Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1051 The Sorrow of Double E Combination

The two men fought extremely fiercely in the second leg.

Red A, on the other hand, continued to stand guard in front of the five masters. There are more than just two enemies. His heart is very heavy now, if that guy really appears.

The young Emiya is also ready to fight at any time, holding his hands empty and projecting weapons at any time to enter the battle.

I always feel that the enemy will not be so simple and just drive them to the suburbs. Maybe this is a trap.

While they were on alert, they felt the two contaminated servants suddenly burst out with terrifying aura, and their black eyes were full of cruel curses and malice.

Noble Phantasm Liberation. Delusion Heart Sound.

Once again, he freed the hand of Satan and used the magic power to create a delusional heart sound. Assassin tried to touch the opponent to simulate the heart, and then harvested the enemy's life.

With the blessing of black mud, the arm split into three direct attack sabers.

Noble Phantasm Liberation. The spear that pierces the death thorn!

On the other side, Cu Chulainn also directly released the spear of reversing cause and effect. The target is also the other person's heart. If it hits first, the battle will end the moment it is released.

To put it bluntly, these two people are both ruthless people who target the heart, and both have the ability to cause instant death.

Logically speaking, they should be able to crush the opponent's resistance this round, but they just made the wrong choice.

Assassin's luck value is E. The spearman's luck value is also E.

This double E combination was unlucky to encounter two combinations of strong movement and immortality.

Saber's super intuition and extreme luck unexpectedly prevented the other party from touching her heart when faced with delusional heart sounds.

Moreover, after the Wind King's barrier spread, the reaction force also moved away from its original position, and the concepts of the Sword of Victory and Oath were also hindered for a moment, so although he was hit and seriously injured, he still escaped.

As for Berserker on the other side, it was even simpler, letting the crimson magic gun reverse the cause and effect and penetrate his heart.

Then the Lancer was kicked and kicked in the face by the just-dead Berserker, sending him flying out and being slammed into the wall.

Are you afraid of the resurrected demigod Hercules who will directly start the 12th trial?

And because he has been stabbed once by the spear of reversal of cause and effect, he will be resistant to this move next time, which means that the spear of death thorn may not be able to stab him to death in the future.

Even Cu Chulainn, who had been strengthened by the black mud, would be unlucky to encounter such an immortal fool.

Anyway, Saber's version has been chipped and chipped, while Berserker is even more violent. Holding axes and swords, they started fighting again.

Indeed, as Berserker, who has the strongest overall strength among the seven Heroic Spirits this year, he has such qualifications.

Both are demigods, and both of them are black guys who become braver as they fight. Cu Chulainn, who is strengthened by black mud, is also a monster who is not afraid of death.

No matter how much or how severe the injury is, there will be a steady stream of magic power in the body to restore the damage. The fight between the two undead monsters really brings this battle to a very high level.

Saber is in some trouble here. With his attributes dropped to this level and seriously injured, he is already somewhat weak against Assassin.

Seeing the current battle situation, Rin decisively asked Hong A to come up for support, and must deal with the opponent as quickly as possible.

So the red heroic spirit also entered the battlefield and fought Assassin again in a 2-on-1 format. With Hong A, a combat veteran with a very bottomless fighting style, joining the battle, the situation changed instantly.

He suppressed the opponent in both long and short range, and combined with Saber's swordsmanship, it was useless no matter how strong the recovery power of the blackened Hassan was, and he was slowly forced into a desperate situation.

Shirou now consciously stood in front of the others, taking the place of red A.

Rin saw something strange in his eyes. This guy was still very manly at critical moments.

The five heroic spirits were fighting here with a loud roar, and all kinds of magic waves and violent power were being released. The ground cracked and rocks collapsed.

The shadows of swords, spears and shock waves continued to sweep around, and the masters retreated again and again.

It was obviously a thrilling fight, but some people still felt it.


The Noble Phantasm has been released for several rounds without achieving any results. They are all useless!

Look at the sky!

There is a golden meteor flying towards this side in the night sky. If you look closely, it turns out to be a golden flying boat.

A light boat made of gold and emeralds that can soar in the sky arrives here with a figure that is incomparable to all living beings.

The slender young man with blond hair and red eyes was wearing gold armor, which radiated as bright as the sun even in the night.

After landing from the flying boat, the opponent stepped directly on the street lamp.

Looking at the scene under his feet, he showed a dangerous expression, and without saying a word, his arrogant aura spread to this place.

He is the oldest king who exists as the King of Heroes and is the source of all myths and the template for heroes.

Arrogant, arrogant, and self-centered


He ignored the others and looked at the blond girl with defiance.

Saber, I didn't expect you to show up again.

It's really fate. Let me ask you again, do you want to surrender to me?

Saber ignored this nonsense. The Wind King's barrier on the sword dissipated directly, revealing the golden holy sword.

It would be foolish to retain any strength if the enemy is this monster.

And along with the conversation between them, everyone was surprised to find that this powerful enemy actually knew Saber.

He is Gilgamesh, King of Uruk.

The girl directly revealed the other party's identity, although the other party was not someone willing to hide it.


The more you understand the Age of Gods, the more you understand the weight of this name.

It turns out that the man standing on the street lamp is really a legend.

The Ancient King looked at the two fighting servants with disgust. After being strengthened by the evil in this world, he is still no match for the other party.

Then his eyes darkened, and the two servants immediately left the battlefield and came behind Gilgamesh.

Naturally, the remaining three servants will not give up, especially Berserker. The Berserker stands out as a madman.

Seeing this group of bad bastards dare to chase his men, the king's temper grew.

Behind the golden light curtain, several super-standard Noble Phantasms bombarded from the sky.

Berserker leapt into the air first, splitting several Noble Phantasms with the nameless ax sword in his hand, but in the end, he was blasted into the ground by Indra's thunder, exploding half of his body.

And Saber was hit by the Star Sword and retreated several hundred meters. Archer summoned the Seven Rings covering the blazing sky, but the seven-layered cowhide Noble Phantasm could not stop this endless impact.

The city wall was broken through with a disdainful fake comment, and the red heroic spirit was knocked to the ground covered in blood, seemingly dead.

The remaining Noble Phantasms flew towards the Master, intending to show their power to these humans who didn't know how to advance or retreat.

The breath of death flew over, and Rin almost saw the tragic scene of himself being pierced by the Noble Phantasm. No human being could survive such an attack.

However, Emiya Shirou took a step forward and would not let his companions behind him be harmed as long as he was alive.


It was a Noble Phantasm that had never been used before, and even the existence of this Noble Phantasm was seen on the red heroic spirit just now.

But the boy just felt like he could project it.

The projection begins, the creative concept is identified, the basic skeleton is conceived, the composition materials are copied, the production techniques are imitated, the growth experience is shared, and the accumulated years are reproduced.

Where do the ideas come from, where do the experiences come from, and where do the years come from. Everything was pulled out from an unknown place by the young man's will.

Rho aias!

Pink petals are ready to bloom in front of you.

A certain heroic spirit lying on the ground almost couldn't control his breath. Are you really Emiya Shirou? !

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