Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1019 The Fourth Holy Grail War is over!

One meter, two meters, three meters, ten meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters, endless heights almost standing on another dimension.

What circulates on the endless high wall is a complete world declaration and the signatures of countless races and representatives. Behind it is a new world full of hope.

Reject destruction with the will of the world!

And the sharp edge cutting the world was blocked for the first time. Rejected by human will, this world cannot be allowed to be destroyed.

The torrent and concepts of world destruction are unwilling to constantly cut and try to rewrite the meaning of this Noble Phantasm in the World Declaration.

But it's useless!

This declaration will not be changed by the will of any external strong person. This is Noah's strongest conceptual weapon.

This was also the first time Gilgamesh encountered something that could not be cut by Ea. At this moment, his eyes lost the pride of the oldest king, and instead looked at that wall-like existence.


What is this?!!! This is impossible!!

How come there is such a concept in this world? Even the Wall of Sighs in the Underworld or the Wall of Troy in Homer's epic poem cannot stop it, but a mere human fictitious concept can actually do this!

No matter how the deviant sword in his hand rotates to collect information about the world and unleash destruction, it will all be in vain on the book in front of him.

The shock of confusion that followed him was over. And Noah looked at the confused king after the declaration of the world.

This is something that kings and gods cannot understand.

Then everyone's bodies erupted with the light of lights, converging on him to extend blessings.

Because without everyone's strength, he cannot wield this sword, because this sword carries the world declaration.

Use the will of all humans in the world to decide, kill!

The light on the words Hedao Yi was so powerful that it was impossible to look directly at it. Noah slowly raised it with both hands, his body trembling slightly.

Carrying the human will of a world, it is unimaginably heavy.

If it wasn't allowed by the declaration, even Noah wouldn't be able to control it at all.

The apparently slender sword blade looked like the whole world had been chopped down in Gilgamesh's eyes.

This sword still has no name.

The Ancient King was unable to resist. Whether it was the Heavenly Locks, the seven rings covering the blazing sky, or the small world surrounding the sky, they were all crushed to pieces.

There is no way to dodge, all the conceptual Noble Phantasms of displacement type are locked, no matter where they appear, they will still be pursued in any small space.

There is only one ending in the vision of the omniscient and omnipotent star.

Finally, the sword fell slowly.

Endless light flashed through the mind world. After enduring so much power, it also collapsed upon itself after the explosion.

The two heroic spirits returned to the ruins of the Fuyuki Civic Hall, where the cold moonlight shone.

Noah. Is this what human will and glory are like?


That's it. I'm very satisfied.

The golden king's body ignited with illusory flames, and the heat from the inside burned him into nothingness.

The seventh servant of the Holy Grail War, the Ancient King, who regained his physical body, died here, and the Holy Grail War ended.

The irony is that the Holy Grail that everyone expected was shattered, and the evil in this world was also beaten back.

This was a war with nothing, but Noah, Lancelot and Gilgamesh all got what they wanted.

Withdrawing the word Hedao, Noah felt a sigh of relief when he looked at the place where Jin Shining stood just now.

This guy is too strong.

Xingyue is too partial to Jin Shining in terms of settings.

By the way, now it’s time to deal with the final touches.

First, deal with a Mapo priest standing calmly in the corner.

I didn't expect Gilgamesh to lose too, Noah


The sword wind from the hand sword directly killed this guy, and then the red flames burned the waste.

No trace of this pollution can be left behind.

Finally, there is Irisviel.

I don’t know when Kuu Maiya came over and was about to run away with the doll, but it was still too late.

Ignoring Kiritsugu's little lover who was holding a weapon, Noah stopped the pair.


When Ellie woke up, she was speechless. What she and her lover had done was not an exaggeration even if they were cut into pieces. Betrayal was always unforgivable.

In fact, the current dolls have lost their innocence after being washed away by the black mud, and understand how ridiculous their previous behavior was.

And even if Noah didn't kill her, she wouldn't live long.

The infected souls have already suffered irreversible damage, and will completely dissipate in a few years at most.

The only regret now is Illya.

Let's do it

Forget it, I used your identity to come to the world to offset the betrayal. I'll let you go this time.

Looking at a doll that is willing to die, Noah always feels like bullying orphans and widowed mothers.

Killing the Master's entire family is still a little inappropriate.

Then Noah raised his hand and opened a door. Opposite was a certain office in Guanbuzi City.

Hey, the fight is over? Are you going too far in Fuyuki City? With that kind of magic power fluctuation, I even thought that a certain crowned heroic spirit wanted to destroy the world.

Aozaki Orange became angry when she saw Noah. As a temporary magic power provider, she suffered a lot.

Behind her is an artificial magic furnace with something like an arm inside.

However, this stove seemed to have experienced some kind of damage and looked dilapidated.

The spiritual veins in Guanbuzi City have been a little sluggish due to my stimulation. Are you really fighting a mythical war? The kind that will destroy the world?

Destroy the World? That's pretty much it. How is your puppet production going?

It's only been a few days, just wait.

After hearing this, Noah threw the confused doll and Kuu Maiya over.

I'll leave them to you. After you change your body, it's up to you to do whatever you want.

After saying that, he planned to close the door.

But Ally, who had already awakened, suddenly stopped Noah.

Mr. Noah! Although it's hard to say this, can you please save my child?

Irisviel, who felt that this unreasonable request was too much, had no choice.

Einzbern is one of the three royal families, and is a force that is not easy to mess with in the entire mysterious side.

And now Kiritsugu

Now only this incredibly powerful heroic spirit can do this.

He had clearly betrayed his savior, but he still made such a request. He was really a shameless person! Irisviel and Kuu Maiya knelt down and kowtowed.

Even at the cost of his own life, he must bring Illya out of that hell.


That night, a mysterious strong man raided the mysterious side of Einzbern Castle.

The entire Einzbern was slaughtered, leaving only the last heir, Illya von Einzbern.

Even though it is a man-made Holy Grail carrier, the irony is that the Demonic Family with its orthodox name and magic background is not yet dead.

After spending a lot of resources and a huge price with the help of the mysterious man, little Illya became the head of the Einzbern family certified by the Clock Tower.

As one of the surviving Masters, Waver Velvet returned to England to re-study with his longing for the King. Later, he signed a contract with Lenis El-Melloi Archizolti and inherited El. Mero's name.

Rin Tosaka inherited the Tosaka family's magic seal and went to study abroad in the Clock Tower with her mother's support. But what Aoi didn't know was that this little girl had already made up her mind to return to Fuyuki City during the next Holy Grail War.

Matou Sakura stayed in Kanfuko City. For her, there were not many people and things in Fuyuki City that she could remember.

It seems that some people have changed and some people have not.

[Ten years, rest. 】

Alaya faked his body? Isn't this what I asked for before the Holy Grail War?

Noah felt a little helpless as he felt the information conveyed in the high latitudes.

It seems that there are still ten years left before I can leave here and complete my endless journey.

Then go ahead.

I said that there is no problem, and we will try to end the Fifth Holy Grail War within this month. Then go to the next world to start a long burning.

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