Red A, on the other hand, already roughly knows what happened in the Ghost Hall.

It is not surprising that Jin Shining appears again in this timeline, but the other party seems to be able to control the evil in this world. Is it to reach some kind of cooperation?

That guy's combat power is beyond the norm.

So the other party captured Assassin and Lancer by themselves, right? And it was very easy.


After receiving the affirmative answer, Shirou and others immediately felt a lot of pressure, because even the currently known Berserker of Illya could not achieve that level.

While they were still struggling, the three servants present and Shirou sensed a strange aura approaching at high speed.

It seemed like something was following Rin and the others.

And that aura was somewhat similar to the black aura that had just been dispersed by Emiya Shirou's long sword. They were enemies!

The other party deliberately asked Bazett to lead the way to determine the location of Emiya Shirou and others, and also to eliminate the magic trap.

As soon as Shirou and others walked into the courtyard, a dozen daggers attacked in the darkness.

The dagger attacked everyone indiscriminately, even Kallen was within the range of the attack.

The black mist filled the dagger, which represented that the power of corruption was extremely corrosive to the spirit. People like Illya and Rin were so lost by this attack that they were unable to move.

However, there were three determined servants who would not miss such an attack. All the daggers among the lightning and flint were cut down.

And Assassin also appeared on the roof.

But at this moment, Hassan's condition was completely different from before.

The hand of Satan, which had been sealed by Wado Ichimonji, regained its form. The black ominous magic above was countless times stronger than before.

Shaitano's arm has been completely activated, and the demon's hand, which has absorbed enough nutrients, twists and swings on the assassin's body.

Two red lights behind the skull mask scanned all the prey.


The other party disappeared on the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already behind everyone.

What a speed!

Kallen noticed something different about Assassin. The opponent's average quality should be much higher than when she summoned him. This speed was obviously abnormal.

A-level agility has surpassed most heroic spirits, and now it has been strengthened again to reach an extreme state.

Hassan kept flashing and disappearing in the shadows from all directions, and threw out a large number of daggers.

The power of these Scottish daggers was also enhanced. Although it has not yet reached the level of breaking Berserker's skin, the impact force has at least doubled. This means that the muscle strength data also exceeds C level.

Several Masters are currently being protected by three Servants. It is not the time to attack yet, because the blue spearman has not yet appeared.

If what they expected was true, the other party would also be strengthened after being captured.

As he was thinking about it, Cu Chulainn's figure suddenly appeared in the moonlight. The blue leather armor had been dyed navy blue, and black magic lines were wandering endlessly on the body surface. There was no pure fighting intent in his eyes, only brutal killing intent.

The real Cu Chulainn from the mythology has arrived. In the original canon, while fighting frantically, he also created several horrific massacres, even killing countless women and children.

The already violent character and the bloodshed that caused endless killings are the real children of light.

The bravery in ancient mythology sometimes tramples on the bottom line of modern morality.

At this moment, the opponent jumped high into the air, the magic power on his arms exploded to an astonishing degree, and then stretched out with all his strength like a bow and an arrow.

The rune magic pattern on the red magic gun flashed with an unknown light. This was projection!

Noble Phantasm Liberated! Break through the spear of death!

The special move that requires extremely powerful magic power is released without mercy as soon as the opponent appears.

Dozens of red magic guns flew toward the crowd with destructive power.

Get out of the way! It will explode!

As the original master, Bazett knew the power of this Noble Phantasm very well, so everyone immediately dispersed.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

A storm of magical power exploded in the Emiya residence, and the shock wave destroyed everything wantonly.

Countless defensive walls were lit up on the Japanese-style garden, but they were all useless and were still flattened by the torrent of magic power. The Emiya family was gone.

After escaping this round of big explosions, everyone looked a little dazed looking at the huge gymnasium that had been wiped out, and the deep pit in the courtyard that seemed to have been hit by a meteorite and burned by super high temperatures.

The two servants who had been contaminated did not take into account the surroundings at all, nor did they have any sense to abide by the secret principle of the mysterious side.

Seeing the home that had accompanied him in his good times in his memory being destroyed like this, even a character like Shirou Emiya felt his anger rising. The magic circuits in his body began to run at high speed, and the sword intent burst out from his heart, wanting to cut it off. The dog head of a certain heroic spirit.

And Illya's eyes are already red. There are many memories here with her mother and brother.

After being rescued by Noah, only her family here could make her feel warm.

How dare you!!!

All the magic circuits in the body began to flow with huge magic power.

Ho ho ho ho!!!!!!

The black giant raised his ax and sword and roared angrily. Kuang Jie has been released from the restraints at this moment, and he can only calm down by tearing up everything in front of him when he feels the anger of his master.

And this earthquake-like vibration directly affected half of the suburbs of Fuyuki City. Countless people turned on their lights in panic and tried to run out.

Next door, someone from the Fujimura house, which had survived the last magic barrier, was also preparing to come and check.

hateful! If Sister Teng sees it, she will be involved in danger!

Emiya Shirou gritted his teeth and said.

Go to the outside immediately, don't fight here.

He did not allow ordinary people to be affected by the aftermath of the battle. The opponent had lost their minds and continuing to fight would only lead to more tragic consequences.

A group of three servants and five masters began to rush further into the mountains and forests under the protection of magic rituals.

To the north of Emiya's residence are large areas of farmland, and further west is Ryudou Temple.

Their destination at the moment was to cross the farmland in the suburbs and go straight into the mountains and forests.

Behind him were Assassin and Lancer in pursuit. The two unscrupulous servants launched various attacks on the road, which made the group of people furious.

The two agile servants gave full play to their advantages in the pursuit battle. They were forward, backward, up and down. The shadows of spears and short swords coming from all directions made the three servants tired to deal with them.

The battle was already getting out of control before they even got close to the mountain forest, so Emiya decisively decided to start fighting with the opponent here, since there were not many people left anyway.

Only a few streetlights flickered on the wild suburban road.

Assassin emerged from the darkness and tried to get closer again. Holding two short swords, he and the King of Knights fought fiercely.

The agility was not inferior to that of the sword class, and after the increase in physical strength and the decrease in Saber's attributes, the two sides ended up in a tie.

Berserker, who had been patient for a long time, finally released his desire to fight and charged straight at the spearman with the anger of his master.

Different from the last time, Cu Chulainn, who was forced to evolve by Black Mud, completely let go of the shackles in his heart.

Like a fierce dog, it bit Hercules fiercely. The red magic gun in his hand was attacking his vitals like a poisonous snake.

The 18 runes learned from Scathach, the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, were also swayed out, and the Lancer, which was filled with black mud, entered the complete body.

This time it even directly broke through the defense of Berserker's skin. A large amount of blood was sprayed out in the open space.

The blood of the demigods is boiling and hot. When it is poured on the ground, it will make a soft sound, and in just a short moment, the battlefield will become like a steamer.

This is the violent fighting style of the Irish Son of Light after letting go of everything. It has reached a new level after being trained by Scathach.

But Heracles's deeds are not simple. The more disadvantageous he is, the more powerful he becomes. The instinct to live towards death makes his martial arts nearly as good as his life.

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