Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1017 The serious attitude of a wise king

He is not stupid, the goal here is the Red Earth Continent and Jin Shining. This is a concentrated attack of 23 shock waves, and its power is absolutely terrifying.

As a scholar who doesn't have much dignity as a warrior or the so-called kingly demeanor, isn't it normal to evacuate a dangerous situation at this time?

When the aftermath dissipated, the sky that was about to be distorted by the fire slowly calmed down with time.

When the smoke cleared, Gilgamesh was in a very bad mood.

Noah was once again slapped in the face for the big talk he made before, and his dignity was trampled on again and again. The world might as well be destroyed.


An instinctive sense of crisis emerged. In the world after the explosion, a floating island appeared, with blue particle flow surrounding it like a dream. The combination of the futuristic sense of technology and the white clouds of nature was so gorgeous that it was almost unreal.

Of course, the beauty of the island was one thing, but the countless hostile looks made the king even more concerned.

The looks in these people's eyes were almost the same as that bastard Noah's, the kind of eyes that showed no dignity whatsoever.

And the aura is very strange. Why are there so many humans mixed with nature and curses? Is this a special race?

Instinctively call on a trace of the omniscient and omnipotent star to activate it and see through everything. It is the spirit of the King of Heroes that has been sublimated into a noble phantom. A permanently activated Noble Phantasm.

It's just that I'm usually suppressed by myself. It would be really boring if I knew everything in advance.

Now he instinctively mobilized the warriors from another world, because he knew that Noah would not introduce him to him.

Human beings are like the incarnation of strong wind, with the curse of the sea on them, and the source of power is actually human beings themselves?

So that’s it, it’s human desire. It's a bit similar to the evil in this world.

Then Jin Shining suppressed the Noble Phantasm again, and he was a little curious about what kind of fun these people could bring him.

The blue fish-like and human-like monster has the pure breath of the sea flowing around it, and the waves of the ocean seem to rise and fall with its breathing.

The red-haired man is holding a sword, but the domineering will in his eyes is pure and free. Even in the Age of Gods, he will definitely be a hero.

In addition to the white smoke ribbon, the boy wearing the straw hat is also wrapped with a special personality, which is somewhat similar to the gods.

There is also a monster old man who is as strong as a dragon. A three-sword warrior who exudes an ominous aura.

There is a pure swordsman wearing a formal dress and carrying a black sword on his back. The pink dragon, the embodiment of sand, the breath of Medusa, the embodiment of fire.

Counting Noah, a total of 27 strong men gave the most ancient king a wealth of knowledge. This was not a mess of divine attributes, but a product of the world.

Such scenery aroused Gilgamesh's desire for destruction.

But when I saw the red-nosed clown, I took a second look. After all, it is a great thing no matter who has the tragedy of fate in his body.

Can fight fate and win. Inexplicably, Enkidu comes to mind.

Strange, why would he think of his best friend from a clown?

The serious Gilgamesh decided not to play anymore. It was time for the world to end.

Is this your king's military power? Noah!

First, we don't have a king here.

Secondly, they are my comrades.

We are like-minded and aim to overthrow all oppression. Whether the enemy is a king or a god, all will fall to the wrath of the people.

Although there is only the spirit of the comrades in the inherent barrier, I really miss being able to stand together like this.

This is a way that makes people feel more intimate than the memory embodied inside the Holy Grail.

The moment Robin put his hand on Noah's shoulder, the comfort of never being alone again entered the heart of this man who had left this world.

Everyone, long time no see.

Along with Noah's words, the Internationale's singing echoed over the sea again.

The loud female voice carried a sonorous will throughout the battlefield.

“Arise, you hungry and cold slave!

Arise, you wretches of the world!

The blood in my heart is already boiling,

Fight for the truth!

【The stage of the world】

Grade: A

Category: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm

Maximum capture: 1000000+

It can increase the morale of soldiers and make them fearless.

It is a special Noble Phantasm composed of three musicians who can touch the soul.

The performance form developed by users with fruit abilities on various battlefields was sublimated into a Noble Phantasm because it inspired more than a million warriors in the God-Slaying War.

Army attack!

As the war command was issued, artillery, electromagnetic guns, and various weapons roared at Gilgamesh in mid-air, and the ancient king also dropped the rain of precious phantoms like stars. .

The E-level Noble Phantasm violently bombarded those cannonballs, and there was no winner or loser in the exchange of fire.

There were also 7 seraphs and nearly 10,000 pacifists and other man-made machines that passed through the torrent of Noble Phantasms and rushed towards the golden body.

High-level Noble Phantasms began to intervene in the battlefield, and the battle situation escalated.

Okay, let's go too!

The 25 strong men all stepped out of Bika and ran towards Jin Shining.

Noah stayed where he was and prepared to liberate the Noble Phantasm he had never liberated, which required a lot of energy.

Robin stayed behind Noah without any change, just like before.

Such a torrent of strong men made the Ancient King suddenly change his color. He was surprised to find that the combat power of these strong men had reached a very extreme level, and they would not retreat or be afraid.

His proud king's treasure was actually suppressed.

After fighting for a long time, he only relied on the Heavenly Lock. There were still some defensive treasures that barely led to a draw, which was naturally intolerable to the proud king.

Damn it, I didn’t expect that I would still be suppressed after gaining a physical body. It’s simply unbelievable.

Noah! Do you know what the other form of the King's Treasure is?

Melammu Dingir

Thousands of giant siege crossbows appeared beside Jin Shining.

And the treasure phantoms in those treasure houses are automatically filled in. Even though he has endless heartache, the dignity of the king is greater than anything else at this moment.

Noah, I admit that your army is much stronger than that reckless man Iskandar, but I will still give you the same dignity as him.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

This time the stars really shine. These Noble Phantasms blessed with greater power broke through the fire blockade and directly reached the fleets.

Jin Shining seemed to see the tragic situation of those ordinary soldiers being destroyed on the sea.


With a crash, a huge metal wall appeared above the sea, and then a second metal wall was ejected from the sea and placed on top of the first one.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

Under the influence of electromagnetic force, the steel wall built a city wall in front of the entire Mariejoia fleet.

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