Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1011 Are you worthy of burning the world?

In a warm room with a soft atmosphere that made Ellie miss her, her lover and daughter were laughing happily.

In other words, this is the peaceful world that Ellie wants.

A perfect world where there is no more fighting and no one gets hurt.

Welcome home, Ellie, thank you for your hard work.

Illya's face was filled with joy, and she hung her mother's body with her two little hands.

This is what the Holy Grail grants you.

A bewitching voice sounded in his ears.

Next, just say your wish and expect it to happen.

I hope Kiritsugu can be resurrected and get his child back. To the nearly infinite magic power, this kind of miracle is just a trivial matter, and all that remains is happiness.

Ellie looked at the scenery outside the window and murmured to herself. There was no longer a scene of snowstorm outside the window, only the flow of black mud as dark as the deep sea. That is the real world that has been destroyed.

Mom, Illya is content as long as Kiritsugu and mother are by her side.

Her daughter's innocent business left her shaken.

Ellie hugged her daughter whom she loved so much that she was almost crazy, and burst into tears.

Thank you...Mom also loves Illya the most. I swear, mom and dad absolutely love you sincerely.

However, the Holy Grail... cannot exist in this world...

Irisviel has completely woken up. This is not the world Kiritsugu wants.

Neither is it a world that is forever plunged into darkness, nor is it a world where only their family is happy.

I'm sorry, Illya

Irisviel is not Emiya Kiritsugu. Emiya Kiritsugu can draw a gun decisively to kill his daughter and lover when he sees the evil in this world, but Ellie cannot.

She does not have a strong heart, but revenge and fulfilling her late husband's wishes are the reasons why she can persist until now.

Now that she woke up from the dream, she was still the little girl protected by Kiritsugu.

'Emiya Kiritsugu' on the side looked a little displeased at Irisviel, who was holding her daughter and crying, but was still unwilling to make a wish.

Some rough fingers clasped Aili's shoulders, and black mud flowed in from the five fingers that were deeply dug into the flesh.

Say, as long as you ask, your wish will come true. World peace and your family will live together. Isn't this what you want most?

The sludge filled with hatred flowed into the heart through the blood vessels and invaded the soul of the doll.

What Fu Kiritsugu wants is not a future like this. Even making a wish of misfortune will only cause pain to my lover.

Even if the Holy Grail chokes Kiritsugu's face, she will not make a wish. Maybe it would be better to die here, but Illya...

Thinking of his own child, Ellie, he felt reluctance again. Kiritsugu was already dead. If he died here again, how pitiful that child would be.

She didn't know Einzbern's attitude towards the dolls, how desolate it was.

Tears continued to flow from the soul's face, while Kiritsugu, the incarnation of the Holy Grail, said expressionlessly.

As long as you make a wish, you can live and accompany your daughter to grow up. So say it, woman!

There is no second person who can reach the Holy Grail. Do you and Emiya Kiritsugu have any dissatisfaction at reaching the end of their ideals? Humans?

Ellie just cried and prayed, but never spoke again.

Only my heart kept asking for help, and the will to survive stirred in my heart.

So-and-so help me!

Anyone can do it,

Illya can't live without her mother, please help me.

When his consciousness was about to die, 'Emiya Kiritsugu' suddenly became extremely frightened, as if something more terrifying than the evil in this world had appeared.

“Get out!!!!”

The golden light separated the black mire with a holy aura.

Ellie seemed to see a red sun coming into this black world, and fires all over the sky ignited the world.

Are you worthy of burning the world?

While Ellie was undergoing various mental tortures inside the Holy Grail, another person? He is also undergoing the test of black mud.

The vortex of the cursed sound rolled, and it was discovered that there was a foreign object in it. In the midst of all-destroying negation, a voice sings yes.

How can there be positive affirmation in this vortex of resentment and curse? Because this vortex hates everything and regards the world as evil and ugly, it should be unable to remain normal, unable to accept, unable to bear its weight──

──Even so, this affirmative voice is still proud and high-spirited.

Cursed Voice asked.

Who agrees? Who allows it? Who is responsible for this evil?

Faced with this question that contained all the dark qualities, a clear laugh answered:

This is a humble question, not worth a second.

The king agrees, the king allows, and the king also takes on the responsibility of this world.

Heini asked who the king was.

After asking, it discovered that there was a contradiction.

In this place where individuals are absolutely not allowed to exist, Hei Ni recognized the existence of others within himself and embraced some impossible foreign matter within himself.

This foreign object is the king, the original supreme being, a unique existence in heaven and under heaven.

That man's name is Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes.

The black mud broke apart and scattered black droplets. Even with all the resentment I had, I still couldn't completely digest this foreign object, so I had to vomit out this absolute self.

In the burning red ruins, he once again stood between heaven and earth.

The balanced body showing the golden ratio is no longer the spiritual body of the servant, but the real entity composed of flesh and blood in this world. The black mud that denies all life crystallizes and discards the impure substances mixed within itself. As a result, the heroic spirit acquires a body and returns to the real world.

Even in the midst of the scorching hell, the king's majesty even drives away the surrounding flames. Gilgamesh showed his naked body as perfect as a statue and snorted impatiently.

You actually used that thing as a wish-making machine and you and I were fighting over it. This farce was still baffling until the end.

But this is not bad. The King of Heroes looked at the new body he had unexpectedly obtained and was very satisfied with the touch of the body.

Does God want me to rule this era again and rule the world... Huh, use this boring trial to test me. Forget it, even though it is unpleasant, I will accept it.

This is the troublesome character in Noah's induction.

Jin Shining, who walked out of the black mud, looked at Noah and Saber outside and smiled.

Golden light flashed, and he was wearing gorgeous armor. I don't know why, even though it's a natural body shape, it always looks unnatural in Noah's perverted eyes.

Red pupils scanned the combination in front of him.

It seems like you are going to the source to save a certain crazy woman, but I can't let such a boring thing happen.

And I don't think any other servant besides me can step into this dark vortex.

So, surrender, I will give you two the opportunity to follow me.

Holy Grail, Irisviel, I can reward you with everything.

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