Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1049 Picking up two women

Rin grabbed Sakura after school that day.

The sisters had another fierce quarrel. Basically, Rin hopes that Sakura will withdraw from the Holy Grail War, but this sister who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside does not obey this sister at all.

Having stayed with Chengzi in Guanbuzi City for a long time, she understood even more how twisted and complicated the relationship between magic and family ties was.

A person as free and easy and capable as his teacher often falls into these troubles. Family affection and obsession are obstacles on the road.

Sakura naturally didn't want the same thing to happen to herself.

She came to participate in the Holy Grail War, not only because she despised the Tosaka family, but also because she was curious about this demonic ritual.

After all, this was one of the sources of pain that had caused her, and she wanted to give the broken cup a few kicks.

So he decisively rejected the suggestion from the eldest lady of the Tohsaka family.

So, Sakura, you just want to compete with me for the Holy Grail? I will not show mercy for the glory of the Tohsaka family.

The inexplicably stubborn Rin said these words, which directly intensified the conflict.

After the purple-haired girl experienced the deepest darkness, the painful memories reminded her countless times in her sleep.

Everything that Tokiomi Tosaka sent to the Matou family was like the sharpest carving knife, leaving traces on his body that would never change.

Medusa noticed that the master's sadness and anger appeared directly behind Sakura.

I don't care if the Holy Grail is not the Holy Grail. As for the Tohsaka family, who cares?

The three Holy Grail families in Fuyuki City have become a thing of the past. Those who dwell on the glory of the past will not achieve much, Tohsaka-senpai.

As a disciple of a crown magician, Sakura still has her own pride.

No matter how powerful Tosaka Tokiomi was back then, he was just the patriarch of the Demonic Family in a rural place like Fuyuki.

If it weren't for the inheritance left by the gem man, he might not have any status in the clock tower, and the second-level magician never cared about the man who thought he was elegant.

The difference in values ​​between the two parties is also a point of contradiction. In fact, Sakura prefers the traditional thinking of a magician. Even though Hara Tohsaka Rin went to the Clock Tower and briefly studied abroad, she still felt somewhere between a magician and an ordinary person.

The irreconcilable conflict and Sakura's unspoken experience at the Matou family caused the two to break up on bad terms again.

After the quarrel, Sakura returned to the Tree of Omniscient to read a book. There were many interesting thoughts and stories here.

The biography written by Mr. Noah himself made her even more intoxicated, and the sea breeze from another world made her yearn for it.

Archer! Why doesn't she understand my worries?

Maybe. Her experience has made her believe in herself more.


It's okay, just talk.

The more Rin thought about it, the more angry he became. He went to his ally Shirou Emiya to discuss how to fight the Holy Grail War. If everyone was eliminated earlier, no one would be hurt.

As a result, two people were picked up at the door of Emiya's house.

Red A immediately took out his general Mo Xie and planned to kill those two guys. He had no psychological burden for such a thing.

It turned out that these two people were the two masters who raided the Emiya residence on the first night.

But now it seems that something is wrong with the other party. The servant beside him has disappeared and he has fallen into a coma. His body seems to be entangled in a black air current, which makes people feel sick.

Rin thought for a moment.

take away!

They were tied up with magic and brought to Emiya's house.

Shirou and Illya were also surprised when they saw the miserable state of the two masters. How could they have ended up in such miserable condition if they hadn't been killed that day?

Forget the skin wounds on his body, they are not very fatal from a mysterious perspective.

The curse marks on their hands have also been erased, which means that they have been passively eliminated.

Out of kindness and the original intention of obtaining information, everyone began to try to treat him.

The occurrence of such an accident in the Holy Grail War made everyone a little uneasy. Time was critical to awaken the opponent's consciousness as soon as possible.

But this black air flow is very strange.

Illya is the head of the Einzbern family, Tohsaka Rin also studied in the Clock Tower, plus two servants, they tried their best but couldn't get rid of the black mist lingering on their bodies.

One could only watch the two of them sinking into darkness, the aura on their bodies slipping away visibly to the naked eye, and they might not be far from death.

What kind of magic is this? It seems like a spell.

When Shirou Emiya watched the two people's various operations, he always felt that the breath of this mist was a little familiar.

It seems to be somewhat similar to a certain concept that Teacher Noah imitated.

ah! It's that kind of thing called evil in this world. Although it is slightly like a shadow at the moment, his intuition tells the young man that it is this thing.

Give me a moment and I'll give it a try.

Rin looked suspiciously at the boy who always surprised her.

Calm down, the magic power is activated, and the word harmony is projected.

The red iron bar appeared in the young man's hand, looking a bit unreal.

It was really a familiar weapon. Saber also sighed. The teacher Shirou mentioned yesterday turned out to be that guy.

That's right, he regained his body and naturally didn't need to return to the Throne of Heroes.

Just the appearance of the relatively illusory long sword that was just projected attracted the black mist from the two masters.

As if encountering a natural enemy, the black airflow immediately separated from the Master's body, and merged into a pool of black mud.

A negative spiritual impact of depravity, evil, filth, curses, etc. filled the room.

Killing, jealousy.

Before Hei Ni could release his power to confuse people, he was killed by Wadou Ichimonji. Shirou was not in the habit of listening to his enemies' nonsense.

Teacher Noah also said that villains die because they talk too much, and they must do last-ditch attacks.

So I watched Hei Ni chop it randomly again, just like mincing minced meat.

Finally, dots of flames appeared in the void and spread to Hei Ni's body, completely burning the thing.

And when the black energy was cleared away, the two masters slowly began to return to consciousness, as if they had broken out of some kind of super terrifying nightmare.

Of course, when the two woke up, they found that they had been tied up with various magic shackles and demon sealing measures.

When they saw that the people in front of them were the Emiya boy and his group that day, they breathed a sigh of relief.

We are here to form an alliance.

Bazett's first words stunned the three human masters present.

What do you mean? The last two Masters are coming to form an alliance, so how can we fight the Holy Grail War? Vote for election?

Hmph!. We may not need anyone here.

Rin decisively rejected the other party's request to come and compete with others, and now we can be regarded as an enemy force. If you surrender again, this Holy Grail War will be over.

I have urgent information that I can give you as a token of my sincerity in forming an alliance. As long as you help me send Lancer back to the Throne of Heroes.

Bazett would never allow his ancestors to be manipulated by something like black mud, even if the price was to end the war.

Knowing that she had no leverage, she took the initiative to tell her story.

The golden king easily suppressed the two servants with his own power, and had a Noble Phantasm that could shoot down the spear of reversal of cause and effect.

Darkness strikes from the underground, and the power of curse and corruption erodes the soul all the time.

The command spell in his hand was also stripped away by the opponent with higher authority, leaving him defenseless.

It was just a little bit of black mist when being sent out by Assassin, and both himself and Kallen were almost dragged into the abyss by this thing.

The horror still made her tremble. That human-like creature was probably not a heroic spirit.

Others had no reaction, but Saber suddenly felt strangely familiar.

How could it be like what he had experienced before, being polluted by the darkness and becoming a sword-level man with a great change of heart? The servant's body constructed with magic power could not withstand that kind of thing at all.

and Glittery, the annoying guy whom Noah nicknamed the Street Lamp King. tyrant!

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