Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1032 Righteous Partner and Dominance

At this time, Noah lowered his head and enveloped the world with an aura that the boy had never felt before.

Shirou's vision was wrapped in endless black. There was malice, curses, pleading, and distortion. If I had to describe it, it would be 'evil'.

The flowing black mud slowly covered everything, and negative emotions began to infect the young man's heart.

At the same time, bottomless murderous intent erupted. The mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood just stayed behind Noah, and endless creatures died tragically under the opponent's weapons.

This. What is this? Is this malice and murderous intent? Shirou had never felt such a strange and ferocious aura. It was like a black river washing him under the abyss. The suffocating feeling of being unable to beat his heart was simply maddening.

Is this really Teacher Noah? Rather than the collection of evil in this world in his story?

At this time, the second half of the sentence also floated over.

As long as you survive

A weird smile appeared on the corner of Noah's mouth, and the red and black mental shock in his eyes hit his face.


With one slash of the sword, Shirou felt that death had cut off all the future on his fate line.

Time became very slow, and he watched the strange sword-like weapon slowly slash towards his neck.

Before he even got close, a blood line was drawn on his neck.

Damn it, move! Move! The body needs to move, otherwise it will die.

This is an injury that Avalon cannot save!

But the physical quality of ordinary humans is difficult to change under such strong oppression. Even after five years of blessing from Shuangyue Secret Medicine, he still cannot reach a level that can compete with this momentum. He seems to be in a situation where there is no way to do it now. situation.

In the baptism of time, the boy suddenly thought of something.

'Shirou, remember, magic is just a tool. Talent is fundamental. ’

This sentence awakened him. Since such a body cannot resist, then just strengthen it to the point where it can resist!

The magic power has been mobilized so quickly as never before, without the need to release it. It already knows its own structure, and the operation of the magic circuit is even more comfortable after ten years of life and death training.

Then the virtual magic circuit in his body suddenly passed through his body like an electric current, and he was finally able to move one hand.

What can you do with one hand? A sword hilt can be touched.

Clang! ! !

In the middle of the lightning, Shirou Emiya blocked the first blow with an unknown sword, but before he could be happy, his face turned pale.

A gust of wind pressure flashed by, and the young man was slashed straight away, and the sword in his hand broke into two pieces. A huge bloody hole opened on his body.

At the same time, the magic power that strengthened the physical body naturally attacked his internal organs. The iron-like pain in his abdomen caused him to start vomiting blood.

Just one sword attack basically eliminated the fighting power.

But the crisis was not resolved. Noah suddenly disappeared in front of him, but Shirou seemed to feel in his intuition that the other party was behind him and cut off a ruthless sword.

Draw out your sword or die!

There is no time to reply to this sentence. When Shirou felt the sharp energy in his hair, he activated magic again to strengthen his body, and then followed his instinct and found a sword to block it behind him.

He was hit by a huge force again and rolled on the ground 18 times without getting up.

Ha! Ha~~ha~~~

His bones were shaking, his blood vessels were exploding, and the huge wounds on his body were causing him to bleed continuously. Death was already approaching this stubborn child.

But it didn't end there, because the cold executioner seemed to have no mercy and appeared in his field of vision again.

As unpretentious as moonlight!

Shirou had no choice but to touch a weapon next to him to block it again. The sword was also broken into pieces, and he was also injured and rolled over.

“Look with your heart’s eye!”

Strengthening his body, the sword shattered people and caused them to fly, adding another wound.

Carry out the will!

Just like this, in this sword hell on the red earth, Shirou Emiya kept raising his sword and being chopped away.

Blood flows freely in this no-man's land, and the smell of death is getting stronger and stronger.

In the end, when Shirou got up again panting with a weapon he just picked up, the opponent did not attack.

Why don't you run? Why don't you beg for mercy? Why don't you stand up?

Retreating will only lead to aging, and timidity will only lead to destruction. Isn't this what the teacher taught you?

As for fear, there will definitely be some. But I want to protect my family. Not yet. I am not qualified to die as a partner of justice!!!

Even though his whole body was stinging, blood was flowing all over the floor, and he was almost unsteady on his feet, his heart, bones, and soul would not allow him to fall.

Even if the enemy is this teacher Noah who is so powerful that he is even more of a monster than a monster!

The red-haired boy's pupils were filled with flames that could melt steel, and his will was clearly conveyed to Noah's eyes, which were full of murderous intent.

Unyielding, angry, fearless, overcoming fear, great eyes.

Noah really appreciates it, having the same feeling he had at O'Hara. so.

boom! ! !

Young man, let me see your will!

Hedao Yiwen. At this moment, there is a red light flashing on it. This sword may not be very powerful, but the pressure on the soul has reached a terrifying level.

If he is struck by this sword, Emiya Shirou's ideals and will will be shattered at the same time, and he doesn't know whether he can recover in his lifetime.

The red sword energy flew towards the young man firmly.

The feeling of great fear was conveyed into Shirou's heart, and he had no way out.

Now that I am no longer afraid of life and death, let me do the impossible.

A hot feeling came from the magic circuit, as if all the internal organs were being burned, every nerve was in severe pain, and the blood was boiling.

The enhancement that originally took an hour of meditation was completed in this instant, at the cost of being directly on the verge of death and only having the strength to swing a sword.

Synchronize, analyze, strengthen, and release!

The body and the sword in his hand were strengthened simultaneously, surpassing all previous training and entering the unknown wasteland.

In the face of death, Shirou felt anger, the anger from himself, the anger from the sword in his hand, and the anger from all swords.

A slight will is distorting the material in the outside world, and then blessing the sword body.

Then, swing your sword! Cut off everything in sight.

When the red sword energy shattered, when his sword really cut off the fear, he felt as happy as if he had mastered a whole world.

Ah, is this the beauty of swordsmanship and magic?

After that, his vision went dark and he lost his will, holding the young man riddled with holes with one hand.

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