Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1012 Who is the evil in this world?

The ancient king reorganized his body and stood in the earth, feeling the time thousands of years later. Without the shackles of the Age of Gods, wouldn't this world be free for him to roam freely?

The aura of the returning king was so powerful that even Noah felt a little helpless.

Despite the seemingly hopeless situation, Saber was still driven by an almost violent rage.

Saber no longer cares about winning or strategy. She just couldn't stand that there was still someone standing between her and her oath.

...get out of my way...

Saber said in a deep voice, her suppressed voice full of resentment. Her almost crazy obsession had already turned her originally clear emerald eyes into a turbid yellow-green color.

...Although you have fallen into delusion and lie in the dust, you are still a beautiful woman.

Gilgamesh's blood-red eyes were filled with an indescribable strange expression, staring at the ferocious appearance of her gnashing teeth.

The Holy Grail that achieves miracles, I can't find any reason to insist on being obsessed with such a dubious thing. Saber, a woman like you is already a rare 'miracle' in itself.

Jin Shining's tone was completely incompatible with this place of life-and-death battle, and was even a bit gentle, making Saber, who was already at the end of her rope, even more wary.

What do you mean……

Throw down your sword and become my king's wife.

In this situation and situation, this sentence is simply a sudden change from the sky, which is unexpected. Even Saber was speechless for a while after hearing these incomprehensible words.

...What, what are you talking about...what are your intentions!?

Even if you can't understand it, at least you know how to feel happy. Because the person who appreciates your value is none other than me.

Although Saber still didn't understand the situation for a while, this brazen tone was enough to make her fall into rage again.

You guy...did you snatch my Holy Grail just to say these crazy things!?

With the rage, Saber's momentum suddenly increased strangely again.

The Holy Grail is... mine...!

Well, it's not okay for this servant to be contaminated again because the master is in the deepest part of darkness.

Once again, he used gentle techniques to bring this idiot back, and Noah was sure that this story could be concluded.

A King of Knights who can evolve into a black fool at will, and a King of Heroes with a missing brainstem, both of which are big troubles.

Saber, leave the rest to me.

Facing the black mud of Fuyuki Hall, Noah walked forward without hesitation.

Noah! Be careful.

Saber was nervous at first, and she was dragged into the darkness one after another, which showed how scary the black mud was, but if it was this man...

And Jin Shining is also watching Noah's steps. For some reason, he also firmly believes that that level of black mud cannot pollute this human being.

So is he another strong man who is about to get a physical body? interesting.

Before he could say some trash talk, his eyes suddenly solidified.

It turns out that when Noah stepped into the darkness with one foot, a strange scene happened.

The piece of black mud actually escaped!

It seems that he is instinctively afraid of this strange servant. Logically speaking, the nature of a servant should not have much resistance. Even Jin Shining was pulled in for a while, but at this moment, he was a little afraid of the source of pollution from humans.

What's this?

Jin Shining felt that his royal dignity was being beaten. Could it be that he was bullying the weak and afraid of the strong? Are you weak?

As Noah stepped into the black mud, the evil in this world finally broke out.

A large number of black waves gathered together like a monster with teeth and claws. The dark flames burned the space and distorted it.

As if to warn that frail man, if he goes forward he will never stop.

Evil in this world? I want to try it.

Noah first took out the distant ideal land from the heart with his hand and inserted it into the ground. He didn't want to be hindered by this thing next.

The broken spirit base felt extremely weak, and his physical strength and endurance returned to what they were when he first appeared in this world.

Then he spread his arms and let the hole in his heart point forward. He looked too arrogant as he embraced the darkness.

The already crazy and depraved black mud couldn't help but cover it directly. The black ocean swallowed Noah, and there was no breath at all.

After a while. Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu.

Brush~! ! ! ! ! A black vortex appeared where Noah disappeared, as if there was a huge gap in the world that was wildly swallowing the black mud.

Then the evil in this world rioted in the eyes of Saber and Jin Shining. Huge resentment, evil thoughts and malice broke through the sky directly from the Fuyuki Hall. Even the moon was dyed bloody red, and lightning and thunder covered the entire Fuyuki City.

It seems that the greatest evil person worthy of being taken seriously by the evil of this world has come into this world.

Even Jin Shining was pushed out of this area by the violent black mud. They want to go all out to fight against a certain existence, or against a certain kind of person?

At that moment, Noah was pulled into the vortex of resentment and curse.

Hatred, degradation, unwillingness, fear, anxiety, tension, anger, frustration, sadness, pain.

This is the negativity of human beings, a poison that is gathered from all the evil thoughts in the world.

The result of Angola Newman's curse infecting the Holy Grail finally took shape, and at this moment they began to digest this foreign body.

Just like the torture of Emiya Kiritsugu in the original work, the Holy Grail will also arouse Noah's sin, and the resentment and thoughts of those who died because of him will be exposed!

One, two, three.

Haha, this is the true face of a hero, and he is not a flawless saint!

Ten, one hundred, five hundred. Two thousand.

Hypocrisy, this is the reality of human nature, and the blood stained in his hands is much more than that of the great heroes in the Age of Gods.

Twenty thousand. One hundred thousand. One million. Why. Still growing?

The will of the Holy Grail is a little panicked. What is this thing with no end in sight? !

There are pirates with swords, humans with bubbles, murlocs a few meters tall, well-dressed nobles and wealthy businessmen, poor farmers, ordinary women, and single-winged angels? ,

The boundless sea of ​​undead resurrects in the darkness. What kind of sin is this? How could it be possible! ! !

Is this the evil in the world? ! For the first time, the black sludge felt that it was being conservative. Similar people from the Great Holy Grail rushed out to help but still could not keep up with the speed of the spiritual world.

If such an extremely evil person could be allowed to accept the darkness, then the entire Holy Grail World would fall into a state of death.

What they don't know is.

In the world of One Piece, Noah spent 24 years dragging the world into a global war.

Beneath the pursuit of justice and fairness are countless dead souls.

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