Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 998 There is only one betrayer in the abyss

The world-destroying aura on the red cylindrical sword body frightened everyone's minds. It turns out that the opponent has such a trump card, and the King of Heroes is very scary when he gets serious.

Noah's body is still relatively weak at the moment, and he simply cannot withstand such an attack that separates the world without paying the ultimate price. Iskandar's mental world is definitely unstoppable.

The King of Heroes just left. Looking at Emiya Kiritsugu's desperate eyes, the joy of the two reached its highest peak.

This is the abyss of betrayers. Emiya Kiritsugu was at a loss.

What on earth have you done?

Iskandar took action at this moment.

The wind and sand passed by, the hot sun burned the earth, and in the blink of an eye, this place changed to the human world.

This place is the king's army belonging to the conquering king. But this time the mind world is summoned not for fighting, but to provide a duel venue.

Saber's victory and the sword of oath are too harmful to the material. Only here can everyone let go, and it also cuts off the other party's means of dying together.

The Macedonian troops became spectators. Under the attention of thousands of soldiers, the sandy land in the middle was the fairest place for a duel.

The spectators are Noah, the Light of Revolution, Iskander, the Conquering King, and the Masters of both sides of the duel.

A Matou Kariya who is so weak that he is about to die, and an Emiya Kiritsugu who is in despair.

Go, Lancelot. This is the stage I provide you. No matter what, just like the command spell issued by your master, do what you want.

Thank you very much for your help. Although we met by chance, I will remember your kindness forever.

Holding his regretless lake light, Lancelot performed a knightly salute very solemnly, and then looked at his king.

Arthur, let us have a final battle. Don't stay in this dirty world any longer. Even if it costs me my life, I will take you out of here.

Saber was still at a loss when facing Lancelot. What happened today was a huge shock to her.

She rebelled again, rebelled again, and turned many times in succession. Her position also became erratic along with her Master.

When another Lancelot appeared, she almost defeated her defense, but when the opponent raised the sword, her muscle memory also assumed the posture of previous battles.

The time spent practicing swordsmanship together at the end of the Age of Gods and the years of conquering enemies reverberated in the mind of the King of Knights.

King, please don't hesitate and remember that our will walks in the sword. So please be prepared for this sword.

After saying that, he struck hard and Arthur was sent flying by the sword as expected.

Xiaolan, as a ruthless person whose martial arts can be sublimated into a noble phantom, was naturally Saber's swordsmanship teacher back then. A more reliable swordsmanship teacher than Merlin.

Naturally, he started the battle with a teaching tone.

Stimulated by the pain, Saber finally cheered up.

Sir Lancelot, you are right. No matter what, let us have a happy fight. This may be the best ending for you and me.

The fierce sword wind was rising in the wind and sand, and the light of Lancelot's sword at this moment was so gorgeous and clear.

Originally he wanted to use his life to stop the king's fall, but the situation has been reversed by the hero named Noah. Then he only needs to fight for himself, his inner guilt and atonement.

So he attacked almost without any reservation, clearly expressing his emotions and guilt.

It's good, it's very good, but it's so good that it directly leads to a crushing game.

And is this guy venting his personal anger? Why are you so vicious? Didn't you agree that all the twelve Knights of the Round Table will be the King's Chef?

As expected of the flower of knights, she is a master of swordsmanship.

Noah couldn't help but admire that such an opponent might be Hawkeye's favorite style. What a pure swordsmanship.

As for Saber, who had been getting beaten all the time, she no longer kept count. She didn't even keep track of how many times she had been beaten away.

Who on earth said so brazenly that she was the best sword-level servant?

Now she was basically like a small boat floating on the sea, being played with by strong winds and waves, and just allowed to be hit again and again by the undamaged lake light held high in Xiaolan's hand.

In full public view, she was beaten until she could not straighten her back or stand up. There is no way to fight back, and there is no intention to even fight against the enemy.

This tragic and desolate look is so far away from the heroic appearance of the King of Knights that he was praised as the incarnation of the dragon in the past, it is really unbearable to see.

Even with the sword of victory and oath in hand, victory cannot be achieved. No matter what, she couldn't defeat that man and that sword.

When the two swords were clashing, Saber was in a daze again when she saw the familiar scene.

The undestructible light of the lake is paired with King Arthur's Promised Sword of Victory, the supreme sword handed over to humans by the elves.

In fact, Xiaolan has always been the kind of person Saber admired when she was young. The perfect knight, perfect moral character, and the relationship between teacher and friend is a rare story.

She has always believed that the two are close friends. Even if they have to fight against each other for some unavoidable reasons, she still believes that the two of them are of the same mind deep down.

One side is the loyal minister who embodies chivalry; the other side is the king who protects chivalry.

But is this bond of loyalty to the Holy Lord just her one-sided fantasy?

The ending in the myth and Lancelot responding to the call of the Holy Grail as a mad warrior all made Saber feel breathless.

Is it my fault? Is it the mistake of being a king? Is it because Wang doesn’t understand people’s hearts?

Facing the non-stop heavy blows from the Indestructible Lake Light, Saber's holy sword let out a sharp scream.

Although this is a sword of holy light that promises victory, its true meaning cannot be realized at all in the hands of a master who has lost his fighting spirit.

Lancelot has now drawn the famous sword that liberated his knightly heart. The exquisiteness and power of his martial arts are unmatched in the past.

Even if Saber is in good condition, she may not be able to withstand his sword power. Even more so now.

He had no choice but to continue teaching, feeling like an old mother.

Your Majesty is really disturbing. Are you still fighting for such a reason at this time?

A nostalgic voice came from behind the sword.

The knight's eyes were as gentle and steady as ever, like a calm lake, but his attacks were still ruthless.

A slash of the sword made Saber almost unsteady.


Another slash with the sword made Saber almost fall to one knee.

I... really hope to accept your personal punishment. Your Majesty... I hope you will judge my sins with your own anger...

Lancelot said earnestly. Although he was called the traitorous knight and the culprit of the split of the Round Table, his only close friend never blamed him from the beginning to the end.

A horizontal slash almost knocked the king's holy sword away.

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