Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1063 The truth about departure and time travel

The Holy Grail makes a wish and reverses cause and effect.

There are countless heroic spirits born from the book carrying the red will. The Holy Grail system rooted in the third method perfectly fits this plan.

With the help of the power of the Great Holy Grail, the transformation into a heroic spirit was completed ahead of schedule.

As for their causes, they are repaying the source of evil in this world.

The evil in this world wanted to distort this wish but found that it could not be done at all. The will of each of these millions of heroic spirits was very firm.

And with the glorious support of billions of human souls behind him, the black ocean is being dyed red.

The evil in this world is being infected by the will of the New World Alliance. This is an irreversible outcome.

You don't think that I can really purify the evil thoughts of 6 billion human beings with the power of one person.

Of course it relies on the strength of everyone in the entire sea!!

Noah was extremely happy to see the sea slowly turning red. This is the correct way to destroy the evil in this world.

Evil thoughts began to scare me, how could there be so much power of will, how could there be so many lights!


The big bear broke through the sea, nodded while looking at Noah standing on the shore, and then walked into the passage leading to the Seat of Heroes without hesitation. Ivankov made a funny face before leaving.

Then there was Rocinante, who looked at Teacher Noah and the strange tattooed boy in surprise, waved his hands enthusiastically and left.

Dragon, on the other hand, glanced around the environment after breaking through the sea water, then looked at Angola Newman, and used his eyes to indicate to Noah whether he should kill this tattooed idiot. After being rejected by Noah with a smile, he went to the Seat of Heroes.

Warring States, Garp, Crane, Zefa, Aoki, Kizaru, Bucky, Red Hair, Red Earl, Hawkeye, Lao Sha, Empress, Rayleigh, Kureha, Kid, Kuina, Zoro, Luo

Countless people who left their names in the sea war and were Noah's comrades-in-arms came out of the book and joined the camp to protect the survival of mankind without any refusal.

Even if he is faced with a Lostbelt that is countless times more brutal than the God-Slaying War or the incineration of humanity, he will not take a step back.

This is the radiance of the noble will.

The huge noise made the entire Heroic Soul Seat start to tremble, because since this thing was created, I never thought that so many super heroes would arrive at once.

This unknown space was shocked, and beings outside the world saw the constellation of Heroes turning into red stars.

【What a mess. 】

Inhibition is constantly erasing the influence.

Every time a person steps out of the black ocean in the Great Holy Grail, a large amount of magic power will be extracted, and purification will be completed at the same time.

When it came to the end, there was really not much left in the underground space, and Noah even began to worry that there was not enough evil in this world.

Angola Newman had already fallen to his knees and lost the idea of ​​resistance.

This shouldn't be. It's obviously an illusory existence, so why does it still have a will?

Because human will is a miracle. As the Holy Grail leading to the third method, you can't say this. By the way, do you have any more?

No more, no more, no more

The 60 years of accumulated magic power in Fuyuki City and the evil in this world of 6 billion people were almost completely consumed, and the entire Holy Grail system made an overwhelming sound.

The last two to fly out of the Great Grail were Robin and Noah himself.

Looking at the person accompanying his sister, Noah felt a rare sense of envy. It wouldn’t be bad to be a heroic spirit, Noah.

It can be regarded as fulfilling the promise he made under the Tree of Omniscientity.

Even...even if I disappear, as long as there are humans in this world, there will still be evil thoughts gathering.

What does that have to do with me? Isn't that something that the heroic spirit Noah has to take care of?

The evil in this world finally let out an unwilling cry, and the Holy Grail War system collapsed at the same time.

The 200 years of war history surrounding this land also completely bid farewell to Fuyuki City.

Aozaki Orange also gained a lot after watching this exciting battle. It turns out that magic exists like this, but the will in Noah's body is not considered the sixth method.

After all, that's something magic can never do.

He left the cave that was about to collapse with Aozaki Orange, met up with the somewhat lonely red-haired boy, and then returned to the Tree of Omniscient with the Master at the foot of the mountain.

Tell the Clock Tower that the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City has been completely destroyed. If you don't believe it, you can have it inspected.

From now on, the mysterious side supervisors of this city will be temporarily handed over to the Tohsaka family.

Rin, Gem Master is waiting for you at the Clock Tower to recruit a disciple. Come along too.

After saying that, Kallen and Bazett were sent back to the clock tower.

Rin bowed to Noah and left, unable to be stubborn in front of such a person for the time being.

Aozaki Orange took Sakura away, and a portal went directly back to Jialan Hall.

Based on the title decision, she has obtained the right to permanently refuse the designated seal. Basically, she has no obsession except her sister.

Only Noah, Shirou and Illya were left here.

He gave many instructions, including the issue of Noah’s property in this world.

Although he has only been in business for ten years, he has an extraordinary understanding of the direction of the world and has still earned hundreds of millions of dollars. His assets can only be described as the best among bosses.

And on the mysterious side, I got a lot of good things.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou, the only direct disciple in the world, instantly became a super wealthy family.

After talking a lot, Noah found that he actually talked as much as an old father, but he was about the same age.

The five years of master-disciple relationship left a child named Shirou in his heart.

Teacher is leaving too. Alaya has been waiting for me for ten years. So Shirou, protect your sister.

I have said everything that needs to be said, regardless of the manly appearance of this red-haired kid holding back tears.

Walking out of the Tree of Omniscientity, Noah stepped into a space door leading to the outside world.

Once again, I saw the strange sight of the invisible vortex of power being entangled in the center by two star rings.

I'm here, tell me the truth.

[In higher dimensions, the gods decided to erase the existence of human beings. The war began and Lu Bu Adam died in battle]

So, I came to Xingyue World because it is the closest world system to Alaya.

The inhibitory power of primates is a safety device created by the collective subconscious of mankind. Alaya, who is a prayer to avoid the destruction of human wishes, is indeed on the side of human beings.

How many Chosen Ones are left now, and how many Chosen Ones have died.

[3,544,868 left, 463584385435 dead]

This number is suffocating. Countless fellow travelers who saved humanity died fighting. Are so many people just fighting for a chance?

Travel through the endless world, use the red will to ignite their power into legends, and then conquer the gods.

【Tell me your choice】

Even for the blood and tears of those who are traveling with you, you will not give up.

So, let me continue to move forward. Even if I die on the road, there will be those who come after me and step on my bones. This is my realization.

【Humanity will not perish.】

[Gift.Holy Grail Concept]

A transparent cup dropped into Noah's body from an infinite height, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the world together.

Before leaving the world, I saw the heroic spirit Noah and the heroic spirit Robin meeting Gilgamesh with a girl holding a large shield in the time and space of ancient Babylon. It was really a strange development.

After Noah left, the abstract restraint transformed into a silver-haired girl, leaving a tear falling on her palm.

No. 3544868. Survive, Noah.

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