Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1045 Saber’s ominous premonition

It was like a knife stabbed into her pain, and the King of Knights, who was between life and death, kept the memory.

Airi and Kiritsugu in the Fourth Holy Grail War were the source of her pain, especially Airi, who made her feel the complexity and contradiction of human beings.

Being so close to the Holy Grail and her wish but being destroyed by her own hands, that kind of despair accompanied her soul as she continued to stagnate on Kamlan Hill.

Even if someone told her that the Holy Grail was black mud, how could that obsession go away.

It was also her decision to respond to the Fifth Holy Grail War.

As a result, when I look at it now, the boy Emiya and a girl like Airi are standing in front of me so cutely. Is this a joke?

Although the Demonic Family has its own inheritance, so it is normal to see descendants related to them, but it is inexplicably unhappy.

There was an unknown premonition that haunted Saber's heart from the beginning, as if her lucky attributes were somewhat ineffective.

But the last Holy Grail War is over. As long as you don't encounter the two monsters Noah and Golden Shining, no one can stop you!

But what's going on with this weak body and declining attributes? I just wanted to say that if I were in full strength, I would have just taken down the half-disabled Assassin.

It seems that the magic channel between the master and the master is unexpectedly inconsistent, and the magic repair fails.

hateful! No matter what! Holy Grail, I want to order it!

Ahem, Shirou, pay attention, the person who just interrupted the victory is here.

Saber looked seriously in the direction of the uninvited guest, and the invisible sword in her hand was ready. the classmate and friend Ilia and I met.

They are your classmates, not my friends.

Illya corrected her very carefully. She didn't like that poor young lady.

Although their victory was interrupted, neither Illya nor Shirou Emiya cared about it.

They all achieved satisfactory results in this war.

First of all, Berserker's combat power has indeed crushed ordinary heroic spirits, which can almost be said to be an overwhelming victory. Since you can win once, you can win the second time.

Secondly, Shirou Emiya unexpectedly became the new Master and summoned the strongest sword class. However, the combat power of this sword class is not very strong.

Finally, his own combat power was to the point where his sister's jaw dropped. Anyone who saw the high-frequency confrontation just now would suspect that there was some kind of monster hidden under this human's appearance.

Their strong strength gave them firm confidence, and now they only had to face the flower of the high mountain in that school.

Although Emiya Shirou had no ill intentions, he could not guarantee that the other party did not, especially since he sensed the hostility of the black-skinned and white-haired heroic spirit towards him.

Although the other party was covering it up with a lazy and indifferent expression as he walked towards him, the maliciousness of the other party was tangled around Shirou's body like a ball of yarn.

So we also secretly took precautions. You can't trust a master lightly, nor can you trust a servant lightly. This is what Teacher Noah mentioned in the story he told him.

The atmosphere when the classmates met was a little awkward.

It turns out that Rin wanted to appear as a savior, but he failed to do so and instead became a troublemaker.

Good night, Emiya-san.

Good night, Tohsaka-san.

The school idol, Tohsaka Rin, whom he had always admired, was standing in front of him with his servants. The young Emiya was a bit at a loss.

How about we go in and talk first?

The group of people just walked into the living room used for reception.

Hey, it's quite spacious. The breeze is also very fresh.

Tohsaka Rin, who had a very strong aura, was naturally patrolling the room, and it seemed that he could always gain the upper hand unconsciously when facing Emiya Shirou. That gesture made Illya want Berserker to blow this guy's head off.

Emiya-san! You are involved in a competition for survival among seven Masters called the Holy Grail War. The mutual killing among mages will not end until every other Master is defeated!

Taking the lead, the eldest lady tried to use this tone to intimidate the head of the Einzbern family and the idiot Emiya on the opposite side without having an advantage in combat power.

She could see that all current actions were based on Emiya Shirou's will, so as long as she captured this person, she could achieve her goal.

Tohsaka-san, I know a lot about the Holy Grail War, actually.

But the Emiya boy was different from before, and his understanding of the Holy Grail was even better than Tohsaka Rin's.

All the information was presented clearly and without any reservations.

The outstanding classmate was stunned for a moment after hearing this. It turns out that this stupid guy still has such a side.

Red A, on the other hand, is a little surprised that he has changed so much on this timeline. This mature and steady aura is actually much stronger than his own back then.

So it’s my fault for my poor performance in the past?

Rin also never expected that this classmate was secretive and knew a lot of secret information that he didn't know.

She decided to take advantage of the fact that this guy was still a good guy to collect more information. At worst, she could pay equal value.

I see. I didn't expect Emiya-san to know quite a lot. However, your unwillingness to hurt others. Is your awareness really appropriate in such a war?

Live not for others but for yourself, Tohsaka-san.

The young man smiled and said this sentence. This was what the teacher taught him. Although the teacher and himself could not do it, it was really appropriate to comfort this classmate who participated in such a fight for family honor.

what the hell

The girl who was hit by this sentence for a moment immediately shook her head and got rid of this fallacy.

It's really unacceptable to let such an unconscious guy recruit Saber.

The heroic spirit wearing the red holy cloth had a face full of ridicule. No matter how many changes he made, he would never have had this awareness when he was a boy.

So is it really okay to deceive a little girl like this?

The atmosphere was frozen here. Fortunately, Saber finally found a blind spot.

Um, Shirou, you are bleeding like this, are you really okay?

Maybe it was because of his fluent answers and high-spirited performance that everyone ignored the messy and shocking injuries on this guy's body, as if he had been run over by a big truck several times.

So the scene immediately started to panic. Saber and Tohsaka Rin immediately put Emiya Shirou in the room and prepared to perform healing magic, while Red A secretly thought that it would not be bad if he died like this.

Illya, who was still calm during this period, was so out of place, as if the person who was about to die was not her brother, which aroused Rin's suspicion.

In fact, it was because as a younger sister, she had seen scenes countless times more tragic than this, and the two siblings were already numb from such injuries.

Emiya Shirou also said that it would be good to just take a nap and it would not affect school tomorrow.

Saber seemed to understand something. Rin guessed that the other party might have some powerful healing tools and left.

Of course, before leaving, the girl said that she would discuss the Holy Grail War with Emiya-san tomorrow.

In fact, Tohsaka Rin has some thoughts of forming an alliance now, but the other side of the alliance seems to be dying and it is really not suitable for him to speak at this time, so he has to give up.

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