Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1060 Oranges under Liudong Temple

He didn't think that even if the eight ants were strengthened, they wouldn't be his opponent. So I plan to take action to keep Noah.

But he forgot about the inherent barrier of magic that rewrites reality with the user's mental landscape. This is the magic closest to magic.

This body is made of swords.

The body is like steel and the heart is like glass.

Across countless battlefields without defeat.

He has never been defeated once, and he has never found a close friend.

He always stands on the top of Sword Hill, drunk on victory alone.

However, this life is meaningless.

Therefore, as I pray, Unlimited sword control. As a sword, it is made by nature.

The mantra began to distort space as Emiya chanted. Replace yourself and the world without changing your realm.

A fire was ignited in the mental world, covering this place and passing by.

It brings 8 servants and the King of Heroes into a strange space.

In the burning infinite wilderness, there are huge gears spinning in the gray sky.

Countless swords are preserved stuck in the ground, like tombstones.

The portrait of a man's life is engraved in his bones.

Gilgamesh originally only took it for fun, but this time he became the fun again. He had lost the opportunity to pursue Noah.

You guys really gave me a little surprise.

Golden light spread from the wild ground to between the gears in the sky, directly pulling out a curtain of light that blocked the sky and the sun.

Endless treasures appear in the treasure house. This is the true anger of the king. Everyone will be bombarded to pieces!

Let's go!

The young Emiya pulled out a sword from the ground and charged forward with seven servants, not caring about the future where the stars would fall.

I thought it would be a simple matter to mobilize the corresponding Noble Phantasms to defeat these servants like yesterday, but Gilgamesh was wrong again.

The gap in the combat power of this group of heroes under leadership and without leadership is very large.

Under the mobilization of the young Shirou, every servant is helping his comrades resolve the painful and tragic memories of their fate.

The Sword of the Defying Lord, Mordred's weapon, the Sword of the Brilliant King, flew towards Saber again, but was directly stopped by Lancelot's Lake Light without Regrets and Gawain's Sword of Rotating Victory projected by the red A.

The swords of the two protectors forcibly defeated the rebellious ministers who led to the destruction of Camelot.

The curse of Eros' bow and arrow was directly ended by the petrification power of Medusa, and the gods were killed.

As for the bronze swords and shields, countless daggers were blown into pieces all over the ground. Hassan silently took action to deal with the fragile treasures in the surrounding area.

As for the blood of Medusa, it was blown away by the Wind King's barrier to an unknown location.

The team complemented each other and directly won the first attack.

You guys did a good job.

The King of Heroes, with his arms folded, felt a rare sense of passion as he watched the battle of the eight servants.

In that case, use your lives to warm up.

The King of Heroes who was fighting in the infinite sword system did not expect that Noah had arrived in the underground space.

A terrifyingly huge magic circle is painted on the garlic-shaped rock surface. This is the Great Holy Grail, also known as the Grail of Heaven, which is the true core of the Holy Grail War.

Sitting at the center of the formation is the Winter Saint Justeza. Two hundred years ago, the Einzbern woman offered her body as the center of the Great Holy Grail.

The evil of this world is waiting to be born within it, using the Great Holy Grail as its womb.

Watching the small Holy Grail of initial inorganic matter that Cheng Zi spent 10 years restoring slowly being filled, Noah also deeply admired this man's magic ability.

The Holy Grail War is essentially a huge ritual system planned by the Einzbern, Tohsaka and Magiri families in order to reach the root.

During the Holy Grail War, Einzbern was responsible for providing the Greater Holy Grail, the Lesser Holy Grail, the basis for summoning heroic spirits, and compensation for losses caused by the Holy Grail War.

During the Holy Grail War, Magiri was responsible for providing the concept of the Servants system and the Command Spell system used to bind Servants.

During the Holy Grail War, Tohsaka was responsible for providing a spiritual land that was not affiliated with the church and away from the sight of the Magic Association, the secret technique that opened holes in the world, and the system that formed the servants.

This is the origin of Yusanjia.

Using the power of the Heroic Spirits to return to the Seat of Heroic Spirits located outside the world, a hole is opened in the world, and the huge magic power accumulated in the Great Holy Grail is used to fix the hole, thereby creating a door to the outside of the world. .

They began to build this thing 200 years ago and put it into the spiritual veins of Fuyuki City. Every 60 years, it gathers the power to open the hole.

Aozaki Orange spent 10 years forcing the Great Holy Grail to take shape after obtaining the information from the three families.

In fact this is a destructive method and a way to end the Holy Grail. This broken cup is already filled with the sludge of the evils of this world, so it would be best to simply disappear into the world.

Orange, who had sneaked in at some point, also came to the underground space, and was filled with emotion as he looked at the Holy Grail that was gradually taking shape.

The Yusan family is indeed very capable, especially the Einzbern family, which has a heritage of more than a thousand years and the research results of having been exposed to the third method and retaining the third method as its core. There is indeed a way to the Cup of Heaven. .

So don't you consider purifying Him and using this Great Holy Grail to fulfill your wish?

You can realize all your wishes, such as becoming the king of the world, or making yourself an immortal god. Or resurrecting certain people.

When he said the last sentence, there was already a hint of confusion in his words.

I need these things to access the world beyond. I'm not interested in the roots either.


Noah snorted coldly, and the domineering color directly covered Aozaki Orange and made her regain consciousness.

It's indeed a bit powerful. It can actually bypass the still-forming container and affect me.

Cheng Zi immediately loaded his body with a lot of defensive magic, especially mind control ones.

I said that this black mud is the evil of human beings, and human emotions and emotions are things that can create miracles.

Groups like magicians who have no moral restraint and are full of desires are more likely to be infected.

After cracking the last resort, the two saw the black sludge roaring in the huge container, and the holes were slowly opening.

Noah's plan from 10 years ago was not to fight another war that would destroy the world. He only came here to eliminate the evil in this world and remove the Holy Grail system.

As for Jin Shining, he believed in his disciples.

The hole of endless malice began to take shape, and the black sludge tried to fall into this reality drop by drop.

Once released, the Great Holy Grail will continue to flow out black mud, causing disasters until all humans are destroyed.

When he swallows half of the world's humans, he will probably become a Beast, causing the suppressive power to summon a crowned servant to appear in the world.

But a person like Noah will not give the other party any chance, not even the initial leak.

He stood directly under the hole and inserted the word Wado on top of the hole to block it. The red flames burned on his body, constantly burning with malice.

The plot in movies and TV shows where similar things are released and then cause a world disaster does not hold true here.

Even the little bit of black mud in the outside world was either exaggerated by himself or by his disciples.

Caution is something engraved in the bones.

Chengzi looked at Noah's word Wado inserted in the hole and remained motionless, feeling a little suspicious.

Your final plan won't be to purify the evil thoughts of these 6 billion people by yourself, right?

As he said this, even Aozaki Orange felt it was a bit nonsense. This guy is not that arrogant.

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