Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1052 The arrival of the omniscient and omnipotent king

Suddenly, a white meteor flashed across the horizon and stood directly in front of the last Noble Phantasm.

Reins of the Riding Hero!

The white Pegasus screamed and rushed out of the void, carrying the body of a powerful fantasy species and violent magic power, and finally stood in front of everyone.

Pegasus is one of the most famous fantasy creatures in Greek mythology, the son of Medusa and Poseidon. Later, it was raised to the sky by Zeus and became the constellation Pegasus.

That is to say, this world does not have enough bonus for Pegasus. If it were to be in the world of that small universe, even a hundred Gilgamesh would not be enough to defeat him.

At the same time, the great magician from the Age of Gods floated in the sky. The high-speed divine words summoned endless magic light cannons and blocked the pursuit routes of those bright noble phantoms.

The collision of the surging magic power and the Noble Phantasm stirred up a tide of magic power, hanging across the sky like a streamer.

At night, people in Fuyuki City who had been frightened awake by the recent earthquake could see an unusual sight like an aurora appearing in the northwest sky.

The visitors were Sakura and Medea, who acted independently. They came at the last moment to save Rin, Shirou and others.

But Medusa also groaned at this time, and the white Pegasus wings were scratched by a Noble Phantasm and landed on the ground.

Sakura was awakened by the magic power fluctuations coming from Emiya's house, and out of worry about her nosy sister and Emiya-senpai, she came out with her servants.

When we arrived at the mansion, all that was left was the land that had been hit by artillery countless times. The large Japanese style mansion had completely disappeared.

So he immediately rode the Pegasus to follow the aura to support him, and happened to block those Noble Phantasms at the critical moment.

Medusa came here because she felt that some of the nodes she helped her boss set up were destroyed, and came to investigate the situation.

My boss went to the Albion Labyrinth to help the first-ranked puppet master chop people.

She would like to see who dares to do such a thing.

As soon as he arrived, he saw that the boss's disciple seemed to be about to be beaten to death, so he decisively rescued him.

But after taking action, she regretted why the threat that Jin Shining brought to her was somewhat similar to her own boss.

Even the magical aura of the physical body is somewhat similar.

Now it is a tradition that there is an eighth knight among the seven knights in the Holy Grail War.

So there were five followers gathered here, and three on the opposite side, all gathered at the foot of Enzang Mountain.

It can be said that almost all the combat power of the Holy Grail War has been assembled, but with five servants as one, they are still at a disadvantage.

Because Gilgameshpu repelled all the followers as soon as he took action, but the two followers behind him who were contaminated by black mud had not yet followed suit.

Even Berserker was killed and is in the process of being resurrected.

Everyone was stunned to see such extremely strong combat power. Is this what a heroic spirit can do?

The smell of death filled the place, and everyone felt uneasy.

Just when Jin Shining was about to say something pretentious, the heroic spirit Emiya, who was lying dead on the ground, suddenly pretended to be dead.

Just kidding, the only way to distort the concept is to kill the Emiya boy myself, so even the King of Heroes can't kill me!

Lying on the ground, he manifested a bow and arrow, aimed at Jin Shining's lower body, and shot an arrow.

Akhara Hound.

He is a magic weapon with a reputation for tracking, and he is sure to achieve certain results with a sneak attack at such a close distance. After all, he had the experience of fighting Jin Shining Shining back then.

As a result, this inevitable sneak attack was blocked. After the violent explosion, a few pink petals stayed at the feet of the King of Heroes, glowing.

Original Code. The blazing sky covers seven rings.

Hmph, fake.

The King of Heroes will not be knocked off the streetlight for the second time.

And after experiencing the failure of the last time, this time Jin Shining Shining is a slightly more vigilant Jin Shining Shining.

I don’t want anything bad to happen to me again before I have a showdown with that hateful guy, so...

The one who is embarrassed now is the white-haired heroic spirit who is lying on the ground and sneaking up on him.

What I want to say is that this is a misunderstanding. Are you still short of followers under your command?


Jin Shining looked at the heroic spirit lying on the ground with interesting eyes, and the omniscient and omnipotent star had already read the information about this fake.

It's really interesting that he has such a relationship with a certain red-haired boy among the masters standing over there.

But this is not the reason why he can sneak attack the king without paying the price.

Since then, the official war started with an unsuccessful sneak attack.

The white-haired heroic spirit rolled and crawled to avoid the Noble Phantasm falling from the sky, and quickly drew the flames of war to the vicinity of Berserker.

Use this reckless man to resist the enemy's attack, and at the same time manifest a large number of fake Noble Phantasm projections, let him perform a gorgeous fantasy collapse.

Otherwise, Rin, that little devil, would have thought that he was just a housekeeping-type heroic spirit.

If the five servants here don't fight, when will they fight?

Everyone come together!

Red A turned into a long-range shooter and almost retreated into the mountain while fighting. Rin looked extremely embarrassed. This bastard was so embarrassed.

Several other servants also joined the battle helplessly, and Medea scolded this bastard to death.

But you're right, five against one, wouldn't it be a pleasure to kill this enemy?

As a result, various abilities and combat prowess blossomed here. A vigorous battle against the Ancient King begins.

Assassin and Lancer just stood there motionless, the powerful king didn't need anyone's help.

It's just that the battle didn't go as Red A and the others imagined.

Now Gilgamesh doesn't want to get entangled with these soldiers, so he plans to fight them off.

No matter who the enemy is or what kind of attack they make, there will be an exclusive Noble Phantasm to block it.

【Omniscient and Almighty Star】

It spreads across the earth like the light of a star and can see through all things. It is the spirit of the King of Heroes that has been sublimated into a Noble Phantasm. A permanently activated Noble Phantasm.

You can see through multiple layers of hidden truths such as the opponent's true name, noble phantom, etc. at a glance. Although it is permanently activated, Jin Shining has intentionally limited its effect for the sake of his life.

【Treasure House of the King】

Gilgamesh collected all the prototypes of technology produced in his era and kept them for himself. Rather than saying that it contains the treasures stored by Gilgamesh, it is better to say that it is the Original Book of Human Wisdom itself.

When [Omniscient and Omnipotent Star] and [King's Treasure House] operate together, it is a nightmare for all servants.

The petrified evil eye encountered Perseus's bronze mirror shield, which was a disaster. He thought he was going to kill the enemy on sight, but he was almost killed. The strongest petrification power is directly destroyed.

And Pegasus also encountered his natural enemy, the Sword of Bellerophon.

In myths and legends. Bellerophon was a hero who tamed the Pegasus, but because of his arrogance, he rode the Pegasus to the banquet of the gods and was punished by Zeus and fell off the Pegasus.

Therefore, there is a hostile relationship between master and slave with deep resentment, and his weapons are naturally restrained against Pegasus.

Medea, on the other hand, was targeted by a Noble Phantasm that was also a headache. For example, the bow of Eros.

This was an arrow shot at her by the son of the goddess Aphrodite. It was also the arrow that made her fall in love with Jason, which led to the source of the curse of stealing the Golden Fleece and killing her relatives.

The uneasiness that touched her soul made Medea's high-speed divine words start to stutter.

And Saber encountered the Sword of the Rebel Lord, Mordred's weapon, the Sword of the Brilliant King.

When this weapon came out, it made the blonde girl feel extremely sad.

It was once kept in King Arthur's arsenal and represented the succession to the throne.

The sword is said to be more dazzling than any silver and has a value comparable to the Golden Sword of Victory (Caliburn). After being snatched by Mordred, it will only release the surging hatred that will haunt the sword. The demonic sword of disaster emitted from his body.

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