Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1054 Three Dreams and Three People

Within the tree of omniscience.

Sakura and the remaining defeated soldiers came here to rest temporarily.

After all, the old residence of Emiya has been razed to the ground. The Ghost Mansion where Bazett and others stayed was the first place to be attacked by the enemy.

As for Tohsaka Rin, he said that he will not go home for the next few days.

Rebuilding an old house is very expensive, and she has rich experience.

Even though the Tohsaka family has a lot of magic patent fees in the clock tower, she doesn't intend to use it until she can achieve certain results on her own.

What's more, it would be embarrassing if the family residence was demolished for the second time.

So I didn't even mention the idea of ​​inviting everyone to stay at home, and went straight to the Tree of Omniscientity.

The super perverted master that Jin Shining and Saber are very afraid of is right here, so why bother looking far away.

As a result, when Sakura brought people back, the place was empty. It seems that Noah hasn't come back yet.

Did the boss run away?

Medea immediately became frightened when she saw her boss was gone. After being squeezed for a long time, she always wanted to resist, but she had a red spirit.

But Karen, who didn't know this, became frightened and ran away as soon as her face fell.

In fact, her relationship with Hassan is not that close, so it is not bad to save her life.

Should we contact the Holy Church? I am the representative of the church. This situation needs to be reported.

Bazett said coldly at this time.

Don't think about it. The power of the Church and the Magic Association cannot be directly involved during the Holy Grail War.

And how do you know that Gilgamesh has nothing to do with the higher ups?

What she has always been worried about is how Jin Shining was the first to directly target the Ghost Guild, and who else besides the Magic Association can summon an ownerless eighth heroic spirit.

Therefore, they have been abandoned.

This is a very common phenomenon on the magic side, abandoning inconsequential performers in order to verify something.

Once this speculation comes out, even the report cannot be used.

But no matter what, Sakura still served some drinks and food to everyone. A night of fighting consumes a huge amount of energy and magic power.

Especially Saber, who has not yet faced off against Shirou's magic circuit. She first suffered serious injuries and suffered a decline in her attributes. Now she can only rely on food to convert magic power.

Everyone, who was still in a state of chaos for the time being, could only watch Shirou Emiya out of boredom. His body, which could be said to be a humanoid rotten flesh, was slowly reorganizing with the help of the Fantasy Noble Phantasm.

This scene is an eye-opener for everyone. This healing prop is a bit powerful.

Saber drank hot tea and thought about when she should recover the lost scabbard. It was strange to always be wandering around.

Shirou looks like this on the outside, but it's different on the inside.

As the divine weapon of the Lord Odin, the Great God's Declaration has the power to reverse cause and effect not only on the body, but also on the soul and time.

Even though he had the protection of Wadao Yimon, he still entered a strange place in this state at this moment.

Cause and effect dreams.

He is the original cause, a boy who strives to become a partner of justice.

He is a different kind of fruit, a guardian whose hands are full of blood and everything is meaningless.

Chosen by Alaya for the survival of 500 people, he fell into regret in endless time and space.

Resentment, curse, loneliness, until exhausted.

Are you and your sword the only one left in the wasteland?

Shirou didn't like this ending, so he chopped up the dream.

Red A's eyes filled with murderous intent suddenly froze, and he felt like he was being spied on.

The boy's first dream ended and he entered his second dream. With Avalon running at full strength, his spiritual sense was particularly active today.

We came to an equally desolate ancient battlefield, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. This was a tragic civil war.

Only two riding figures were left on the battlefield, and what appeared in front of the king was alien armor.

The figure of the knight dragging his bloody sword looked like a ghost.

Said the ghost who seized the country and killed the soldiers, thirsting for invisible things.

How. That's it for your country. It's over. Whether I win or you win, everything is destroyed.

The king had no words to answer the knight, and was under no obligation to answer him.

The last remaining knights of Britain clashed with each other.

King Arthur Arturia knelt down and used the meaningless holy sword as a staff, looking at the piles of dead knights.


That is probably the true face that no one has ever seen.

She squeezed her lips together desperately to suppress herself from crying. The sadness made it difficult for her to breathe. Looking down at the end of Britain and crying loudly.

She burst into tears and complained that the only one who would be destroyed by crying was herself. Isn't it just the King of Foolishness who will face the death of stupidity?

Sorrow and anger that seem to tear the listener's chest apart, a cry that is enough to curse the world.

This is wrong. Absolutely wrong. I, even if I can allow my own death, I will never allow such a situation.

It is not the planet that responds to the king's wish, but the combination of human consciousness.

The King Carrier's own obsession responded to the call of the Holy Grail and came to the world!

So Shirou continued to crush this dream with the sword in his hand.

The word Wado on his hand suddenly glowed and brought him to his third dream.

The sea? A village burned by flames.

A young boy was caught on a pirate ship and became a handyman who was beaten and scolded. The scene changed and he became a slave and was locked in a dark cabin like a dead man. Finally, he was alive under an unimaginable tree that was set on fire. Come over.

After that, a magnificent history of growth, or war, began.

Step by step, countless fires were spread from the West Sea, East Sea, North Sea, South China Sea, many special oceans, and the central continent.

The economy, people's livelihood, ideas, science and technology, human nature, and strategy all broke through the oppression of the old world under his guidance.

From the fighting of a few people, to the war of hundreds of thousands of people, and finally the battle of killing millions of people, it was all under his control.

The young man experienced countless hardships and battles as he grew up, and lost many like-minded comrades, but he remained determined and never backed down.

In the end, the light of revolution ignited the whole world, and the boy who made the promise under the burning tree won.

Three dreams, three people's futures, three paths. Shirou already knew who those three people were.

Sure enough, will is the miracle of mankind.

Now, it's time to wake up.

Without any warning, Shirou regained his will and took over the reconstructed body.

I naturally moved my muscles and bones and felt as healthy as ever.

Then I realized that the atmosphere around me was a little depressing.

What's going on, everyone?

The young man didn't have the slightest fear as if he had just been beaten to a pulp. Instead, he naturally cared about everyone.

It turned out that when Shirou Emiya recovered, the seven masters and five servants present were very depressed and were discussing how to defeat Jin Shining.

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