Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1018 [World Declaration] Fantasy Arms

Chapter 1018 [World Declaration]——Fantasy Arms

A great black steel wall rose from the sea, resolutely blocking all the soldiers.

[The Great Steel Wall that will never fall]

Category: Barrier Noble Phantasm

The technological product of the Battle of Pioneer Island in the world of One Piece once stopped a hundred thousand elite soldiers of the navy and became a legend.

In the Battle of Mariejoia, it formed the first line of defense against the endless one-winged angels and was sublimated into a Noble Phantasm.

It combines the pinnacle of technology and protective will in the One Piece world. It is a conceptual weapon with absolute defensive power.

It has the characteristic of never falling that can be activated even if there is only one person left in the Great Wall as long as there is still the will to resist.

The Rain of Stars was firmly locked away from the millions of troops by this iron curtain.

The characteristics of the sublimated Great Steel Wall are extremely special. No matter where the attack comes from, it cannot cross the boundary. Unless this barrier can be completely destroyed in one go.

Huge shock waves of E-level and D-level Noble Phantasms continued to explode outside the Great Steel Wall. Facing these endless Noble Phantasms, the Great Steel Wall began to shatter.

But every time a piece is broken, new modules will be filled in to complete the defense. Among them, you can see the blue sawtooth sharks diligently guarding the loopholes.

He will never allow any enemy attack to cross him and harm his companions behind him.

This is Aaron's awakening and the will of countless soldiers on the Great Wall.

Even such an attack was blocked, which surprised Gilgamesh. The surprise this enemy brought to him was really infinite.

And the 25 strong men approaching him began to attack continuously around him.

There were even people shouting some incomprehensible move names.

Forbidden. One Hundred and Eighty Styles. Eight Childish Girls! Revolutionary Kendo. Catching Fire! The Secret of Murloc Karate. Wuraikan! God's Avoidance! Fifth Gear. Giant's Fist! and so on.

There are also natural forces such as storms, sea currents, wind and sand, ice, and light rioting.

The pure power of physical skills and the sharpness of the sword are cutting through his seven-layered circle of blazing sky.

The most outrageous thing is that there is a three-sword swordsman who chants some inexplicable things while fighting.

Nine mountains and eight seas are one world. When thousands of worlds are gathered together, they become small thousand worlds. This world is multiplied by three, and there is no self-continuous world - one big, three thousand, and big thousand worlds!

All of this made Gilgamesh feel extremely unhappy. Especially the fact that even the Heavenly Lock, which was very special to him, was protecting him around him, this angered him even more.

A world torn apart!

Bucky took the opportunity to use his sneak attack to bypass all defenses, and even tore a gap in the Heavenly Lock. It can be said that this man is a great god who can occupy the C position even within the inherent barrier.

Of course, this final blow helped the King of Heroes make his decision. The tiny scar on his face is the bottom line that cannot be tolerated.

He is the oldest king, not a lost dog!


The release of magic power belonging to the King of Heroes is very rare, and such an unseemly fighting method is not something that the King would consider.

But there are too many strong men around him, all of them are ruthless people who have experienced hundreds of battles, and it is impossible to get rid of them.

Vimana wanted to fly in to respond, but half of his wings were chopped into pieces by several sword rays.

He could only use his own magic power to clear a gap.

Finally he drew out his last weapon and planned to end this terrible battle.

Noah! Let this world turn into nothingness along with you!

A cylinder with three connected sections, the tip of the sword is twisted into a spiral-shaped blunt blade. The three sections of the cylinder are like a rolling mortar, rotating slowly and alternately.

This was the last bit of decency, and he was tired of this kind of fighting.

Awaken, Ea! - Star of En?ma Eli?

The Sword of Oblivion not only split the sea with one sword, but its power even spread to the sky and even the world itself.

The red earth continent, the boundless sea, the sky, everything is being covered and rewritten.

─Everything in the cracked space was swallowed up by the twisting void one by one, disappearing without a trace.

With this sword swing, the world will be dragged into chaos, and all the foundations for its existence will be gone.

Visible things will be destroyed, and invisible things will not escape.

The concept of being able to separate the world appeared again on Mary Joa. Faced with this impact, Noah seemed to have returned to the day when Im was about to die.

But he is no longer the same. Because he has the most powerful defensive weapon in the world.

After a long period of preparation, a book finally appeared in my hands.

Noah's bones were creaking under the heavy force, and it took a lot of effort just to hold it, let alone open it.

So you still have to activate your strongest state.

Concept - light!

This is a red soul crystal from an unknown dimension. The soul of will and firmness tempered by the vicissitudes of war have once carried the hopes of countless humans. He burned the evil of filth, the king of tyranny, and the god of destruction. After the curtain had fallen, the [World] gently gave a silent blessing——[Fire]

The light of the lights shines on the battlefield again. It's like time is repeating itself.

The entire world is shrouded in this force field, and everyone's hearts are connected again.

Comrades, are you ready to experience the red world?

Of course!*26

26 overlord-colored domineering energy suddenly bloomed in front of this god.

This is the concept - the perfection of light.

The inheritance goes from 1 to 2 to 26, and then to all the warriors on the entire Mariejoia battlefield.

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

The red ocean covers the center of the world, which is the power conveyed by the heartfelt recognition of people all over the world.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should treat one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”

“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; all forms of slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited.

As Noah read aloud, he activated the Noble Phantasm that he had been unable to use. A legend that can only be liberated in the world of mind.

【World Declaration】——Fantasy Arms

A contract signed by all intelligent races in another world under the link of the revolutionary army.

A decision that represents all life on this planet.

Taking the will of all intelligent races in the world as the criterion, ignoring the rules and rejecting any changes that are not led by itself, and ignoring the rules to implement any changes that are led by itself.

A Noble Phantasm that has no chance of being activated in the real world can only have a chance to bloom in the world of mind.

The book in his hand can finally be opened, and with the votes of will, the book continues to enlarge.

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