Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1037 What is missing from my sword?

This abnormal thing made him feel like he was facing an enemy.

The go-getter Moye in his hand began to glow, which was a special effect of magic power surging at high speed.

Rin Tosaka, who was still arguing with his sister in the library, also noticed that his servant seemed to have encountered an enemy, and then he found any reason to rush to the battlefield.

Your master actually plans to charge over? Is she here to help you fight?

Who knows, even though she is a little girl, her courage is much more upright than that of a guy who likes to go behind the scenes.

The poisonous-tongued Red A was not as innocent as the Emiya boy at the moment, and sarcastic words blurted out.

At the same time, I was a little speechless at Tohsaka Rin's operation. How could this woman be so reckless?

Introducing myself, I am Noah, the owner and part-time administrator of the library, and Matou Sakura is currently staying with me. So don't be so malicious.

I really just wanted you to come down and have a chat. There is still space in the library. After all, shouldn't you have a drink to redeem the regrets in your heart?

Chill penetrated Red A's heart, and the man in front of him seemed to see through everything about him, including time.

Insight? Or an unknown treasure? And since when has the pressure been so great?

The future heroic spirit suddenly smiled bitterly at this time, and even the two swords disappeared in his hands, as if he wanted to say something to Noah.

Ha, what are you talking about?

brush! The high-speed moving figure cracked the ground beneath its feet and disappeared, approaching the target in a strange arc.

It was his choice to decisively draw the sword and attack. It was certain that the opponent was not a heroic spirit, so he controlled the opponent before Tohsaka Rin arrived and then questioned him.

There are races outside the world that can read the gaps in the heart to find loopholes. I almost died back then.

The two daggers, one yin and one yang, were extremely nimble in the hands of the heroic spirit Emiya.

I don't know how many lives have been taken with these two C+ level swords. Emiya is very confident holding the sword in his hand. It is not just a matter of saying that the sword is a bone.

But the enemy is even more powerful. No matter how subtle or unexpected his moves are, he cannot touch the corners of his opponent's clothes.

Not Kuai's figure was able to dodge every sword attack at the right time, and even the despicable use of some battlefield tricks that he put down as a heroic spirit were seen through.

It's a very smart fighting idea, and it's not limited to identity. It's very good. In this regard, he is better than my disciple. That stupid boy can't learn these things at all.

The complimentary comments are particularly harsh. When did I fall to this point?

No matter how much he wanted to kill himself, Emiya, as a genius who could create unlimited swords, still had the pride in his heart.

Besides, Rin is getting closer and closer and can't be delayed any longer. Decisively activated the sword skill. Three Crane Wings!

The crane's wings are not falling, the mind's skill reaches Mount Tai, the mind's skill is to cross the Yellow River, for the name of Tianna, the two heroes share the fate of farewell!

Mo Xie, the general projected three times, slashed down from all angles in a circling and lunging manner, sealing off all the space almost at the same time.

This is a technique that can be counted as a skill in close-quarters swordsmanship, and it is also his proud work. He has cut down countless enemies.

But Noah seemed a little disappointed with this move, and took out a red iron bar and used the sword for the first time.

Seven rays of red light flashed, and the six-handled divine weapon was directly chopped into pieces. The last sword stopped between the eyebrows of Emiya Yingling.

The swordsmanship is good, but there is something missing. He is not as good as my disciple.

The white-haired heroic spirit was dumbfounded. Although he still had his fantasy collapsed and the final inherent barrier, it was really unbelievable to lose in such a simple way.

Having been on countless battlefields, he had never underestimated an enemy for a moment, but he was defeated in such a confused way.

The enemy saw through all the sword paths, and even knocked away all the generals Mo Xie with his sword path beyond imagination.

The last sword stopped between his eyebrows in a way that he couldn't understand. The last strike came first? Predict future? Law of cause and effect?

No, I just cut it when I saw it.

Who are you anyway?

Emiya asked unwillingly, how could there be such a character in the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Even Sasaki Kojiro's swordsmanship is not enough to carry this man's shoes. Even if Hercules regained his senses and shot a hundred heads, he would not be a match for the man in front of him.

Then was the Holy Grail War that he fought fake?

I've said it before. If you have time, you can come to the library and sit. After finally coming to this world, don't always think about changing the past and ending yourself.

I will find a solution for your matter.

A guardian believes that Alaya will give him face, and after all, he is also a disciple of the parallel world. This fate is simply unbearable to watch.

After saying this, Noah withdrew his word Wado. Then he took out a bottle of wine and handed it to the Heroic Spirit Emiya before leaving.

Emiya looked at the wine in his hand and the mysterious man's back and suddenly remembered something and asked.

What's missing from my sword?

You will understand when you meet my disciple.

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Noah's mouth, and he practiced in hell for a whole month.

The progress of the boy is astonishing in this world. Even Noah was amazed by the boy yesterday. He is really looking forward to the showdown between the two.

As the enemy disappeared, Emiya retrieved the general Moye who fell to the ground. His insurance measure just now was to collapse the fantasy and use the magic power of the explosion to impact himself and the enemy.

As long as he can leave the control range of the opponent's sword domain, he has a chance to make a comeback. He has learned too many things on the battlefield.

But is my sword really lacking something? And the man's confident tone stated that he would definitely fight against that disciple.

Really looking forward to it.

When Tohsaka Rin ran out of breath, he only saw his servant drinking a bottle of wine by the building, the red holy cloth flying in the wind a little lonely.

Where are the enemies?

Of course I beat him away. By the time you arrive, it will be too late. Besides, as a master, you must know how to protect yourself at this time, and newcomers must have it.

The heroic spirit Emiya, who was like an old woman, suddenly noticed the murderous intent of the twin-tailed girl opposite him, and decisively began to change her tone and began to comfort the little devil.

Actually, I'm still very touched. It's just a matter of next time.

In this way, with bickering all the way, the two men's investigation operation came to a successful conclusion today.

Now of the seven theoretical knights in the entire Holy Grail War, only the last Saber has not been summoned.

Noah is not in a hurry about this matter, it is not the last time yet.

Moreover, the plot has been completely disrupted, and there is no point in dwelling on this kind of thing.

He didn't care whether his idiot disciple would summon the blond girl again, because if Saber appeared again, he would probably be even more desperate, and this time he might even blow up the cup itself.

Standing on the top of Enzo Mountain, he nodded with satisfaction as he watched Medea's frantic work among the jungles. This time I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until the carrier of the Small Holy Grail can communicate with the Great Holy Grail.

I just don’t know if the thing hiding inside will miss me. You must know that Noah still likes the evil in this world very much.

It not only gave him a body that transcended the ordinary world, but also a path forward with no limit in sight.

As for Medea's proposal to summon an eighth heroic spirit to work illegally, it was rejected, and the matter of finding a heroic spirit to guard the gate was also rejected.

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