Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1033: Inherited and Returned Hatred

Shirou seemed to hear a sound before losing consciousness.

very talented.

Noah is already satisfied with the progress of swordsmanship and magic. Such progress is worthy of his talent.

But in the end, I was even more surprised by the breakthrough of will.

There are people in the Xingyue world who are determined, but because of the differences in the world, no one can reach the standard of cultivating Overlord Color.

And Shirou actually has a prototype, which may be manifested in the form of a magic skill in the future, and that doesn't matter.

At least this disciple has really mastered the essence from another world. This is the power of human miracles.

Haki + Kendo + Unlimited Sword Control. It's so fun to leave a new monster behind before you go.

Illya, who was still feeling depressed in the Emiya mansion, suddenly smelled the smell of blood, a very, very strong smell of blood.

It was like a man had just died tragically in the courtyard. And instinct allowed Berserker to reveal his figure directly.

The sudden appearance of the atmosphere outside was very dangerous, and the extreme danger even activated a trace of Hercules' own sanity.

The silver-haired girl felt a panic in her heart. It seemed that someone with whom she was deeply connected had been fatally injured, so she immediately opened the door and rushed out.

Under the full moon, the monster-like Noah was crossing the space door carrying a corpse holding a broken sword.

And that corpse was her brother Emiya Shirou, and his body was covered with sword marks, whether there were dozens or hundreds of them.

The blood was dragged all the way, and the strong aura and residual fighting spirit filled the entire courtyard.

No! ! !

At that moment, reason collapsed in Illya's mind, and her brother actually died.

Although he is a fool, although he likes to chatter, even though he has taken away half of Ellie's love.

But that is my only relative

Losing control, he gave up the restraint on Berserker, and the other party launched a direct charge in the direction of his Master's hostility.

Illya's majestic magic power combined with the stronger attributes acquired by Heracles at the expense of his sanity made him invincible.

The huge nameless ax blade flashed with extreme power and cold light, and struck down with a mythical concept.

Oh~ I really haven't grown up yet.

Noah felt a little troubled when he saw Hercules rushing over. The Holy Grail War has not yet begun.

If Berserker was killed because of a misunderstanding, wouldn't the Fifth Holy Grail War be a bit weird? The layout of Yuanzang Mountain has not yet been completed.

So in just a short moment, Noah used his hand as a sword and stabbed out.

At the same time, endless red domineering energy was triggered to cover his hand knife, and it was dawn in an instant.

After a few seconds, the red color faded, and the great hero fell to the ground.

With the activation of the 12th trial, the berserker was struggling to recover. Although the 12 Trial theoretically has 12 lives, if the intensity of an attack is too strong, it will consume several more energy, which can only be replenished by Illya's magic power.

The current Berserker is in this situation. However, as the body slowly recovered, the opponent did not attack again.

Because the domineering force temporarily suppressed the side effects of madness, the hero's consciousness recovered somewhat.

On the ground, not dead.

The corpse on the ground seemed to have been activated by this violent confrontation, and even scratched the void with the broken sword.

Illya was completely dumbfounded by the operation of pretending to be a corpse. This idiot brother was so stupid.

Just sleep for a day with Avalon's presence. Pay attention to replenishing calories.

Noah dropped Emiya Shirou and pushed open the door to the Omniscient Tree again.

By the way, tell Shirou and continue tonight.

The courtyard suddenly became quiet, and Illya was a little confused. Hercules' clear eyes looked thoughtfully at the direction where Noah disappeared.

As a Hercules, I must fight again.

Humans, monsters.

Then the side effects of the mad level appeared again, and Berserker returned to his original state.

Berserker, help me carry my idiot brother to the room.

In this way, Emiya Shirou's thrilling day passed.

It seemed that the first two heroic spirits that appeared this time had everything arranged.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

London, Clock Tower.

There is an arm placed in an artificial magic furnace with three command spells on it.

The figure with blond hair and red eyes stood in front of the command spell and watched all this, feeling particularly interesting.

Hey, well, well, it turns out that the Eighth Heroic Spirit feels like this. It is indeed a bit mysterious.

But such a mystery is meaningless to me. It is really a redundant method.

So human magicians, what reward do you want.

Turning around, he turned out to be the Servant of the Fourth Holy Grail War, the Ancient King Gilgamesh!

A female voice sounded in the empty room.

Great Ancient King, you can act as you wish. We have no restrictions on the Holy Grail and the world.

There's just one guy who crossed the line, Noah.

The speaker is the candidate for the Dean of the Clock Tower. The current Magic Marshal who commands the Chorus CLONE Brigade. The monarch of the Clock Tower's Legal Affairs Department, Lord Bartholomew.

As an extreme aristocrat, the eldest lady lacks humanity. He himself pursues the principle that a person's characteristics are more worthy of evaluation than his personality, so he also has a corresponding degree of concern for humans with powerful special abilities.

This magic marshal was full of dissatisfaction and hostility towards Noah who appeared ten years ago.

He was born out of nowhere, and for the sake of ordinary humans, he dared to wantonly massacre a noble magician family, and once threatened the Clock Tower with a nuclear weapon, the highest creation of human weapons, which was a heinous crime.

She would never forget the day when a man holding a red iron bar defeated a choir of 50 elite magicians, and even placed those weapons in front of them, the monarchs.

Even if this kind of person has power beyond common sense, it is not something that Barthemero can appreciate.

So she secretly found the holy relics of Gilgamesh, who was said to have a grudge against Noah, and summoned the oldest king again.

It must have been the useless Kotomine Kirei who hindered the performance of the king last time, so she used her spiritual veins to recharge the magic furnace.

The truly peak king will definitely win and eliminate that threat.

The myth that Gilgamesh will return to the past after the Holy Grail War cannot remain in this world, and the restraining measures put in place in the Command Seal ensure that this will not go wrong.

Everything is under the control of the monarch.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

It doesn't matter what kind of schemes you have, Noah, Noah, Noah!!!!

Noah, who carried the body back to Emiya's mansion in Fuyuki City, felt a little strange, as if someone was calling his name.

I personally like Emiya Boy very much. So there are a lot of shadows on Noah in the early stage. The Fifth Holy Grail War may end quickly, because the focus is no longer on the chaos between the seven knights.

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