Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1021 Suitable for practicing swordsmanship

There is another person whose name is rarely mentioned.

That person no longer seemed like a human in the description, because Shirou didn't believe that any human being could be more perfect than a god.

A terrifyingly strong will, super tactical ability, eyes that can see through the truth, and boundless wisdom.

In short, they adventure and fight together.

It's just that when I talk about the ending, I can't help but look gloomy. And they once said that both of them are guilty people.

Finally, five years ago, Ellie's health deteriorated completely, and she would cough in thick clothes every day.

Shirou, what is your ideal after learning magic?

Yeah, protect your family.

anything else?

“Lending a helping hand to those in need and being a partner for justice!”

I don't know when I heard this sentence, but Shirou remembered it in his heart. It's as if it's engraved in the bones.

Seeing the determination in the red-haired boy's eyes, Irisviel felt a little distressed.

She knew what kind of thorns and bumps she would encounter on this road, and the so-called right road was full of dangers.

But what can stop a child from fulfilling his dreams.

So she didn't call Aunt Maiya, because where she was going this time she couldn't bring hatred.

He took the young Shirou to the new private library in Fuyuki City, also known as the Tree of Omniscient, to meet someone.

The strange thing is that the man was not surprised by Ally's visit and was very calm.

You are about to die. It seems that the evil in this world has seriously damaged the soul.

It doesn't matter. If it weren't for you, I might have died five years ago. After thinking about it, I might not be able to repay you for your great kindness.

I don't care about that.

I know you look down on what we do, and you don't even care about the so-called Holy Grail. But the kindness must be repaid, so let this child and Illya atone for my sins on my behalf.

Irisviel was very serious at first, and then smiled slyly.

I didn't expect that you have grown up a lot after spending 5 years in the outside world, and you actually thought of this method to protect them.

Even artificial souls have strong learning abilities, and the Einzbern family's magic achievements are still very successful. So...


Irisviel was shocked. It didn't matter even if she didn't take care of these two children, but this firm tone meant that something big was about to happen.

This man has taken action several times in the past five years, and every time it is considered big news on the mysterious side. Many big shots were killed under that red iron bar.

you want

I will leave here in five years, and I will completely solve the Holy Grail before I leave.

The Cup of Heaven—the pursuit of the Yusan family for thousands of years?

Irisviel thought of those of the same kind who were once buried in the Einzbern Chamber. Countless sisters had completely disappeared, but the sin and bloodshed remained there forever.

Every time I dream, I see people with the same faces as me wailing and praying.


In the end, she just left these words and left with Shirou.

She owed more.

After returning to Emiya's house, I fell into long memories, with pain on my brows, and finally let out a sigh of relief.

Since it was said by that man, it must be realized.

Ellie said seriously to Shirou next to her that she could go to that person if she had trouble that she couldn't solve or was confused.


Because he can see through everything.

Then one snowy night, Irisviel left this world peacefully.

In front of the tombstone, Illya almost burst into tears.

Apart from Kuu Maiya, only the librarian came, and no one from the Holy Church or the Clock Tower came.

Turning a blind eye to Kuu Maiya's hostility, the man put down a flower and left.

The little Shirou Emiya also swore before the grave to take good care of his sister and to become a partner of justice.

The man said something to Shirou before leaving.

If you have time to practice more with your sword, I think you are a good fit.

Kuu Maiya seriously asked Shirou to practice swordsmanship after the funeral. Although she had a deep hatred for the administrator, she would not deny the other person's vision.

This kid might be really talented.

Jingle bells. get out of class is over.

Emiya Shirou was rarely absent-minded during class. Today, for some reason, he remembered this admiration from the past.

Maybe it’s because Illya came back from abroad again?

The younger sister who looks exactly like her mother really brings back memories.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, a story from ten years ago will repeat itself.

That urban legend that had been circulating in Fuyuki City for a long time, Emiya Shirou knew it was true.

A Holy Grail War belonging to seven mythical and legendary heroes will begin here. He is no longer a novice in magic, but the brother of the head of the Einzbern family.

He was unwilling to participate in such a fight, and he also wanted to persuade his sister to return to Germany as soon as possible.

Before her death, Airi also asked Shirou and Illya not to participate in such a battle.

Saying that it is a Shura field will distort the relationships and emotions between people.

A war that corrupts good people and makes bad people worse.

Emiya Shirou, who was sighing in the classroom, saw Tohsaka-san and Sakura-san walking into the classroom together again.

These two people are really strange. Both are star students in Suiqunyuan Academy.

They are always together, but their relationship with each other is strange.

Tohsaka-san is a transfer student who returned from studying in the UK. She is beautiful, has excellent grades, and has excellent motor skills. She has no shortcomings.

Her personality is rational and polite, and she is not proud of being a beauty, just like the ideal of a man.

Because he is such a person, it goes without saying that he is treated as an idol by the male students.

However, Tohsaka's situation is that he has become a plateau flower that is too good.

Sakura-san is a transfer student from Kanfuko City. She has a gentle but tough personality.

She is also beautiful and has excellent grades. When she is quiet, she is like a flower blooming silently, but she always gives people a sense of alienation.

Although their hair color and eye color were completely different, Shirou always felt that the two of them were like sisters.

Sakura, come back to Fuzi City in a few days. It's not very safe here.

Thank you for your concern, Tohsaka-senpai, but it's my decision where I go to school, so I accept your kindness.

The polite yet distant tone was a bit difficult for the grumpy Tosaka Rin to accept.

You don't want to participate in that battle, do you? In the name of the Matou family?

The gentle school girl's expression suddenly turned cold, and the murderous aura disappeared for a moment as if it had never appeared before, but it was caught by Shirou's intuition.

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