Because Saber, who is in a state of neither life nor death, has actually been on the hill of Camlan, and on the timeline, it is also in the period when Mordred was just killed.

Her emotional flaw and weakness in combat power made her very embarrassed.

But Berserker's experience was even more miserable.

The blood of Hydra and the Lock of Heaven completely restrained this demigod hero.

No matter how Berserker, who was trapped on the ground by the Heavenly Locks, shook, the strength of Hercules could not break this noble phantom specifically aimed at divinity.

Enkidu can be a creature of the gods who can compete with Jin Shining, and the chains he incarnates are inescapable for demigods.

The blood of Hydra caused Berserker to wail in pain, which is a kind of pain that can touch the depths of the soul from history to mythology.

Four of the five heroic spirits in the attack are almost ready to be sent. Only the heroic spirit Emiya can restrain it by relying on the characteristics of the future heroic spirits, or that the characteristics of the guardian have no existing mythological foundation.

He carried the banner with one person, and managed to hold on with the help of the constant projection of Fantasy Collapse.

But in his heart, he was also scolding these comrades for their unreliability and Jin Shining's lack of martial ethics. Isn’t it too much to use something like an omniscient and omnipotent star here?

This is the reason why true information about the servants cannot be easily revealed in the Holy Grail War. Anyone who knows it can make targeted arrangements.

Of course, among the previous Holy Grails, only the oldest king Gilgamesh can do this.

At this moment, he ended the battle with great force, sweeping away the five servants with his own strength. This was the fighting power of a king outside the rules.

Only he can bear the title of King of Heroes.

This battle is basically over, and Noah didn't even show up, which is really annoying.

So Jin Shining's eyes were already looking at the five servants.

I am here to make an announcement that this time the Holy Grail War has ended. Enzang Mountain has been occupied by me.

The nodes set by Noah can be destroyed at any time. If you want to win, let Noah come over!

The opponent made such a high-profile appearance and defeated everyone just for an announcement. He is really a willful king.

Of course, it was fortunate that the king was very willful, otherwise these people would have died, but before leaving, the Hero King suddenly smiled wickedly.

But only one person is enough to convey the message. There are too many servants and heroic spirits here.

After saying that, before Rin and others could think too much, Jin Shining took out the Great God's Declaration Gangnir. This is a magical weapon with a sure-hit attribute.

Killing people at random to give a warning and establish authority. It was a very popular method more than 4,000 years ago.


A loud shout overwhelmed the entire crowd, and the Ancient King looked at the human brat with contempt.

Rin tugged at the boy's clothes but to no avail. The fire in the red-haired boy's eyes was no longer hidden.

Even though his soul has been locked, even though his body is trembling and suppressed by the opponent's powerful aura. But he still stood up.

If you want to be a partner of justice, you have to bear more suffering than anyone else.

Someone has to fight against this guy in order for Rin and the others to survive.

And Red A looked like he had guessed. This guy would definitely say something boring about being a righteous partner, and that he could not harm his companions unless he was killed first.

Back then, I really liked doing these meaningless things.

However, in order to realize the wish of distorting myself, I have to protect him. I am the most pitiable Emiya.

While walking towards the young Emiya, he began to recite the incantation.

Apart from this move, I can't think of any other way to save myself.

I am the bone of the sword I hold.

As a sword, it is made by nature.

Steel is the body, and fire is the blood.

The blood flow is like iron, and the heart is like glass.

There are more than a thousand handmade swords.

Across countless battlefields without defeat.

Unknown to death,

Never once was defeated.

The wind picked up, and the heroic spirit Emiya's expression became serious and sad. Every time he was liberated, he deepened his sorrow.

At this moment, in order to hold back Jin Shining's hatred, the young Emiya thought of a small complaint in the story Noah told him.


My teacher said that you are a street lamp king!!!

? ? ! ! !

The whole audience was in an uproar, and Jin Shining's face became extremely ugly.

The declaration of the great god in the void directly targeted this bastard who spoke lies.

Your teacher? Who is he!!! Where is he!!

The sky in Fuyuki City became gloomy with the king's anger, and the dull atmosphere pressed on everyone's chest.

You will die! Your teacher will die too!! In the name of the Ancient King!!!

Projection. And the word Tao.

The crimson iron bar pointed directly at the King of Heroes.

His name is Noah.

A breath caught in his chest.

Okay, okay, his disciple is very good!

Gritting his teeth, Jin Shining didn't expect that bastard to give him such an embarrassing nickname behind his back. What was even more irritating was that he happened to be standing on a streetlight at the moment.

Can't go down? Damn it! !

Facing a disciple who is as strong as him, it is a bit embarrassing to bully the younger ones, but the Street Lamp King

Kid, if you don't die from this blow, I'll let you go.

Jin Shining, who was as disgusted as if he had eaten a fly, waved his hand, and the great god declared that he had entered the cause and effect.

The power of fear is eroding the young man's heart. The great god declares that high-level attacks, driven by magic like the King of Heroes, have power comparable to Odin.

Shirou gathered all his strength, magic, and everything he had into the sword, but the spear still flew toward his heart without any hindrance.

Even the word Wado in his hand began to break before it was touched.

The gap between more than ten years of life and such a legendary thing cannot be smoothed out by magic and swordsmanship.

It seems that death is close at hand, and the isolated Utopia cannot save itself.

Recalling that I was so helpless when facing that unrivaled sword intent on the red soil wasteland.

Shirou, actually my swordsmanship has never been the strongest in this other world.


I just read a lot of books and understand a lot of truths.

Is this the same as Kendo?

Because the strongest thing in our school is the will. How can I put it? If your will is strong enough, even gods will kill you.

will! Recalling the books I read in the Tree of Omniscientity, the greatest thing about mankind is

The red power surged out from the depths of the young man's body, burning like firewood and then poured into the weapon.

In that gesture, Saber and Jin Shining saw the light from ten years ago through the boy. They were really similar.

The inevitable death of cause and effect meets the invisible but qualitative light, which is also a magical collision.

Wait until the young man comes to his senses


This was the sound of the great god's declaration falling to the ground powerlessly, and the word Wado in his hand also disappeared at the same time.

your name.

Emiya Shirou.


Jin Shining suddenly became happy as if he had discovered a new toy.

He left here with two contaminated servants.

Everyone has a feeling of being reborn after a disaster.

Only Saber and Illya noticed something was wrong.

The young man's body fell straight down, and blood squeezed out from the body like a waterfall, dyeing the forest red.


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