Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1002 Uneasy Fuyuki City

It's ridiculous. Struggle is human nature. To eradicate struggle is to eradicate humanity. Isn't this meaningless? Emiya Kiritsugu's ideal is not an ideal at all, it is simply a child's joke!

Kotomine Kirei is now thinking about a question, which is whether he is a lunatic, Emiya Kiritsugu is a lunatic, or the woman in front of him is a lunatic.

It seemed right for Noah to kill Emiya Kiritsugu. He couldn't imagine what he would become after being twisted by the Holy Grail.

The emptiness and madness in the heart will be filled with something like a cup. It is very scary to think about it. Noah killed well!

But here comes a second madman.

...That's why he can only rely on miracles in the end...

Irisviel said softly.

The priest suddenly became interested in the doll, no, it was a woman.

Irisviel von Einzbern. Have you won the love of Emiya Kiritsugu?

You treat Kiritsugu as your husband, be proud of him and trust him, just like a real couple. Since he loves you as your wife so much, why... why can he do this for something that has no meaning at all? Ideal to sacrifice the one you love?”

But this is not today's theme. Irisviel is no longer the vase in the original work that was easily handled and could only be used to make fun of her before she died.

Just skip the topic.

Cooperate. It's not enough to rely on Gilgamesh to face Noah. Noah has the power to change the rules. As long as he joins forces with the Conqueror King, even if the Ancient King wants to win, it will be impossible. So easy.

Oh~~Women, you are very courageous. Tell me what you can do?

Jin Shining, who was originally very dissatisfied with this environment, came back with great interest after receiving Kirei's notice. He wanted to see what this doll could say.

The red pupils were full of violent killing intent, as if a disagreement would destroy these two people.

Kuu Maiya can no longer control her body. The aura of the mythical strong man is not something ordinary humans can bear.

The Little Holy Grail is in our hands, and as a host created by Einzbern, it is normal for me to have certain permissions.

Now the Holy Grail only needs one heroic spirit to return to complete the ritual.

So I need the Ancient King to fulfill the mandatory restriction and kill Iskandar, and Saber can be used as a combat force to stop Noah. This way we both still have a chance.

When it comes to self-restraint, Kotomine Kirei and Jin Shining are a little depressed. They fell into the pit because of their self-confidence, which also cost Emiya Kiritsugu's life.

Time is destiny

Then why don't we get rid of the Knight King first to satisfy the need for the Holy Grail to appear?

Saber is guarding the Little Holy Grail itself. If this negotiation fails, I will ask her to destroy everything in the name of the Command Seal.

Or it is also an option to combine Noah and the Conqueror King to retire the most threatening Hero King first.

The offended King of Heroes did not show any anger, but instead expressed his appreciation for the idea of ​​the doll.

It turns out that human beings today are so interesting.

Then it's a deal. I will deal with Iskandar tomorrow, and the Knight King must stop Noah during this period.

As for the final Holy Grail, I will give it to the person who makes me most happy. So Kirei, you have to work hard, this doll’s ideas are not much worse than yours.

After saying this, the hero king immediately left this underground space. He still couldn't stand such an environment.

And Airi left here in the arms of Kuu Maiya, leaving only Kotomine Kirei in the darkness.

The dark emotions welling up from the depths of his heart caused Kirei's expression to twist into a smile.

He got the meaning of fighting again and didn't want to pay attention to any wishes of achievement. The Holy Grail is worse than dirt to me.

If it could be broken in front of Irisviel, who placed all her hopes on this miracle, the Holy Grail would be worth grabbing.

The passionate emotion made Kirei's arms tremble. He couldn't help but want to pull out all the black keys on his body and pierce everything in sight.

Finally, he burst into laughter in the darkness. This was a leap in his soul that he had not experienced in the past few years.

Noah, who was already standing on the Civic Hall, looked at the dark world and the white fish belly exposed on the horizon, not knowing what he was thinking.

Do you have to do this?

Ellie completely integrated the Little Holy Grail and the fourth spiritual vein together, and Noah, who was not very proficient in magic, could not take it out at all.

If something happened, it would be a fire in Fuyuki City with heavy casualties, so he had no choice but to take out a mobile phone.

It's a really disturbing group of guys.

After a while the sun penetrated the clouds.

This is a special day.

The north wind that had lasted for several days suddenly stopped, as if it had never happened.

The strong sunshine causes the dull air temperature to rise sharply like drought and heat, and unseasonable mirages can be seen everywhere.

This kind of hot and humid weather only occurred in a very small area centered on Fuyuki City. Even the weather announcer could not explain the cause, and the citizens began to feel an inexplicable and weird premonition that became increasingly intense.

Several urban gas pipeline explosions, perverted murderers and missing children that have occurred one after another are still in the clouds and there are no clues.

With no one knowing when the nighttime martial law will be lifted, there was also the heavy smog incident in Fuyuki City three days ago.

Several strange events in the past few days have made people nervous and exhausted physically and mentally. Even the abnormal weather feels like a warning that a greater disaster is about to come.

This omen is not wrong, because today is the last day of the Holy Grail War.

All participants are making final preparations.

Miyama Town.

Weber was trying to calm down the throbbing in his heart. His heart had been beating very fast since the morning. This depressing feeling was not a good thing on the magic side.

Webber~ Come up here.

Grandpa, grandpa? You...what are you doing!?

It's okay, it's okay. Come up too... let's have a chat.

Mr. McKenzie was sitting on the roof, inviting his grandson who had returned from studying abroad to have a heart-to-heart talk.

Weber doubted whether the old man was so old that he behaved strangely. He also wanted to use magic to find out if anything dangerous happened in Fuyuki City today.

But no matter what, Mr. McKenzie still insisted.

Until the spiritual emperor reminded Weber to come up, the old man seemed to have something important to say.

Weber felt resentful. The Holy Grail War has entered its final moments. Why should I be so pitiful? At this critical moment, I have to cooperate with this strange old man's weird habits.

The old man poured hot coffee from the thermos beside him and handed it to Weber. He was wearing a down jacket and several layers of blankets, so he seemed to be well prepared against the cold.

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