Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1046 Betrayal and Alliance

Mainly because the brothers and sisters are too powerful.

That swarthy heroic spirit turned out to be Illya's servant, an irrational and powerful incorrigible monster.

And the strongest sword rank belongs to Emiya Shirou, a terrifying servant with integrity and loyalty.

This brother-sister combination almost takes the top two spots in terms of combat power among the seven knights.

Of course, he also has a good personality. Shirou Emiya is too kind to be a magician, and he also has some naive illusions.

In terms of combat power, Archer is a bit unreliable, venomous and arrogant, and even has a tendency to pick up little girls. Not even a stupid guy like Emiya Shirou can compare.

The biggest advantage may be that she is better at housework. This feeling of disparity makes Tohsaka Rin very unwilling. Why did she recruit such a thing when she is obviously an honor student?

Of course, she was also very concerned about Emiya Shirou's information, and instinctively believed that it was not the Einzbern family's information, but another channel, such as the mysterious teacher.

So this is also a point of inquiry. Maybe you can know some detailed information about what happened to your father during his lifetime. Rather than an investigation report sent from the Clock Tower.

It was close to three o'clock in the morning when she got home. Rin's human body was already exhausted and she went to sleep.

It seemed that another memory came into the dream.

Hong A, on the other hand, was sitting in the living room, meditating. There seems to be no particularly good opportunity to get off the phone.

The timeline has been destroyed from the source, and what will happen next is unknown, so if I seize the opportunity next time, I should take action decisively.

Emiya Shirou. What's in your bones won't change, so you'd better die.

The combination of Bazett and Kallen who left on the other side also fled to the Twin Pavilion in Ghost Town in embarrassment and began to lick their wounds while starting to write today's combat report.

Bazett is an elite agent with a very high mission completion rate. I have never suffered such a big loss since my debut.

The whole paddling did not play any special role. Of course, this is a war between servants, which is understandable, but there is a pervert among the masters.

The red-haired boy's swordsmanship had simply become the shadow of a nightmare in her heart.

What he holds in his hand is the backlight sword that has been passed down from generation to generation in his family. It is a prop that can reverse the rate of cause and effect. It is a very high-end gift in the entire mysterious side.

Fortunately, it can be driven by blood, otherwise such a prop may not be preserved even with the strength of her family.

As a result, the attack was broken by the opponent's sword at random.

What a shame to the family. Of course, the one who is the source of the family is the one who is truly humiliated.

At this time, Cu Chulainn took the initiative to patrol at night to ensure the safety of this place. Bazett naturally agreed. The ancestor needed to calm down.

The blue spearman was completely suppressed by another demigod tonight, and it was impossible to say that he didn't have some ideas in his mind.

The black demigod information must be found out as soon as possible in order to find flaws in the next war.

It's best if it has obvious flaws, otherwise it won't be reasonable.

Kallen was confused. She is not an important person in the Holy Church, so she does not have that much arrogance. She just has a little desire to see others misfortune and destruction.

This time I was beaten and ran away but I was very satisfied without being hurt. This is the advantage of having a relatively low psychological threshold.

Surprisingly, Assassin also conveyed his idea of ​​​​wanting to patrol the area to explore the environment.

Well, this guy also wants to relax.

Hassan was beaten more severely than the spearmen. He was beaten like this by a master. In terms of humiliation, this person was the most humiliated. No matter how good the assassin's mentality was, he couldn't bear it.

It was useless at long range, tied in close combat, and the Noble Phantasm Liberation was defeated by the opponent head-on and sealed.

The old man of Yuandian Mountain is also a famous sect leader. So my self-esteem is quite high.

What's even worse is that Hassan the Cursed Wrist is even worried that King Hassan will chop off his head with a big sword if he finds out.

Regardless of whether it is spiritual or technological degradation, a declining person cannot be given the title of Old Man of the Mountain. Decline means death.

The original Hassan who killed many Assassins will always hide in the darkness and execute those corrupted Hassan.

He was afraid.

Turning into a black shadow, he searched for ambush locations and laid traps in the city. If there is a chance, I must kill the red-haired Master to wash away the humiliation.

This is simply an autistic group of four.

Bazett, what are we going to do next?

Waiting for a reply from the clock tower.

The night passed, and the sun rose as usual the next day.

The girl in the Tohsaka residence did not get up. She was troubled by fatigue and strange dreams.

She went to a strange place in her dream and experienced some very sad things from a unique human perspective.

The people who cannot be saved are in the present, and the ourselves who cannot be saved are in the past.

Under the gray sky that is about to cry, the will to live gradually disappears. If you lose consciousness, you can only die.

To help more people for the sake of those who cannot be saved.

I want to become a partner of justice

The person who said this was not me, but a tired young man.

The girl who woke up from the nightmare still had a trace of tears on her face.

I seem to have seen some very tragic scenes about someone. But now my recollection is very blurry. I only remember that face that I seemed to have seen.

In other words, the two faces are constantly overlapping in memory.

Rin has his own opinions on the magician's dream. Dreams are also a very unique power.

It's just that the Holy Grail War is so tense now that I don't have time to continue analyzing it.

The slightly melancholy girl got dressed and went downstairs, enjoying the service from Hong A.

Looking at the tidy home and delicious breakfast, even the most venomous person cannot say a harsh word. Even though this heroic spirit still looks hypocritical and mocking.

I decided to form an alliance with Emiya Shirou, what do you think?

I have no interest in obeying the Master's arrangements.

It was rare for a red heroic spirit to be so obedient, which made the girl suspicious but also very helpful.

But the heroic spirit had already predicted this situation in his heart.

It must be interesting to gain trust and then betray it.

Archer, you continue to investigate in the city today. I have to go to school. If you have any questions, you can contact me through the command spell at any time.

Of course, Miss.

After Tohsaka Rin left, Hong A's face turned completely gloomy.

Yesterday I spent the whole night thinking about how to kill Emiya Shirou, but there was no perfect solution. The heroic spirits, who were still half-experienced in magic, only had some tricks to fight and kill with force.

‘Myself’ seems to be a bit better than imagined.

But can the two masters from last night cooperate again? Provide information about young Shirou without Rin knowing about it, and then help him create loopholes.

This is a good plan!

Red A, who regained his energy, wandered around the city trying to find yesterday's master. Unfortunately, the opponent seemed to be hit, and he was not as bold as he was at the beginning.

The heroic spirit who found nothing walked and came to the place called the Tree of Omniscient. It is also where the bottomless man is.

As expected, he saw the man waving to him.

Waiting for me?

I happened to see you.

Red A, on the other hand, was noncommittal and turned around to leave.

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