Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1034 Spiral Assault and Sexy Beauty

As time approaches, the fifth Holy Grail War is about to begin.

The selected masters also went to Fuyuki City in their own way.

On the penultimate day of the Holy Grail War, Bazett from the Magic Association also came to the outskirts of the city and temporarily lived in the Ghost Mansion.

When everyone chose to summon, they all chose a place with few people in the suburbs, and Bazett was deeply aware of the taboos in a certain magic world in the city.

A ruthless man who once marked the Clock Tower.

As representatives, they had also seen the tragic situation of the Chorus. It was unbelievable how terrifying it must be for a strong person to take down 50 senior magicians at once, so she came here very low-key this time.

The mission of the Stone Clock Tower is for her to investigate information, such as what is happening with the suspected candidate for the 726th Holy Grail.

On the mysterious side, there are various Holy Grails, the Great Holy Grail, the Small Holy Grail, the Moon Holy Grail, the Magical Holy Grail, etc. Basically, each one has a legend that it can make wishes come true, but in essence they are all aggregation of magic power.

Perhaps for magicians, endless magic means the ability to realize any wish.

The key element of the investigation mission is to pass the information back at any time. Last time, Kotomine Kirei, who represented the Holy Church, became a traitor, and Kenneth disappeared directly. There is a serious lack of information on the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City, which has led to the most variables.

In the later period, one of Yu San's families was directly wiped out, and the remaining two were also in disgraceful decline.

Because there was no mission to attack Noah, this agent, who had always been honored by completing the mission, breathed a sigh of relief.

After pronouncing the declaration at a fixed time, the spearman appeared with the light of magic power.

During his lifetime, he was Cu Chulainn, the famous hero of the Ulster region of Northern Ireland.

During the Fifth Holy Grail War, the class of Lancer was summoned.

She has short blue hair, a few strands of bangs floating randomly, and a long ponytail on the back of her head that reaches her waist. Wearing a pair of cyan earrings on both ears.

Red eyes and blue eyebrows. Wearing a blue tights, the tights extend to the wrists to form bowl armor, with silver shoulder armor on both shoulders, and a red spear that pierces the death thorns in his hand.

As the representative hero of Ireland, if the story was set in Europe, he would be a shining presence alongside Hercules and King Arthur.

With a beast-like agility and bravery and superb spear skills, his strength can be regarded as outstanding even in the Lancer class.

The Noble Phantasm is the Gáe Bolg which will pierce the opponent's heart as long as it releases its power.

Gáe Bolg, an anti-army Noble Phantasm that was originally used for throwing, was modified by Ku Churin himself and used as a Noble Phantasm for use against people. It is his special move and trump card.

It is a move that reverses the cause and effect that represents the order of things. The moment it is released, the effect of the opponent's heart is penetrated is created first. The cause because the heart was penetrated, so the gun hit happened later. Unless you are very lucky, it can be said that this is a move that is definitely death if released.

The God Declaration of Odin, the main Nordic god who claims to have surpassed the prototype.

Of course, this statement has not been certified by Odin or Gilgamesh. It is just Cu Chulainn's unilateral pride.

Of course, among the heroes, perhaps the most concerning thing about him is his teacher, Scathach, Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows.

A truly unimaginably powerful woman who has reached the pinnacle of heroic spirit with weapons and combat prowess. Banished and cursed by the gods, he remains immortal. The biggest expectation is that his disciple can cultivate to a higher level and then kill him.

But the Bulldog's character is very simple.

Bazett was also very excited after summoning the heroic spirit incarnation of his ancestor.

Since childhood, I have longed for and sympathized with the experiences of my ancestors, so the two hit it off immediately after meeting. This thing is far better than the fate of the Lancer in the timeline.

In the 5th Holy Grail War, Cu Chulainn may have to use the full combat power of his demigod hero. After all, the myth of his life was so brave, completely different from what was shown in the original Holy Grail novel.

This pair was exceptionally harmonious, and of course Bazett also reminded the other party to pay attention to the monsters in Fuyuki City. Servant Cú Chulainn became even more excited after hearing this. How proud he was to be able to challenge the most powerful person in the world.

But the Holy Grail War had not yet begun, so the two of them arranged some positions and familiars in Fuyuki City.

Anyway, if you don't do anything outrageous, there won't be any problems. In reality, the Kuran Bulldog is more approachable.

The pair even went to the Fuyuki City Library to look up information. The Son of Light didn't feel any difference, but felt very comfortable here.

But he is not very interested in learning this kind of thing, and even the rune magic pattern can be used barely, so he came once and never came again.

The Holy Grail War is really approaching after the Lancers are summoned.

Sakura also summoned her servant on a full moon night.

Medusa, once a beautiful goddess, was later cursed by Athena and turned into a female monster, but she was a servant summoned as a goddess in her prime.

The knee-length purple hair seems to be as alive as the legend. Black pants and black over-the-knee boots. Her alluring aura and stunning figure can be said to be similar to Sakura's hidden charm.

Looking at the opponent's combat power data and abilities, Sakura almost knew how to fight.

Just hide it in secret and use it as a trump card. You can ask the master for advice on the magic eye.

There should be no one who understands this kind of petrified demonic eye better than the master. The eyepatch is really too eye-catching, so it is best to replace the sealed Noble Phantasm with a real-life spectacle-like gift.

In this way, you can contact the enemy's Master secretly and kill with one hit at the critical moment.

It has to be said that after experiencing the darkness, Sakura's tactical style also tends to be more secretive. A good rider is conceived in the same way as an assassin.

Noah was very appreciative of this plan, and even gave some small ideas to his friend's disciples.

For example, you can directly hit your face with a flash bomb at close range, then take off your blindfold and summon Pegasus to fire a petrifying ray + war trample.

Or don’t stick to Pegasus. If you have skills such as riding, you should be open to ideas. For example, some technological creations in the garrison base are not impossible to play with.

The little girl was stunned for a moment when she saw all kinds of insidious tactics. It turned out that this is how the Holy Grail War was fought.

To be honest, Medusa's average combat power is at the bottom of the 5th edition. If she doesn't use some off-beat moves, she will basically give up the fight for the Holy Grail.

After being enlightened, Sakura equipped her servants with equipment. The rest is up to fate.

The youngest Gorgon goddess transformed into a lustful urban beauty without refusing.

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