Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 997 I admit defeat, I refuse

Noah's side is still at a disadvantage in terms of high-end clearing skills.

So this is a prelude to mental suppression, and the fight must be fought. If not, Kiritsugu and others will become even more insane.

The actions of these people have completely broken away from the restrictions of the Holy Grail War.

The Tohsaka Residence was completely moved to the ground with an explosion.

The violent magic power shot straight into the sky, stirring up the boundless wind and clouds, and the murderous aura enveloped half of Fuyuki City like a dark cloud.

At this point, no one cares about the confidentiality principle of the mysterious side. Even the original supervisor of the Holy Church is involved in the fight.

The breath of death gripped everyone's heart.

I surrender.

When the war was about to begin, someone said something shocking that attracted everyone's attention, and single-handedly calmed down the atmosphere of the battle temporarily.

Emiya Kiritsugu?

Why did this cold man admit defeat at this moment? This exceeded everyone's expectations. Only Noah looked at him calmly and roughly guessed what was going on.

It's nothing more than a set of multiple-choice questions polluted by black mud, in order to eliminate more and less.

The mandatory restriction I signed only requires the siege and killing of Noah but does not require the result. Now that Saber has participated, the text of this restriction has no restrictions on me.

Saber was shocked by Kiritsugu's shameless remarks.

How could there be such a person? He really doesn't care about anything and only pursues results, right?

Emiya Kiritsugu, you bastard!!

The King of Heroes, who never thought of being betrayed, directly opened the King's Treasure House, and endless treasure phantoms were aimed at this ruthless human being.

But whether it was other people's abuse or threats, he turned a blind eye and just looked at Noah.

My only request is that I can survive and be qualified to participate in the Holy Grail War.

I reject.

Noah's cold voice sounded without even a trace of hesitation.

You must know that he is a ruthless person who has said that he would rather destroy the history of 100 years to overthrow the world government. No one can surpass him in determination.

I can let Saber participate in the siege and killing of Gilgamesh, as long as it allows me to continue to live.

This is Emiya Kiritsugu's self-awareness. In order to realize his ultimate dream, he can put down his feelings for his relatives, his own principles, and even his life. As for dignity, I don’t even know where it is.

His cowardly attitude was shameful to all his servants and masters. Jin Shining had given up the idea of ​​using his own treasure to shoot this human being. He was not worthy of tarnishing his own treasure.

Saber was even speechless, how could a human being betray his position repeatedly.

I reject.

The response was the same.

I signed a mandatory spell and can do anything, as long as it allows me to enter the final Holy Grail War.

I reject.


I reject.


I reject.

It's really ridiculous that such a person has such an awareness and such an inner desire to save the world.

This man has no determination to accept the real world, so why should he save the world? disappoint others.

Noah, you know, I can do anything to achieve my final goal. The two Swords of Victory and Oath, which were fully launched with command spells, directly bombarded the second spiritual vein. Do you know what the outcome will be?

Without knowing that the King of Heroes also has an anti-realm weapon, the light cannon currently displayed by Saber is indeed a huge danger.

Everyone was shocked, this madman really deserves to be killed.

What a disgusting piece of trash!

Noah didn't say anything, but Lancelot was already furious. Why would his favorite king enter into a contract with such a demon? I feel even more sorry for the pain and humiliation Arthur suffered before.

If Arthur is really allowed to destroy the entire Fuyuki City, the sins their king will bear will be beyond imagination.

In the past, the king was criticized for his handling of problems in the village. What would he gain if he destroyed this city with a population of one million?

That is almost a predetermination of the next Berserker, who will be in torment and madness forever and ever.

Everyone knew that Emiya Kiritsugu had gone crazy.

Looking at Noah, his eyes were already bloodshot. This was his last and craziest bargaining chip.

Everyone was looking at Noah, and Lancelot even had a hint of prayer. They had a hunch that this man might be as determined as ever.


I reject.

Noah was extremely determined to kill Emiya Kiritsugu.

Every time this man gave a bottomless suggestion, Noah's murderous intention increased.

As for the sword of victory and oath, it can draw away the army of the conquering king. Just hold it for a moment. So Kiritsugu and Saber had no choice.

Seeing all this, Jin Shining felt not pleasure, but indescribable uneasiness. It seemed that this time he had provoked someone who could not take it as amusement.

So is this the glory that belongs to human beings? It's too dangerous.

The Conquering King was also secretly stunned. It is the king's instinct to weigh the pros and cons. Although he is carefree, he still has the heart of a king.

If he were in Noah's position, he would really consider letting the opponent go temporarily, or asking the opponent to sign a restriction to gain a certain chance of victory.

But Noah didn't think about this at all, and he would kill you if he said he wanted to.

Weber's eyes were filled with admiration, and I have to say that the lighting in this posture was so handsome.

At this time, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was sure that there was no chance, had given up hope on Noah's side. Instead, he looked at Kotomine Kirei.

We continue to form alliances and destroy this place, looking for opportunities to rush out.

No one has any doubts that this man can do such a thing.

Even Saber has become numb and is just rebelling again.

But Kotomine Kirei remained silent, and after thinking for a moment, he showed an expression that looked like a smile. The ultimate malice penetrated Emiya Kiritsugu's heart.

I'm sorry, you don't have a choice, but I do.

In the name of the Command Seal, cover my retreat, Gilgamesh.

? !

When the King of Heroes looked at Kotomine Kirei, he was furious at first, fleeing here at this time really lost the arrogance and dignity of the oldest king, then he was thoughtful, and then he felt happy when he thought of something extremely funny.

It turns out that it is really a gorgeous drama to let a person who is willing to give everything for his dream lose everything.

Moreover, in the name of the Command Seal, it is a suitable reason. Even if the dignity of the king is temporarily lost, it is not unacceptable. I accept this advice.

Kirei, well done!

The king and the servant who summoned the gorgeous Vimana walked up, not because they didn't want to stop them, but because the pulled out Star of Deviation of Heaven and Earth was too scary.

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