gilgamesh.

The chain made by the Sumerian gods was originally a divine weapon used to pull the Wedge of Heaven back to the gods. The higher the captured person's divinity, the harder the chain will be, making it harder to break free.

At this time, Shirou, a young man with red hair and golden eyes, arrived. Seeing this scene, he directly picked up the Wuming Ax Sword dropped by Heracles and liberated it directly in front of everyone.

[This is, shoot a hundred heads]

Rather than saying it is a Noble Phantasm, it is more like a school. The hero Hercules' Noble Phantasm Shoot a Hundred Heads is a universal Noble Phantasm Secret Sword that can change its shape according to the object.

Move the sword with great speed to quickly attack 8 vital points on the upper arm, collarbone, trachea, skull, dovetail, ribs, gold and jade, and thighs, and finally pierce the chest with the sword.

Nine rounds of the same sword skill were fired, directly opening Hercules' shackles. Then the young man handed the unmarked ax to the original owner.

This sword is good.

Hercules, who regained his freedom, was a little confused. Because he came to the Holy Grail War as a madman, he had lost his original sword skills, but he was liberated and reappeared in the body of an outsider.

Even though the violent power is still lingering in his mind, he is still a little down. What is this boy?

Extremely puzzled, he continued to roar and charge.

The continuous flow of Noble Phantasms liberation caused great difficulties to the King of Heroes, and his golden armor also received some scars.

But in such an unseemly battle, the deviant sword placed in the sky by the King of Heroes is about to complete the analysis of this infinite sword system. It can destroy all enemies as long as it waits for a moment.

The servants who besieged him on the opposite side were also seriously injured one after another. In the end, only the heroic spirit Emiya and the young Shirou were left.

In fact, the injuries suffered by these two people were not weak at all, but there was a strength in their bones that prevented them from falling.

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