Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1009 The Iron Fist of Punishing the King of Britain

Little ghost head, are you the master of Rider?

Weber originally thought that his throat had become stiff due to fear and that he could not make any sound. But when Archer asked about his relationship with him, his stiff throat relaxed briefly. He shook his head and replied in a hoarse voice:

No. I am his subject.


If the King of Heroes was still interested in chatting in the past, the black magic power at Fuyuki Hall has attracted his heart.

Kirei seemed to have found something more interesting there.

The king disappeared in place, and Weber knew that he had survived after all, but the Holy Grail War had nothing to do with him.

When the winner was decided at Miyokawa Bridge, the winner was also decided here in Noah.

If Heidai is allowed to release his magic power like this, the city will not be saved.

The power of the door could no longer be released in the turbulence, so Noah could only hit the light cannon one by one and get closer.

At the cost of his own body's imminent collapse, Ba Tang tried his best to cut off all the magic flow.

Then he threw Wado Ichimonji's body and shot down the black magic sword in Saber's hand who was about to fire the gun.

The black magic sword and the red Ichimonji fell on the ground in the distance. Heidai immediately went to grab his sword but it was too late.

His wrist was held by a big black hand, and he turned to look at Noah who was in ragged clothes but with a ferocious face.

At this time, Deng Huo's body was in tatters, with cracks everywhere on his body. Even Avalon's replenishment could not keep up with the speed of collapse.

Even if a light cannon of that level can be deflected with peak-to-second skills, it will be a huge pressure, and the aftermath of the torrent is scattered in all directions, and no one has the energy to mobilize their domineering energy to protect it.

It can be said that in this Holy Grail War, this battle was the only one that suffered a loss, and it was actually cheated by this idiot.

Noah was holding back a lot of anger in his heart.

The muscles of his right arm swelled, the dark armed color covered his fist, and the red overlord color wrapped around it.

You stupid king, take a punch from me!

boom! ! !

The Friendship Breaking Fist containing anger hit the face of Hei Dai who was still showing off. The red dominator carried Noah's will and directly hit the instinctive magic barrier, and the black mask let out a mournful scream. , and then shattered into slag without any hindrance.

The petite face was deformed by the hammer, and the whole person flew in the air at an unknown number of 360 degrees, crashing into more than a dozen walls before stopping.

Shaking his dizzy head, Heida got up.

It was such a shame and humiliation that someone dared to hit her in the face! Even if you abandon those sentimental emotions, you can't suppress such humiliation.

The magic power was released, directly scattering the surrounding buildings, roaring like a wild beast.


What are you asking your grandpa to do!!!

A red stream of light pierced the sky, and Noah was already running straight towards me. Let me show you my iron fist!

Naturally, Heidai was not willing to be outdone and put on a posture.

The King of Britain was not willing to be at a disadvantage in terms of boxing skills. You must know that some of the Twelve Knights of the Round Table were good at hand-to-hand combat.

Besides, aren't you a swordsman? How can you be stronger than me?

I am the red dragon of Great Britain. Are you going to spar with me? hehe!

watch out? what is that? !

Isn’t the opponent’s fist shadow all over the sky a bit exaggerated? After just a few fights, Heidai was taught how to behave.

Fighting with bare hands? What it is? The strong physical warriors on the sea can only fight, girl!

Iron Fist! Steel Bone! Fist Bone Meteorite Fist Bone Meteor Swarm Muloc Karate Secret Technique Bulaikan Dragon Claw Fist Forbidden One Hundred and Eight Styles. This one doesn't exist.

If it weren't for the fact that the shemale boxing technique was too eye-catching, Gao Lu would have taught this girl a lesson.

At Noah's level, he knows how to use the moves of his old comrades. He is incomparable to a physical limit-breaking powerhouse like Garp, but he still has no problem bullying a little girl.

Eat the iron fist of my sanctions! King of Britain!

Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler

The violent wind pressure echoed here, and the red domineering energy accompanied by the terrifying fist shadow continued to blast into Heidi's body.

The black figure was shot into the air like a rubber ball, and then never fell again.

The red power washed away the black core along with Saber's groan.

What depravity, what not caring, what ideal image of a king is all useless.

The sources of pollution are howling.

The black color slowly faded away, revealing the silver armor, and the dark gold in the pupils was washed back to its original emerald green.

Noah. Noah, don't hit Me

boom! !

Using her last bit of strength, Saber unleashed a burst of magic power.

Seeing Noah waving his fists and charging forward again, she decisively stopped.

“I recovered!!!”

Main fist. Zero style!


The last punch hit King Daimao on the head and knocked her to the ground.

I'm sorry, you spoke a little slowly.

With difficulty, she pushed away the cement and soil blocks on her body, feeling the severe pain all over her body. What could Saber say? It was hard to blame the other party for having fired the light cannon so well before.

Saber needs help when she wakes up. I am not bragging. In the age of gods, there were enemies with the ability to pollute and corrupt.

But the power that can directly make her lose control is too extraordinary.

Besides, pollution does not come out of thin air. We can only turn to this light that can break any darkness.

Something's wrong with Ellie, and I have to save her.

Before the King of Knights could finish his request, he was interrupted by Noah.

You don't need to tell me, I saw it too.

Noah pointed to the highest point of the Fuyuki Hall.

The red domineering energy lingered on his body and he almost lost control. The aura like a natural enemy gave Noah a sense of crisis and... hunger?

The sealing technique has disappeared. The huge gathered magic power caused high temperatures in the surrounding area just after the ripples rippled out.

The dead remains of the beautiful artificial life form were instantly burned to ashes. Not only that, the golden Holy Grail that was finally revealed scorched the floor and silk curtains, setting off a whirlwind of fire that swept across the empty stage.

On the stage where the fire was spreading rapidly, the golden container seemed to be held up by an invisible hand and floated in the air. Unknown to everyone, not even the priests, the Holy Grail descending ceremony that the Yusan family had long dreamed of finally began.

At the same time - on the door that should have been tightly closed at this time, a gap as small as hair and like a crack appeared, and the things surging on the other side of the door seeped in through this tiny gap. in the container.

The only word mud can be used to describe this mud-like thing. The color is black, and it is a deep and boundless black.

After seeping out, a drop flowed out, and this drop was connected to a flow of black mud. Then, like a dike breaking, the flowing black mud overflowed from the container in an instant and poured onto the stage.

The entity of the black sun is actually a hole. It is a space tunnel that connects the altar of the Advent Ceremony with the Great Holy Grail hidden deep underground in Mount Enzo on the west side of Miyama Town. The Great Holy Grail has continuously absorbed the great source of magic power from the earth's veins in the past sixty years, and now it has absorbed the souls of six heroic spirits. The interior is already filled with a huge whirlpool of magic power. This is the true face of that dark, wriggling object.

Originally, this was just a power without attributes, used to open an opening to the outside from this world. But because of a wrong seed planted in the past, this power was completely colored by a dark curse.

This is the black mud contaminated by the curse of all the evil in this world. The destructive force that consumed all life now formed a torrent and poured down like a waterfall on the Civic Hall.


Jin Shining, who was watching Noah beating the King of Knights, was also baptized by black mud without noticing.

Gilgamesh's body was decomposed and absorbed the moment it came into contact with the black mud, losing its three-dimensionality and outline, and was assimilated into the black mud flow.

His master, Kotomine Kirei, immediately fell into Kuroni's arms.

Saber didn't know what to do for a moment. This thing looked like untouchable evil. She was just connected by Ellie's command spell and was dragged into it.

Now only Noah can save the world.

From then on, the final chapter of the Night of the Burning Holy Grail begins!

The fourth Holy Grail War will probably end tomorrow, and the fifth will be completed within three days. Then enter Naruto. This is generally the arrangement.

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