Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1000 The Successor of Dreams

A human, a doll, a heroic spirit.

Three people formed a temporary combination for the goal of the Holy Grail.

Saber is still wearing a butler uniform, Ellie is still a gorgeous doll, and Maiya is a servant, but they can never return to the previous harmony.

Kuu Maiya was driving calmly towards Einzbern Castle. Saber, on the other hand, sat in the passenger seat and looked at the doll in the back seat through the rearview mirror, feeling a little worried.

Ellie seemed to have become different. The one-armed doll was exuding a strange emotion and will from its soul fluctuations, a bit like Emiya Kiritsugu.

It was obvious that the person lying next to her was her dead lover, but Ellie's eyes seemed to see something through the corpse that Saber could not see.

Recalling their conversation on the ruins of Tohsaka's mansion was even more bizarre.

Ellie, do you really want to continue the Holy Grail War?

Saber, who had re-condensed her body, did not expect that there would be a moment when she would re-sign the contract, and looked at her hands a little confused.

Yes, saber come and help me.

Do you know how powerful the enemy you are facing is? Iskandar's heroic, Gilgamesh's ancient, Noah's invulnerable.

I know it all, but I still have to continue this war. Kiritsugu's dream is not yet complete.

So what is that man's dream?

Saber has never talked to Emiya Kiritsugu about why she is so persistent in seizing the Holy Grail, and that man does not seem to be someone who wants to reach the root.

His tragic wish is to save mankind, completely eradicate all war and bloodshed, and achieve permanent world peace.

Even the King of Knights felt dazed when he heard this wish. It was completely changing the habits and way of survival of the human race.

He had already been reprimanded by Noah for wanting to continue the history of Camelot. If it was such an act of directly interfering with humanity, no wonder Noah had to kill him.

Ai Li, how about I go to Germany to bring Ilia back, and then you can live a good life.

As for the final Holy Grail War, since you and I have signed a contract, let me win this war.

No, I am going to fulfill Kiritsugu's wish with my own hands. No matter who stands in the way, I must win, even with the ugliest gesture.

With such determination, Saber could no longer dissuade him, so they took Emiya Kiritsugu's body and left the Tohsaka Residence.

The ruins were eventually handed over to the Holy Church to handle, including notifying Tohsaka Tokiomi's family and passing on the magic seal.

The car was dull for a long time.

What are we doing back to the castle?

The current Einzbern Castle has basically no deterrent effect except for the minefields laid out by Noah.

Kuu Maiya explained Saber's doubts while driving.

Go and retrieve Irisviel's previous body. Our only advantage now is the Little Holy Grail.

Kiritsugu had made the decision and taken action before to transfer the Small Holy Grail, but in fact, after going around in a circle, it still remained in a secret room in Einzbern.

At that time we were already on guard against Noah.

Saber didn't comment on what her original master had done. In fact, in her opinion, she might not have been able to defend Noah against that terrifying man.

Only when you face him directly can you know how unfathomable the man who exudes the gentle light like a lamp is.

When they came to the secret room, they unexpectedly discovered that Irisviel's body was lying there peacefully, but the surge of magic contained in it had already made the servants feel uncomfortable.

There were too many changes in this battle for the emergence of the Holy Grail. There were several super-standard heroic spirits, and there was even the intervention of the power of outside gods.

So the Little Holy Grail is almost full. As long as one more heroic spirit returns to the Throne of Heroes, the magic ritual can be started to summon the coming of the Cup of Heaven.

After all, Ellie was a doll made by Einzbern to summon the Holy Grail, so she naturally knew the progress of the Little Holy Grail very well.

She also placed Kiritsugu's body here, looking at the two dolls lying side by side with nostalgia in her eyes.

Now, tell me all the details of the battle where Kiritsugu died in the Tohsaka mansion.

The King of Knights looked at this strong soul and respected him. It may be cruel, but this is what must be done when entering the battlefield.

So she recounted every detail she noticed about the battle from beginning to end.

As if the figure of the lover who tried to live but was eventually killed by Noah flashed before his eyes, the doll's body trembled several times.

In the end, she stood firm.

Actually, the doll as the carrier of the Little Holy Grail has a strong ability to learn and imitate, but I, who have been protected, do not have that awareness.

Ellie said calmly, her tone was really similar to Kiritsugu's.

Saber, don't you hate Kiritsugu's betrayal and trampling on the dignity of the King of Knights?


Now we and Noah are enemies, so it doesn't matter if we do something like this again, right?


Take the container of the Holy Grail and let's go.

At this time, Kuu Maiya asked.

The body of Kiritsugu.

Just bury it here. If I am still alive after the war, I will come here to accompany him. If not, then let him sleep quietly here.

Leaving without looking back is a farewell to the past.

Fuyuki Civic Hall.

The total investment in this building and facilities is over 8 billion yen, and together with the Central Building in front of the station, it is the two major symbols of the Fuyuki Shinto development plan.

It covers an area of ​​6,600 square meters and has a construction area of ​​4,700 square meters. It is a reinforced concrete building with four floors above ground and one underground floor. The two-story concert hall can accommodate more than 1,300 people.

The brand-new image designed by a well-known architect is not so much a modern civic hall, but more similar to the style of ancient temple architecture. From this magnificent scale, you can see how much effort Fuyuki City has put into developing a new city.

At present, only the exterior decoration has been completed, and the interior decoration is currently being accelerated to prepare for the inauguration ceremony, but the official opening will take longer.

In addition to the minimum necessary disaster prevention facilities, even power distribution equipment has not been installed. As long as the workers have left late at night, the cleanliness and grandeur of the building highlight the sense of deserted tranquility, forming a sense of tranquility. A space with a strange sense of unreality.

Of course, the city government's construction plan does not take magic-related factors into consideration. The reason why Fuyuki Land's latest spiritual point is selected as the planned site for the construction of the Civic Hall is just a coincidence──but if you look at it from another perspective, Perhaps it was the specificity of the spiritual quality of this place that caused this rare coincidence.

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