Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1020 Shirou will no longer be a scumbag ten years later

My name is Emiya Shirou, and I study in the 2nd year group C of the private Hogunhara Academy.

A magician, not the one on TV, but the one who performs miracles.

The original name is not important anymore, it is just that the child who was adopted by his mother after his parents died inherited the name of Emiya.

My mother passed away 5 years ago.

Because an accident had occurred, he realized the tragedy that had happened to him after he regained consciousness.

I still remember that when I was in the hospital, a young foreign woman with silver hair and red eyes came to the ward with a cute little girl who was almost an exact replica of her.

Hello. Are you Shirou?

Under the sunlight outside the window, the two of them were as beautiful as inhuman things. The keen young man didn't know why he felt like this when he admired.

And he obviously looks very young, but when he speaks, he has an air of old age for some reason.

Well, let's ask directly, does Shirou want to be adopted by an orphanage, or should he be adopted by the aunt he met for the first time?


The second sound came from another little girl's dissatisfaction.

Ah, don't be angry, Illya. It will be very warm to have an additional brother in the family.

But mom can't stay with me in Germany.

Germany. It's not very convenient. I'll wait for the holidays.

This young mother seems to have some unspeakable secrets and is unable to accompany her daughter abroad.

So when faced with this problem, she felt a little guilty. The tearful look made the little girl immediately forgive the incident. Who told her that she was the head of the Einzbern family.

There are countless people from the outside world who covet the family's property and inheritance. It is really dangerous for Irisviel to stay in Germany for a long time.

If it weren't for the name of a certain monster, the mother and daughter would have been captured long ago for inhumane magic research.

However, human greed makes such uncertain things unsafe, so Fuyuki City is considered a safe haven for Irisviel.

The skills of a magician made a little girl very mature, but she was still a little jealous of her red-haired brother.

After comforting the little girl, Airi continued to look at Shirou expectantly.

For children, both the orphanage and the person in front of them are still unfamiliar.

In this case, little Shirou decided to follow this beautiful woman and accept her as his mother.

Illya described that scene in her later memories as making a decision like a sharp sword. Her stupid brother also had very different talents.

Anyway, the joyful expression in Airi's eyes could hardly be concealed at that time, and she was immediately ready to take Shirou out of the hospital.

It's just that the way he packs things is very poor, like a fool.

Finally, the little girl named Illya also joined in, and the result was two idiots.

Shirou couldn't stand it anymore and was about to get up to help, when a woman wearing a black butler's uniform walked in and started to help organize, finishing everything very neatly.

Ah, thank you, Maiya. What would we do if we didn't have you?

The idiot mother and daughter breathed a sigh of relief and wiped their sweat at the same time.

Ah, I forgot to mention something important. There is something I must tell you before you come to my house. I am a powerful magician.

Irisviel was very serious, and Shirou was also very serious in expressing his belief. Children always believe that there is such a thing as magic in this world.

After that, he became that person's child.

He inherited the name Emiya from a man named Emiya Kiritsugu, who has passed away.

It is a very happy thing to have a family again. The Emiya family is a samurai-style mansion in Zahiro. There is such a large area in the suburbs of Fuyuki City that is comparable in size to the Budokan. It can be seen that this family is really rich. money.

Later I learned that the surname Einzbern is a German nobleman and has a history of thousands of years. This surprised the young Shirou.

Why would such a person adopt him?

Because... the hope of rebirth. It is the emotional sustenance of the life that is about to leave for the next generation.

Speaking of words that the little boy didn't understand, Aili's eyes smiled as if she had seen something super new.

There were usually only two people, Shirou and Airi, living in the huge mansion. Fortunately, the Fujimura family next door would come here to take care of the mother and son, fearing that they would starve to death at home.

This is how Fujimura Taiga, the future Fuyuki Tiger, entered the Emiya residence.

The kind-hearted girl couldn't bear to see her neighbors living in dire straits.

The Einzbern family may have some teachings in magic, but they have absolutely no knowledge in life.

In the past, there were artificial servants to provide services. Therefore, common sense skills such as cooking and washing clothes are very lacking.

In the end, it was Emiya Shirou who took over the family and began to refine his housework skills, especially making good black tea.

My sister also flies over from Germany during her holidays. Although he is an angry child, he is surprisingly easy to coax.

As for the unscientific thing about magicians being real, Ellie was actually teaching him things that transcended the world.

However, from the perspective of a child, it is obvious that this mother is unreliable, and many things were ultimately taught to him by Illya.

As a result, with the help of a mother who didn't understand much and a sister who was still learning, Emiya Shirou became a half-baked magician.

Every time I use magic, it's like walking on the verge of death. However, the two teachers are also very ambitious, and they just spend their days practicing magic.

Years later, Shirou is good at repairing furniture. After all, analysis, enhancement, and projection have taken up all of his energy. The fact that such a large house can be kept in such good condition is all due to his increasingly advanced magic skills.

Everything was going well, and for a while the happiness felt unreal.

It’s just that my mother’s health is very poor but she likes to go out and play and is very curious about everything she sees. Fortunately, there is an aunt named Kuu Maiya who often takes her out.

Ellie also likes to tell Shirou some mythical adventure stories.

Especially the story about the man named Emiya Kiritsugu, his nominal father, his eyes light up every time he tells it. The deep love seems to pass through time.

He is a person who has always adhered to his ideals and wanted to give everything, even though he took the wrong path.

There is also a name called Saber, or Arturia, who often appears in the story. She seems to be a medieval knight. Perfectly practicing the knight's code.

A confused big eater, very powerful but a bit dull. She is a cute girl.

Aunt Kuu Maiya is also among them. Surprisingly, she has some unclear relationship with her nominal father. She is really a scumbag.

The little Shirou had a bad feeling about his late father, and he swore that he would never step on a boat, otherwise he would kill him.

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