Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 995 Retreat, must retreat!

Iskandar, who crushed the space barrier, didn't stop at all. He drove the Bull of God and stood in the middle of the battlefield, looking at Jin Shining with a bold smile on his face.

Hahahahaha~~ I came here as soon as I received the signal. I didn't expect it to be so lively here. You didn't inform me about this conquering king.

Weber was a little confused looking at the chaotic battle situation from the chariot.

It's actually a bit similar to what Noah said, but it's not three versus one but two versus two. Wouldn't it be easier this time? He even thought of the dream of annihilating the two opposing heroes in one fell swoop.

Yesterday, when Noah drove a luxury sports car and parked in front of the home of Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie in Miyama Town, he was surprised.

Unexpectedly, this mysterious heroic spirit touched the hiding place without making a sound.

You must know that Emiya Kiritsugu, who is with Noah, has the reputation of a magician killer. His tricks and unscrupulous style are very famous in this circle. Even he, an apprentice in the clock tower, is collecting some After hearing the information, I was deeply afraid of it.

Unexpectedly, they were touched at the door. He and Iskandar were instantly ready to fight and stood in front of the old couple.

With the heroism of a king, he would naturally not want innocent people to die because of him. Even though he could kill many enemies without blinking an eye, as a heroic spirit and after being embodied, he only retained the majestic side of history.

But after taking a look, I realized that the other party was not here to fight, because no one came to fight and brought very decent gifts.

Hello, I am a friend of your grandson Weber and his family. It is a bit presumptuous to visit you for the first time.

With that said, he handed over his gift. Wild Yingde black tea, snacks from Nagoya, and some Australian specialties.

The gifts are carefully packaged, and they look thoughtful, and they don't look cheap either. The last item was even more of a surprise. The couple had not seen such authentic Australian items for a long time.

McKenzie knew that his grandson's friend might be rich or noble, and his clothes were also rather elegant, so he was not an ordinary friend.

So he enthusiastically brought them into the living room, and after serving tea, left the space for the young people.

Mr. Noah, what do you want here?

The two people who had calmed down directly asked why they came. The unscheming student and the straight-forward king are a wonderful combination.

If you see red flames breaking through the sky tomorrow, can you come to my aid?

The two of them didn't understand what Noah said.

Just a piece of black tea and a snack can't invite me to do such a dangerous thing. It's not easy to put someone like you in danger.

Iskandar was no fool. When the opponent was fighting against the power of the outer gods, his endless technological weapons and his final light form shocked everyone.

Ordinary dangers don't require Noah to ask for help, but people like them who can be said to be enemies should ask for help.

Yes, theoretically speaking, there may be three heroic spirits surrounding me tomorrow. For some reason, modern weapons may not be convenient to use.

Bit 33!

Weber, a young man, was very surprised, because after excluding his followers, all the remaining heroic spirits would kill Noah. What kind of hatred is this?

Or what did Noah do? Eaten the Holy Grail?

The reason is simple, it's just that I blocked everyone's way.

After a while of silence, the Conqueror King asked a question.

Then Noah, will you block my way?

Not really.

Oh, why is that?

I don't care about people who just want to have the body of an ordinary person and don't have any hostility towards me. I don't even care about the Holy Grail.

So my price is that if you can persist to the end, then I will not compete with you for the Holy Grail.

In fact, in the transaction between Kiritsugu and others, the King of Conqueror had already been marked as a bargaining chip by the King of Heroes. Noah and the conquering king did not know this at this time.

Iskandar thought about it and thought this deal was great.

Noah, a strong man who has never been able to see clearly, has far better planning capabilities than others, and it is worth being able to make such a choice at the last moment.

Weber is also very happy. This is equivalent to getting rid of a very powerful obstacle in advance. To be honest, he was more afraid of Noah than Jin Shining.

Because Jin Shining is powerful in terms of strength, while Noah is unknown in strength.

Okay, we agree, let us end the Holy Grail War tomorrow.

After Noah left, the McKenzies chatted with Weber and the others and felt that their grandson was promising and knew such a distinguished person.

Everything is so cozy.

After leaving, Noah immediately went to the Holy Church in another city, and then returned to Einzbern Castle.

Everything happened so smoothly, so today's scene fell from the sky.

As an ancient residence built on spiritual veins, Tohsaka Residence is the property of a prominent family in Fuyuki City, so its area is naturally quite large.

But at this moment, the place is a little cramped by a few people. It's not the body shape, it's the aura.

The people gathered here are all powerful men who have left their reputation in history and mythology. Even human Masters are mostly dangerous people who have gone far in the path of magic.

And at this moment, these people were divided into two clear sides for a confrontation.

On one side is Emiya Kiritsugu. , Kirei Kotomine, as well as a rebel group dominated by King Arthur and the Rakuten Hero King who are controlled by the Command Spell.

On the other side is a counterattack group headed by Noah, Lancelot, and the conquering king Iskandar.

Originally, Emiya Kiritsugu and others felt that it was imperative to surround and kill Noah, and they made a very thorough plan in all aspects, which was almost foolproof.

However, Noah, who has been struggling in the world of One Piece for decades and has experienced countless conspiracies and intrigues, has nothing to hide in his eyes. Instead, he formulated a plan to fight back.

It's a matryoshka doll and an anti-matryoshka doll. The result is that Noah, who has rich experience in external struggles and internal struggles, wins completely.

Now it's a 3 vs 2 situation only from a servant perspective. The party who signed the self-restraint text fell to the bottom. This was something no one thought of before the start.

There is no need to mention Emiya Kiritsugu's inner annoyance at this moment, and at the same time, his fear of Noah has reached its peak.

The comprehensive crushing by force and mentality made him start to think about how to retreat from here.

As for his temporary allies, he didn't care about them at all. He didn't know what the situation was like on Ellie's side, and everything was in confusion.

retreat! We must retreat as soon as possible, at any cost.

Kotomine Kirei didn't have the awareness of Rakuten at this moment. After all, he is not a pure fun-loving person, but a psychopath who seeks stimulation from the outside world to fill the hole in his heart.

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