Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1001: Continue to cooperate, calm madness.

And Aili and others came here.

Yes, among the four spiritual veins, the Kiri family and the Tohsaka family have suffered devastating blows. The remaining one is the first spiritual vein, Mount Enzo, which is not a suitable combat location because of the special characteristics of the Great Holy Grail.

So Ellie boldly chose this place, which was also a modern weapon to guard against Noah.

During the battle with the Tosaka family, Noah did not try to use these large-scale weapons no matter what situation he encountered, which shows that he still takes ordinary humans into consideration.

At this moment, Ellie reminded Saber of her original master, hoping not to disappoint her again.

One of the reasons for responding to the Command Seal was that the King of Knights himself wanted to continue to capture the Holy Grail.

At the top of the hall, Airi directed Kuu Maiya to break open her body, draw the magic ritual with blood, put it into the carrier, and then hide the magic circle.

Now let's go find help.

Do we still have help?

Isn't that Kotomine Kirei? I just don't know where they are at the moment.


Saber warned her Master very seriously. That is an extremely evil combination.

Noah was half responsible for Emiya Kiritsugu's death, and the other half were these two bastards.

I know, and I hate them very much, but Kiritsugu's dream must be realized, and our biggest enemy is always Noah.

And now the only one who can defeat him is Gilgamesh. If we are defeated in the final battle, we will lose everything.

Seeing the strange Master Saber silent again, she really didn't understand why human beings were so complicated.

And the second Master still doesn't believe that he can bring victory, which is a humiliation.

The atmosphere became very depressing, and Kuu Maiya broke the rhythm.

Her idea is very simple, it has nothing to do with dreams, she just wants to kill Noah to avenge her lover and teacher.

When to set off?

Maiya, do you know where they are?

After Noah's report, Kotomine Kirei has now become a traitor that everyone in the Holy Church wants to beat, a sinner who killed his father and teacher.

Although they were unable to intervene on a large scale during the Holy Grail War, this villain would definitely suffer the bloodiest purge after the Holy Grail War.

Therefore, in order to restrain his aura, he must hide it very deeply.

I know where they are. It's in the underground space where Caster used to hide. Kiritsugu once left a warning signal there that might be used.

Thinking about it, there is no hiding place for Kotomine Kirei in the entire Fuyuki City.

As a person with a mysterious side, he would definitely prefer a place where the spirit pulse aura is hidden deeper. A ready-made magic workshop is a good choice.

Okay, let's go.

Very decisively, the three of them left here.

At this time, Saber suddenly asked something.

Ally, have you ever thought that everything we are doing now may be under Noah's sight?

It's just a gamble that the heroic spirit might have seen Kiritsugu's dream a long time ago, and has been admonishing and warning him, but it was not until this time that he actively betrayed and besieged him that he fought back.

It shows that he is a normal human being, not magicians like us.

He should have a certain level of tolerance for me before he made any clear move to harm or attack a human being.

And there must be a reason why he responded to the Holy Grail's call. He just did not accept the modification of human will, but did not completely want to oppose the Holy Grail.

Arriving in the underground space, Kuu Maiya walked in the darkness holding the doll.

An alien familiar was watching the combination of these two people from the sewer pipe.

Kotomine Kirei admitted that he was once again fooled by the changes in the world.

Could it be you? He could tell at a glance that one of the two people was Irisviel's soul body, and the other was Emiya Kiritsugu's follower.

It turned out that the Little Holy Grail had been stripped away by them a long time ago. No wonder the woman with silver hair and red eyes didn't appear in the second half of the story.

What's amazing is that on the doll's arm, I saw the command spell lines belonging to the Master, so did she inherit Emiya Kiritsugu's last wish, or did she inherit the hatred for Noah and herself and others?

And what kind of courage it is to come to find him without bringing his followers, Emiya Kiritsugu may not have it.

It's all so much fun.

Just as Kuu Maiya guessed, this man hid in the underground space where Caster once lived in order to avoid being pursued by the Holy Church.

As for Gilgamesh, it is impossible to stay in this environment for a second.

The fact that no one from the Church has discovered this until now is a testament to the high level of secrecy surrounding this place. The only thing I know is that it's very safe if Noah doesn't come here.

But being in it made Kotomine Kirei a little anxious, as if he was trapped.

The plot of betrayal was originally planned, but it was his ally Emiya Kiritsugu who fell in the end. However, Matou Kariyaha and the crazy Berserker, who were originally regarded as puppets by him, fulfilled the obsession of the King of Knights.

Now the only card in his hand is Hero King Gilgamesh. The Little Holy Grail, which was the core, had disappeared in the mid-term, and he couldn't find a way to kidnap it.

There is no way out of this predicament, and there is only one person who is responsible for all this, and that is Noah, the eighth heroic spirit.

Not only did that strange heroic spirit have extraordinary combat power and willpower, but he was even more expert in tactics and playing with people's hearts and minds than he, a human who considered himself evil.

Being fooled and unable to fight back, he couldn't figure out how to fight on the last day of the Holy Grail War tomorrow even though he was thinking about it.

Even though he has the strongest servant, he is still so unsure of himself, which shows how much pressure Noah puts on him.

And the uninvited guest this night made him immediately alert. Could it be that Noah is here again?

What came to my door was a surprise.

A few people met in a cold and damp place.

“Cooperate? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Kotomine Kirei was very disdainful of this so-called Einzbern doll.

In his opinion, only someone as interesting as Emiya Kiritsugu is worthy of being his opponent or teammate, and dolls are not qualified at all.

...Women, what exactly are you to Emiya Kiritsugu?

I gave birth to his child as his wife. For nine years, I have been guarding his heart and watching him worry... Even his love is my love, and his ideal is my ideal.

So what is his ideal?

Save mankind, completely eradicate all war and bloodshed, and achieve permanent world peace.

Until now, when Irisviel talks about this ideal, her face is full of glory, and she feels noble for her lover's idea.

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