Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1039 The girl under the moonlight and regret

When school was over today, Tohsaka Rin immediately rushed home and started preparing for battle.

The classmate's unusual decision to keep Emiya Shirou also caught her attention.

Could it be because of that stupid white-haired sister?

Haha, it’s very difficult to deceive someone from a well-known demonic family like me, who can see through the enemy’s movements and tactics at a glance.

So after discussing with Red A, I planned to go to Emiya's mansion in the middle of the night to have a look. Maybe I could get some information or kill some enemies along the way.

Of course, Rin, your decision is very right.

Red A agreed like never before, this is a good opportunity. If I take advantage of the chaos, no one will know it was me.

It's just right to break off the relationship between Tohsaka Rin and Shirou before the relationship has sublimated. All he needs to do is come from afar for a while, hey hey hey hey.

Archer, your amnesia hasn't healed yet?

Of course, so I can only follow the orders of you, the eldest lady.

Red A immediately lost his memory and felt dazed. The eldest lady always felt that this bastard was hiding something from her. His sharp eyes made Xiao Bai Mao sweat almost break out before giving up.

Humph, I hope you won't lie to me.

As soon as the sky turned dark, the two of them set off excitedly, not caring about the established custom of starting a fight in the middle of the night.

You must know that there are still pedestrians on the road, so after arriving at the place, Rin squatted on the corner of the suburban street and felt a little regretful.

The occasional passers-by made her feel like she was turning into a bitch. In fact, she should have let her familiars keep an eye on her.

So he took the red A and evacuated to a slightly farther place, ready to take action at any time.

Rin, I know there is a good cafe nearby. We can go there and wait for the results.


There's something wrong with you, a heroic spirit. You think of me as one of those little girls who don't understand the world, right?

Nowhere is there

In the end, the two of them went to the cafe to wait, because standing in the corner felt silly.

Soon after, the familiars they left behind felt the magic power fluctuations erupting from Emiya's house, and happened to discover the enemy's attack path from the outside. It turned out that two heroic spirits launched a surprise attack at the same time.

They have formed an alliance so early. Damn it, the Masters of the Holy Grail War are so insidious!

Tohsaka Rin immediately set off with Archer, and for this reason he endured the unreasonable request of the white-haired heroic spirit to carry forward.

Although Emiya Shirou is a clumsy guy, as her classmate or a unique person, she doesn't want to make her sister feel sad.

As he was approaching Emiya's residence, he suddenly saw a magical light rising into the sky, and violent wind pressure swept through several streets around him.

It seems that another heroic spirit has descended into the world, and Emiya's house has become the focus of the first battle of this war, which is somewhat unexpected for these two people.

When they arrived at the scene, the battle situation made them feel a little complicated. The blue spearman and Berserker were still fighting crazily, and Assassin wearing a skull mask was fighting a certain blonde girl wearing armor and holding an invisible sword. .

The powerful invisible sword pursued the enemy step by step, beating the black servant like a dead dog.

That kind of royal sword power has even gained the overall upper hand. Isn't Saber too strong? !

The girl who saw a real heroic spirit fighting for the first time was stunned, as if a myth came into reality. The fighting style that went beyond common sense was really terrifying.

Any sword energy can cut through a wall of more than ten meters, and a stamp of the foot can make the ground shake.

The red-haired good old man was still standing in front of Illya without taking a step back. Even though the scars visible to the naked eye were covered with blood and blood, his eyes remained firm and unwavering.

Even in Tosaka Rin's eyes, his classmate actually had the urge to try.

What's even more surprising is the sword-like pattern on Shirou's right arm. He is actually the 7th Master?

And Red A's pupils immediately locked onto the woman who fascinated him. Even the boy Emiya whom he most wanted to kill was no longer in his sights.

Memories also emerged from the depths of my mind. It turned out that the scene engraved in his soul was the moonlight that he could not forget no matter how much blood he was stained with in the outside world.

That day.

The clouds moved and the moon was slightly exposed for a while

The silver moonlight shining into the warehouse illuminates the girl in knight costume

The inability to make a sound is not caused by sudden confusion.

It was just because the girl in front of me was so beautiful that I lost my words.

The girl stared at me emotionlessly with jewel-like pupils.

May I ask, are you my Master?

She said this in a solemn voice, and the boy was brought into the mysterious world that day.

No matter how many times I think back on it, I still feel resentful for my own stupidity.

Maybe if he had been killed by Lancer's magic gun, there wouldn't have been so much tragedy.


At this moment, Red A was in a strange situation. He was about to be on the battlefield, but his emotions were as complicated as a mess.

That cynicism, laziness, and usual arrogant disguise quietly faded away under the moonlight.

The silver-haired girl on the other side of his sight was also the pain in his heart, even though she had grown up in this timeline.


Kiritsugu's daughter was another person he couldn't save during the war.

It seems that he did a lot of things in the 5th Holy Grail War, but lost a lot of things, and almost none of the people he wanted to protect were protected.

The closest school girl, the only remaining family member, all lost their future before his eyes.

All kinds of visual impacts made this warrior from the future lose his will to fight.

In the end, it was the magical pressure that broke out in the field that allowed him to regain his spiritual defense.

In any case, even the arrival of the Holy Grail at this moment cannot stop him from killing that hateful past.

Because he also saw the red-haired boy in Emiya's house.

Just like in the memory, he stood firmly in front of the person who needed protection. Even though he was about to die, his eyes were still so disgusting.

Rin. Which side are we going to help?

A voice that was cold to the bone reached the girl's ears.

of course

Going back in time, the moment school ended at Suiqunyuan Academy, the red-haired boy left immediately without caring about the obstruction of others.

When Shirou Emiya returned home, he asked Illya to activate all the magic traps, then took out a long knife and held it in his arms.

Illya, there is someone who wants to keep me in the school for no reason today, so the enemy should be coming, so be prepared.

If we lose this battle, don't hesitate and go to the Tree of Omniscientity immediately.

Although I don’t know if the master can defeat the heroic spirit, but he is also the master and should be able to save Illya’s life.

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