Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 996 Report and cut off the enemy’s escape route

Now it seems that my own black hole and thoughts are being played with by the sunny-faced man opposite me, who is being applauded. What kind of bright protagonist is this? He is just an old cunt.

Another person who is misunderstood by the word light of revolution. Noah illuminated the way forward, but the way forward was not so particular.

Sometimes the lamp oil is oneself, but more often it relies on burning the enemies to generate heat. Otherwise, how could so many wars in the world of One Piece be fought?

As for Jin Shining, a pure-hearted person, he was also a little angry at the moment.

A condescending person who enjoys having fun does not want to become a fun person himself. Especially seeing the oppressive force of the three heroic spirits on the opposite side made him a little irritable, a bunch of bastards!

The other heroic spirit, Saber, has lost her will to fight at this moment. She only has eyes for Sir Lancelot, who was once her teacher, friend and subject.

Lancelot was also looking at his king tenderly, and the look between the two people was strange.

After all, it was Kotomine Kirei who broke the stalemate here.

Noah, we underestimated you. We didn't expect there were so many arrangements in the dark. It seems that you made your determination to deal with us quite early.

This level of speculation is meaningless. Bad people always think worse of others.

There is nothing good to say about your praise. I also said that someone must pay the price today.

Think about it, this is not a sparsely populated suburb, there are still many ordinary people nearby.

If the commotion is too big, the whole city will be wiped out if it is exposed to the eyes of the world. I guess you don't want to go to this extent.

The words Kotomine Kirei said were disgusting.

It was originally restricted here to limit Noah's technological weapons, but it turned out to be a life-saving straw for himself and others, which is really ironic.

Noah showed a puzzled smile at this moment.

Why do you think I would compromise on keeping the mystery side secret?

In other words, it is worth paying a small price to clean up. As for magic, I don't care.

The words I don't care almost chilled the hearts of Emiya Kiritsugu and others.

Damn, I almost forgot that this guy is a servant. He doesn't care at all about what happens in reality.

And from the perspective of Noah's spiritual will, he is more inclined to ordinary humans, and he really doesn't care at all about the mysterious things.

What about human life? If we fight here, it will be difficult for the people around us to escape with their lives. Any sword energy can chop their fragile bodies into pieces.

Besides human life, do you think you can hurt anyone else?

What does it mean? Kotomine Kirei suddenly felt something was wrong.

Jin Shining used his Noble Phantasm to see an astonishing scene, that is, all the ordinary people near Tohsaka's mansion had disappeared.

There is a mysterious force that is constantly evacuating the people here. The energy used should be considered very huge based on his experience in reality.

Mine Kirei was shocked when he saw it through the Noble Phantasm, because he recognized the identity of the other party, and it turned out to be the Holy Church Church.

How can this be? As the Holy Church, it would not intervene in the Holy Grail War, and it would still help a servant to do something. This is simply unbelievable.

No one else expected that Noah's planning was so profound, that he could actually leverage such power in reality?

Emiya Kiritsugu thought of something, and then looked at Kotomine Kirei.

How did Kotomineri die?

Does the church know about your participation in the war as an acting overseer?

This question is about how the original supervisor of the Holy Grail War died?

This sentence also gave Kirei a rough idea of ​​what he was saying, and he looked at Noah uncontrollably for the first time.


Well, report it.

After discovering that Rei Kotominezaki secretly signed a contract with Jin Shining, Noah understood that this guy must have violated the rules set by the Holy Church just like in the original work.

As a participant and at the same time a referee, how can this be written?

Besides, the matter of how Kotomine Rimasa died has already been explained. Regardless of whether it was the good boy like Kotomine Kirei who did it or not, it would definitely be right to report it first.

A decisive letter of report was sent to the Eighth Secret Festival, and then uploaded to the headquarters of the Holy Church.

No matter how others say it, the people on the magic side are indeed second to none in their ability to act rigorously and efficiently.

There seemed to be something fishy about the death of Kotomine Rimasa before. Otherwise, how could we explain Kotomine Kirei's re-qualification and a large number of Command Seals?

There are many psychopaths in the magic world. People who kill their fathers, wives and daughters for the sake of magic are not uncommon in history.

The supervisors in the church will simultaneously transmit the information of each Holy Grail War to the church headquarters. After all, it is still very important to be able to communicate the importance of the 253rd Holy Grail of the Heavenly Grail.

During this period, every special person and intelligence party was collected.

And Noah's intelligence was also a very conspicuous presence in the 4th Holy Grail War. The other party also gave positive feedback to the information provided by this heroic spirit.

In short, Kotomine Kirei's identity as supervisor has now been removed. In order to thank Noah for his report, the Holy Church Church does not mind using Noah's hand to get rid of this disqualified acting supervisor.

See, as long as there is a loophole, Noah can use it to leverage unexpected power.

This is his ability beyond paper strength, he is good at discovering rules, using rules, and breaking rules.

In the battle just now, you didn't start counterattacking until the last minute. Are you delaying time?


An unprecedented sense of powerlessness began to fill Emiya Kiritsugu's heart, and his hands and feet felt cold. When Noah really became an enemy, the power of calculating and invoking rules made people feel powerless. How could there be such a terrifying heroic spirit?

Okay, now the surrounding aura shielding and personnel evacuation are completed. I said I was going to kill people today.

Jin Shining Shining, on the other hand, was fed up with the feeling of being pushed into a desperate situation step by step. He was a proud King of Heroes, how could he be forced into a desperate situation by an ordinary human being like a bereaved dog.

So he stood up and planned to kill all the enemies one on two. You must know that he has an EX-level anti-realm treasure in his hand. If this weapon is not restricted, this Fuyuki City will no longer exist.

What does he care about if he doesn't even care about Noah? He is the most qualified and willful ancient king.

At this moment, Noah's murderous look and Jin Shining's violent aura have brought the atmosphere to the highest point, and a war that can destroy the city may break out at any time.

But did Noah really not care about civilians?

Evacuating the surrounding areas would only be a small effort to reduce some losses.

If all the heroic spirits use their ultimate moves, such as light cannons, opening up the world, etc., it will only take the blink of an eye to wipe out the city.

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