Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1047: Pirates start to burn the world

Are you really not going to come in and sit here? Emiya Shirou often comes here to read. This is a very good opportunity.

But even I admire that kid's efforts to become a partner in justice.

So it would be very difficult to kill him, because his heart to live is stronger than anyone else.

His footsteps stopped on the spot, and a burst of murderous aura erupted at the door of the library.

what do you know?

I only know that in addition to strength, saving the world requires wisdom and eternal determination. The young Shirou already possesses these.

He? He's just a naive kid. He will always shout unrealistic things.

He is stronger than you

Heroic Spirit Emiya resisted the urge to stab this annoying guy. Every word he said was poking at his heart.

Especially the sentence just now, how could anyone know myself better than me? !

He turned around and left, furious.

Would you like to hear me tell you a story about saving the world?

Sorry, no time.

Okay, come to me and listen to this story after you are defeated by my disciples.

At this time, the Heroic Spirit Emiya still had not been severely beaten by the original node, and still had inexplicable persistence and arrogance.

Of course, it is understandable that anyone who kills intruders and races that are not even enemies outside the boundary day after day cannot calmly accept other people's opinions.

I hope Shirou can learn something from his future self and experience another baptism.

Constantly experiencing the cycle of life and death in one's own hands has little effect anymore. Those are just improving swordsmanship skills and fighting instincts.

However, the impact on the will is not strong enough. A fact that completely shocks the disciple is needed to be effective.

Of course, you still have to learn how to make unlimited swords.

I'm looking forward to Shirou's combination of Haki + Kendo + Unique Barrier.

Noah turned around and returned to the library. During this time, with Medea's help, his work became much easier.

There is still time to put the finishing touches on some things that I care about very much.

For example, there is a book in my hand, which is a work compiled over the years, Starting from Pirates and Burning the World.

Here, I will record the stories of my comrades who fought alongside me, and wait until the right time to publish them.

With a very advanced concept of hype and publicity, I will definitely make this book a popular work all over the world.

Novels, animations, music, film and television dramas, etc. can cover most areas.

The Holy Grail is a clone of a heroic spirit constructed by drawing information from historical myths. The reason why a heroic spirit becomes a heroic spirit depends on faith.

Therefore, regardless of whether it is true or false, as long as there is enough popularity and belief, heroic spirits will be produced. A typical example is Robin Hood.

Therefore, those powerful people in the pirate world can also try to revive in this world, even if they are not the original people.

This world is full of disasters. In the unknown timeline alone, there have been countless futures that destroyed all mankind. It is also a good choice to allow more heroic spirits to be born here to protect the world.

Including that in the future, I may have a Saber Noah who will fight Goetia with Ichimonji, an Archer Noah who will use nuclear tactics to attack Solomon, and maybe an Assassin Noah, the perfect master of stealth and disguise, who will cause trouble in the Lost Belt.

In short, every timeline and every parallel world will have its own existence and that of its comrades.

This is the infinite future.

It's a pity that I can't see such a grand plan, so I might as well leave it to Shirou.

Red A, who was far away from the Tree of Omniscientity, felt deeply unlucky and really didn't want to see the library director again.

At the same time, I was also very interested in the disciple who mentioned it again and again.

He swore that if he knew who that disciple was, he would blow him up and vent his anger on him.

With a wicked smile, Archer went to set up his position.

In Class C of the second grade of Suiqunhara Academy, the boy Emiya is attending class seriously.

I just always feel like I'm being watched. Is it Tohsaka-san?

That's right, the top student in Class A is observing this classmate whom he has not understood in depth before.

Rin Tosaka was convinced when he saw the young Emiya going to school calmly as if nothing had happened.

Even though he was cut down to half his life yesterday, he still ignored the interference and went to class today, which is very courageous.

Even though the physical injuries have recovered, the remaining pain and threat of death are not scary at all.

And he actually interacted with Sakura a little more, this bastard.

Talking and laughing with your sister in a war where you could die at any time, you are a scumbag!

Tohsaka Rin, who has been an idiot for a day, has a murderous look in his eyes. Find an opportunity to kill him!

Really? Rin?

Red A now took form, with the long bow and precious phantom in his hand projected.

If you dare to nod, I will kill you, ensuring that no bones remain.

Archer, what did you do during the day?

I went to look for information on the two masters and servants last night, but unfortunately I found nothing.

Selective truth is the Heroic Spirit Emiya's strategy to deal with the Master, because Rin's intuition is sometimes too sharp.

Forget it, the enemy seems to be a very professional magician. As the Holy Grail War progresses, they will emerge sooner or later. I am still more worried about the last two servants who did not show up.

When school was over, Rin and Emiya Shirou met up and walked to Emiya's house with the spiritual Archer.

But the girl forgot that she was a super idol of the private Hogunhara Academy, and she had the existence of a support club.

This scene at the school gate was seen by other students and quickly spread, causing a commotion.

Rin, a flower of the high mountain with both good character and academics, was defeated by a good old man who didn't have much impression, which made countless classmates sigh with regret.

And Sakura looked at this Mu Ze with a slightly weird expression.

In fact, she was also outside the Emiya residence that day, but she was more secretive.

As someone who has settled in the Tree of Omniscientity for a long time, she knows much more than Emiya-senpai and her sister. I even know some stories that happened in other timelines.

For example, the story of senior and Saber, such as the story of senior and sister. This is what my teacher learned from Mr. Noah after paying a lot of money.

He turned around and told himself not to fall into it. Chengzi was a very good teacher to the people around him.

So I really just admired Emiya-senpai, shook my head and left here.

Rin, who came to the Emiya mansion, decided to form an alliance with Shirou and began to settle accounts with everyone.

She has an unreliable Archer, Shirou's Saber, and Illya's Berserker.

The two enemies yesterday were Lancer, who was at a disadvantage, and Assassin, who was extremely weak.

Among the five combat powers that have been exposed, the one with three servants should basically have the absolute upper hand in this Holy Grail War.

Now we need to find the two enemies from yesterday so that we can wipe them out at once.

Only the remaining two servants were an unexpected variable.

Um, I probably know who the remaining two masters are?

? !

Tohsaka Rin was a little calm. So you are an information expert in Fuyuki City? After the first day of the war, everything was known.

Even Hong A looked sideways at his former self. The more I watch, the more I want to screw that dog's head off. The world he portrays is so stupid.

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