Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1010 Saber’s Oath and the Golden Rebirth

It is really unfortunate for this guild hall to be built on spiritual veins.

Noah was amazed when he saw the black mud pouring out of the void.

Only a world where this kind of madness is rampant can produce this kind of thing, the evil of this world.

The whirlpools flow wildly, and the sins and the evil in this world continue to flow and increase in chain transformation, forming countless vortexes.

Gluttony, lust, greed, melancholy, anger, laziness, hypocrisy, arrogance, jealousy, constantly spinning, spinning, violating, occupying and blaspheming, forming countless vortexes.

Although this stream of black mud enveloped an entire city block in evil fire, it was probably only a small drop compared to the total amount left in the Great Holy Grail. I can't imagine what kind of hell world will be formed when all the black mud is released.

See? Saber, this is what you are pursuing.

Noah looked at everything in front of him very calmly. The evil in this world is his goal, and it is also the end of this Holy Grail War.

As the original carrier of the Little Holy Grail, Irisviel's attempt to commit suicide to trigger all of this may be very disastrous.

Noah didn't want to save this crazy woman at all, but the changed plot made her a node in the magic ritual.

Either destroy her or save her. This is unavoidable, let Saber blast it with light cannon?

Impossible, that idiot king started to worry about himself again.

Alice Faile

Thinking of her beautiful face, Saber bit her lip sadly.

She swore to protect Irisviel with her sword, but failed to do so. She had broken her oath again.

Just like she couldn't save her beloved homeland in the past.

Just like she couldn't save her best friend from the torment of trouble.

Self-blame and humiliation tore Saber's heart apart, and at the same time, memories of her past in the city of Einzbern resurfaced in her mind. That was what Irisviel said to her when the two exchanged vows.

Saber, obtain the Holy Grail for you and your Master.

...Okay. At least this thing... I will definitely finish it. At least this thing...

That's all she has now.

This was the only reason why she was still breathing and heartbeating with the sword in her hand.

Saber took a step forward that she could not take wrong.

Forget it, looking at the autistic King Da Mao looking at the black mud on the side, he looked unreliable, so he might as well do it himself.

And it seems that an annoying guy has appeared. The evil in this world can give the physical body the ability to be used on such a person, which will really cause chaos.

gold glitter

where is this place?

This is the place where your wish comes true. The... inside of the Holy Grail you have been seeking.

Ellie was speechless and looked around. The owner of the voice also came out, and it turned out to be Emiya Kiritsugu!

The black mud was like a pulsating ocean. There are hills piled up with rotting corpses everywhere, slowly sinking into the sea of ​​black mud.

The sky was red, as red as blood. In the black mud rain, the dark sun supported the sky. The wind that blew in the air was a sound of curses and groans.

If you want to use words to describe it, isn't this place──hell?

You said the Holy Grail?

As a doll of the Einzbern family, the understanding of the Holy Grail has always been a miracle, a dreamy light, a miracle, but...

‘Emiya Kiritsugu’ pointed his finger at the sky and gestured to Airi. The dark thing in the center of the world that rotates in the sky, mistakenly thought to be the sun, is actually a hole in the sky. The hole is filled with endless deep darkness, and its huge mass seems to crush everything.

That's the Holy Grail. Although it hasn't been formed yet, the entire container is full. All you have to do is say your wish. No matter what kind of wish it receives, it will choose the appropriate form that can fulfill it. In this way Only after it obtains a physical entity can it go 'outside'.

Come, Ellie, tell the Holy Grail your wish.

As long as an ordinary human being with a normal mind would never tolerate what was inside, why could his lover still have a nonchalant smile on his face? Yes, what makes Ellie find it strangest is this smiling face.

……Who are you?

Ellie suppressed her fear with anger and asked the man in front of her.

‘Emiya Kiritsugu’ smiled lonelyly, as if he felt sorry for Ellie asking about this matter.

I don't deny that this is a mask. If I don't put on an existing personality as a shell, I won't be able to communicate with others. In order to convey my hope to you, I can only pretend to be like this. . Because my bounden duty is to realize the wish of ‘hoping so’.”

How is this possible? The Holy Grail should be just a pure, colorless 'power'. How can it have a will?

That may have been true before, but it's different now. I have a will and a wish. My will is Hope to be born in this world. This involves the story of a certain poor heroic spirit in the Third Holy Grail War. , but that’s not important anymore.”

A horrifying fact, if what he said was true. Then this is not the wishing machine that Kiritsugu has always longed for and can do whatever he wants.

If you have a will, then let me ask you, how does the Holy Grail intend to fulfill my wish?

‘Emiya Kiritsugu’ tilted his head with an incomprehensible expression on his face, as if he heard a very incredible question.

Ellie felt extremely uneasy for some reason.

You carried your lover's last wish to fulfill your dream, so I understood how to do it early.

Then there's the classic train problem, but Emiya Kiritsugu's bad taste is expressed in the form of a boat.

To be honest, this wave of operations is not as good as the tricks of the Joker in Batman.

Nonsense...this is simply nonsense!

No, the calculation is not wrong. If Emiya Kiritsugu comes, he will indeed choose to sacrifice the minority in order to save the majority. Let's look at the next question.

The unique will continued, completely ignoring Airi's resistance, and Kiritsugu slaughtered the smaller party in front of their eyes.

Fifty people and thirty people, thirty people and twenty people, multiple choice questions continue, the number of victims continues to increase, and the mountain of corpses continues to accumulate.

Did you see it? This is your truth, the answer in the heart of your lover Emiya Kiritsugu, and it is also the behavior that the wish-making machine of the Holy Grail should practice.


Seeing her lover's hands covered in blood in the picture, Ellie screamed.

This is not Kiritsugu's expectation! What kind of miracle is this!?...

Of course it is a miracle. What is ultimately impossible to accomplish by one person's hand will be accomplished on a scale that is beyond human reach. What is this if not a miracle?

You...came into this do these things to all mankind? You said this is to realize our ideals!?

Of course there is a second option.

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