Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1038 The First Night of Shirou and the Holy Grail

He is not a cruel person, so how can he specifically exploit heroic spirits?

Boss, when the Great Holy Grail riots, there may be changes. Maybe heroic spirits like us will be contaminated by the black mud inside.

Medea looked worried but actually said yin and yang. She really wanted to have a scene where the seven knights defeated the big devil, and then let a certain man see what the dignity of a magician was!

It's okay. I will take action to deal with the disobedient heroic spirits when the time comes. For example, I will first kill a traitorous witch.

You're kidding, boss, I'm going to get busy.

The witch thought it was better to take some insurance measures for herself, lest she be killed by her boss.

Those are iron bars, it must be very painful to cut someone.

It's like a vision before the storm.

The wind in the harbor city stopped abruptly, and the weather began to become contrary to common sense.

The strong sunshine causes the dull air temperature to rise sharply like drought and heat, and unseasonable mirages can be seen everywhere.

And various weird urban legends have emerged.

For example, the girl's voice behind the giant sings in the dark night, and the man carrying a spear wanders around in the middle of the night.

This is 2004, and people have more convenient access to information than before, so bizarre information spreads very quickly.

Some elderly Fuyuki citizens recalled the great smog that occurred ten years ago and the burned-down Fuyuki Hall.

The weather was also abnormal at that time, and gas pipelines exploded almost every day.

There are also murderers running around the city, triggering a city-wide manhunt.

Rich people began to leave the city on alert, and ordinary people also asked their children and their families to go home early after get off work and stop wandering on the streets.

The entire city seemed to have consciously started a nighttime curfew, and at the same time, rumors and newly spun stories began to circulate on the Internet.

There were also some outside TV stations and media that planned to report on the incident, but were blocked by higher-level forces.

This is what Noah said. In the modern era where technology is becoming more and more advanced, the power of the mysterious side will fade away at a faster speed.

Because the definition of magic is that if it can be realized by human technology in that era, then it will be classified as magic. What is impossible in this era is magic.

So this is the power of the times, and the five magics are the final source of the mysterious side.

Hey, Zhongzhong, granddaughter. The Magic Association behind you doesn't seem to pay much attention to the Holy Grail. Did they just send you here alone?

The spearman became a little bored after gathering information for a few days. He still wanted to have a good fight.

Just call me Bagat, Lord Cu Chulainn.

In addition to me, the Holy Church also sent an acting priest who is also from our side.

As for the Holy Grail, the Clock Tower has always thought that Fuyuki's Holy Grail War was just a magic ritual performed by country people and didn't pay much attention to it, even though a monarch and the daughter of a school minister died in the fourth war.

It's just because there was a terrible Mr. Noah in the last term, so there is a need to investigate.

The Clock Tower did think so, so it sent agents to collect information.

This was also due to Gemstone's efforts to suppress the situation and not let the truth of the Fuyuki Holy Grail War spread widely.

Only the highest-ranking dean candidate, Bartholomew Lorelea, was interested, and that was only for Noah, not for the Holy Grail.

This time Bazett also contacted Karen Ordesia. The two men had reached an alliance treaty before the war began.

Collect the secrets of the Holy Grail War and hand them over to the respective factions without causing greater commotion.

This official background makes them very confident. In particular, Bazett is very confident in his combat power against the ancestor Cu Chulainn.

Unless there is a super strong player like the last time, we will definitely win this time.

The two parties focused on a target from the beginning.

Illyasviel von Einzbern!

After all, Einzbern's goal as the head of the family is too obvious. And the very obvious label of Fuyuki Holy Grail Gosan Family is on him.

As the head of a demonic family that has attracted more attention in the past 10 years, he has declined. Go out and have fun in this city without any disguise.

Therefore, the two agents with a slightly lacking moral bottom line decided to eliminate the patriarch early, as long as they beat her followers until they left the Holy Grail War.

Let Assassin lure Illya's followers first. After luring them away, we can then attack the master.

With the strength of you and me plus Cu Chulainn's bravery, even if the other party has an allied master, they can't stop our attack this time.

Karen nodded repeatedly.

Although he is the representative of the Holy Church, his combat experience and ability are naturally far inferior to those of a powerful man like Bazett who comes from a famous family and has extremely rich combat experience.

This plan is very simple and crude, but very effective. The main thing is to be fast.

To complete all this before everyone can react, it is best to drop some smoke to guide other servants to fight each other.

They had even checked the address, and it happened to be in the suburbs with not many people.

As long as they act quickly enough to control the family leader to seize the opponent's command spell or make the opponent's servants retire, then 1/7 of their mission will be completed.

According to the investigation, the reason why the other party does not live in Einzbern Castle but in the Emiya Palace is because he has an older brother living here.

An older brother who didn't have much talent in magic, even inherited the name of the magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu and didn't inherit his magic mark, it could be said that there was no threat.

And the two artificial battle maids were not even in Badet's eyes. With the combat power of the agent and his own backlight sword, he can deal with this kind of garbage in minutes.

As for Cu Chulainn, his task is to guard Noah from the outside.

If this terrifying guy appears, let this spearman, whose fighting spirit is so overwhelming that he can no longer suppress it, fight against the opponent.

Of course, even breaking into Emiya's mansion is not an option. In a magic workshop run by a magician himself, anything can happen.

It is said that the last monarch of the Clock Tower, Kenneth, was severely injured when he broke into the Einzbern Castle, and a lot of the entire family's wealth was lost.

Therefore, with the existence of negative teaching materials, they naturally did not want to choose the worst option, but set their sights on the private Hogunhara Academy, where Emiya Shirou went to school.

The young man who looked like a good old man often stayed to repair the broken tables and chairs. At that time, as long as he did a little manipulation, he could stay naturally.

Although magicians don’t place much emphasis on family ties, and there are even some crazy people who specialize in using blood as magic props.

But according to the summary of intelligence over the years, the relationship between the brother and sister is pretty good. At least it looks good on the surface. So they also made plans to use Emiya Shirou as bait to trap Illya.

In short, in the eyes of these two people, Emiya Shirou is just a dish on their table, and they can do with it how they want.

When will we take action?

Well just tonight!

As a result, the first step failed.

Someone did ask Shirou to stay and help repair the table, but after knowing that the Holy Grail War was about to begin, there was also a younger sister in the family who liked to run away at night and take Berserker for a walk.

How could the young man stay here so stupidly? Naturally, he refused directly.

And the student controlled by magic actually tried to use moral kidnapping, and the result was that he was beaten by Shirou in public and was unable to stand down.

Just kidding, I have been practicing with Teacher Noah for 5 years, and I have learned something through my eyes and ears. What's more, I also read a lot of more professional books.

After school, the boy's intuition told him that the previous scene was abnormal, so he rushed back home faster, blocking Illya who had just arrived at the door.

Looking at the picture passed by the familiar, the two officials on the magic side were a little helpless.

This guy's alertness is a bit high.

I said, why are you afraid of the magic workshop with the power of two servants? It's time to show you the prowess of our ancestors!

Encouraged by the spearmen, they finally stopped waiting and decided to take the initiative.

The moon is very round this night.

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