Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1031 The truth is always cruel and ruthless

So it was you, the teacher, who summoned the servants yesterday?

No, he was a mysterious trash from the Middle East. He did some very disgusting things, so he was sent away by me. Medea turned her back on the dark and took the initiative to follow me.

The betrayal witch rolled her eyes in her busy schedule. Who would believe such a thing and follow her actively?

Teachers are kind.

Well, Shirou is an honest kid.

The boy brought his sister here this time to tell the teacher about the summoned servant and the specific information about the Holy Grail War.

I'm afraid no one knows more about the Fourth Holy Grail War than the teacher. Shirou also roughly knows that the person whose name is always reluctant to appear in Ellie's stories is Noah.

The Fourth Holy Grail War.

At this time, Sakura ran out and made a cup of tea for everyone. When she saw Shirou, she was shocked. It was unexpected that the school girl would be in the Tree of Omniscientity.

But now is not the time to explore this matter, so I suppress the doubts in my heart and get the information first.

So Noah told them the story of the 4th Holy Grail War under the tree.

Einzbern Castle in Germany, the first night at Fuyuki Port, the crusade against the outsiders, the victory dinner, the siege of betrayal, and the final winner.

He even told those things that Aili didn't want to talk about, which gave everyone a huge mental impact.

Sakura thought that the first night was the night when she regained her life, and the exit of her nominal father Tohsaka Tokiomi was also very dishonorable.

Medea also heard it. It turns out this is the origin of this monster. It seems that I can't do this job without doing it. The opponent was able to kill 7 servants in the last term and I'm afraid he won't mind a few more this term. He is really a cruel person.

Moreover, even Gilgamesh, who surpassed the gods in terms of status, was not defeated, but he could survive the sword.

This is Medea\u003eThe King of Heroes.

What's even more chilling is the other party's mind and calculations, which she, the traitorous witch, can't even find a flaw in. horrible.

The people who had the greatest impact on the discussion were naturally the two brothers and sisters who took the initiative to search for information.

Although Shirou and Illya had long been prepared to know that Kiritsugu would have some disgraceful performances in the war.

Because they have grown up, and when I think back to the stories that Ellie told, I always find that in the second half of the story, Kiritsugu's behavior became less and less and very weird, but I didn't expect that the other party would do such an extreme thing. .

What makes it even more difficult for them to accept is that even Aili has done such a thing. That gentle but strong, simple and stupid mother also betrayed her servants, and even entered a crazy situation in the end.

No wonder Ellie said before she died that both of them were sinners. No wonder there is such talk about Noah’s atonement.

Ilia obviously couldn't accept it, how could Kiritsugu and Irisviel, who were heroes in her mind, be such people, but the stories her mother told and the information from Einsbern convinced her This is generally how it is, so I fell directly into autism.

Shirou, on the other hand, believes that it is really sad to not have the correct ideological guidance when moving towards your ideal, and how hopeless it is to be abandoned by your own dreams.

As for the operation of Teacher Noah who was originally a servant but turned into an ordinary human being, it did not cause much surprise.

Nothing will happen to this man. After all, it stands to reason that the winner of the last Holy Grail War was the person in front of him.

Finally, after hearing all about the Holy Grail War, it became very silent.

Sakura left here silently, and no one in the story had much to do with her.

Emiya Shirou was the first to regain his sanity. The daily practice of sword meditation can help focus his mind.

It turns out that the Holy Grail War is really like what my mother said, a battle that makes good people become bad and bad people go crazy.

At the same time, I also understood what kind of situation my sister would face. It was a war with an astonishingly high casualty rate. It would be too naive to rely solely on Hercules to settle the situation.

Only one of the previous eight Masters survived normally after the war, and Ellie only had half a life left.

With such a tragic ending, it's no wonder that before her death, Ellie told him and Illya not to enter the Holy Grail War.

But now that Illya has entered it, Emiya Shirou has no choice.

Teacher, please help me.

Noah understood what the other party meant. Since this boy wanted a more radical practice method and had Avalon's support, then give him a set of round-trip tickets to hell.

After leaving this world, there must always be a legacy that exists in Xingyue. Maybe it can be used when one day encounters the Lost Belt.

Take two hours every night to lead you in practice. Be prepared to die.

Okay teacher, I am prepared to die every day.

The red-haired boy now shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting his sister. His edge became sharper, more determined, and more weighty from an unknown perspective.

Then the boy took the confused Illya away from the Tree of Omniscience.

When Noah looked back, he found that Medea's enthusiasm for work suddenly became more intense. It seems that her daily work is her passion.

Do me a favor later. I need to make a barrier that cannot be detected by the outside world. At the same time, there are high requirements for shielding energy intensity.

Okay, boss.

Noah nodded and left. He wanted to arrange a suitable place to teach his disciples.

He knows this kind of passionate comic protagonist very well, and the step-by-step practice is all about laying the foundation.

It's easy to break through, just die a few times.

At night, a space door opened in front of Shirou Emiya, and he stepped through it without fear.

This place turned out to be a red wilderness with countless ownerless sword tombstones. Nearly a thousand swords were stuck in the ground, making it even more desolate.

I asked Medea to make a shielding measure here so that the satellites in the sky and the magic means of the clock tower cannot detect it.

As for the weapons, Chengzi was asked to use some leftover materials to forge swords. This place can be considered a small out-of-this-world place.

That's where you get your training. If you die, just lie in this unknown place.

Emiya Shirou's firm eyes never flinched.

Yes, teacher, how should we practice? Should we practice magic first and then swordsmanship, or should we practice both at the same time like I did before.

You are still too naive, Shirou.

I saw Noah pulling out a red iron bar-like sword from the ground. This was an imitation made by Cheng Zi on a whim. Even if it is an imitation, it is still an indestructible magic weapon in the hands of this person.

He looked at this disciple very seriously.

Whether it's magic or swordsmanship, you can essentially explore the truth and roots of the world, but swordsmanship may be a little rougher. So my suggestion is

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