Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 994 Seizing, Awakening, Summoning

The power of the command spell that lost its effectiveness was wiped out, and the violent red domination swept directly across the entire place, drowning everyone in this small original mansion.

Are you ready to welcome Noah's wrath?

Step 2, wake up my comrades.

Kiritsugu thought it was Saber he wanted to awaken, so he was ready to use the second command spell to strengthen the command at any time, but he was wrong.

There is also a pair of mind-controlled Master and Servant in need of help. The identity of Berserker is Noah's second counterattack.


The magic mark in Matou Kariya's eyes was swept away. No tricks to manipulate people's hearts can continue to be effective in the face of red domineering, and Kariya's own consciousness woke up directly.

Haha, Tokiomi Aoi.

When Kariya wakes up, he doesn't care about being manipulated at all, because he has been controlled by different people as a puppet this year.

Now that the culprits Tohsaka Tokiomi and Matou Zouken are all dead, he really has no desire other than not finding Sakura which is his heartache.

Perhaps just looking at the servants who have the same tragic fate as himself, fulfilling his dream is the most important thing for him at the moment.

As for the body, as for the magic power, as for the Holy Grail, it doesn't matter, just take them all.

So he simply raised his arms and used all the command spells.

In the name of the Command Seal, be the Berserker you want to be.

Xiaolan also received help from Noah.

A large number of red light spots were peeled off by Noah, and the ultimate domineering energy poured into Berserker's body.

The crazy personality belonging to the Holy Grail Madness level was briefly suppressed, which also meant that the will of Lancelot, the Knight of the Lake, was awakening.

Wake up, Xiaolan, your king is fighting in an ugly posture now, go and help her.

Ever since the last time he used his domineering power to calm Xiaolan, who was in a crazy state, for a moment in the harbor, Noah knew that his will of light could resist the power of the Holy Grail.

So the setting used to suppress one of the seven knights is still possible, and it really works.

The black mist covering the body of the black-armored knight gradually gathered while rotating. The dark armor finally revealed its detailed lines in the falling mist.

It was a perfect set of armor that was both beautiful and luxurious, without being too luxurious or too strong.

The meticulous shape shows the craftsman's ingenuity, masculine and smooth.

Even the countless scars on the armor have become sculptures that tell the story of the knight's countless military exploits, adding to his bravery and majesty. This is the perfect posture that all knights admire.

There was once a warrior who wore this armor and galloped on the battlefield. He was the most brilliant unparalleled swordsman on the Round Table in Camelot City, a more flawless and loyal warrior than anyone else.

Saber looked at Berserker in disbelief. How could he be the owner of this armor?

Berserker put his hand on the hilt of the sword. He had never used his own Noble Phantasm before and began to take action. He slowly pulled out the sword from the scabbard.

The shape of the sword is similar to Saber's Sword of Victory and Oath, and the engraved elf writing proves that the sword was not made by mortal hands.

The sword light reflected on the blade was like the surface of a lake shining in the moonlight. It was an infinite sword that would never be destroyed by any attack.

Only the one who is praised as the Flawless Knight is qualified to use that famous sword.

The name of this sword is Indestructible Lake Light (Alondite)──Even if the name is not stated, this proof has clearly revealed the true name of the holder.


The helmet was shattered, and the upright beauty that many women once admired was completely gone.

His appearance was like that of a demon, with sunken cheeks and endless anger in his eyes.

With the influx of red domineering energy, this face finally regained its former glory, and his eyes also had the clarity of the past.


Sir Lancelot

Thinking of the madness of this knight before, Saber couldn't stop crying.

Do you hate me that much? My you even turn into such a terrifying state and hate me even if you fall? Knight of the Lake!

The glory in Saber's heart was almost defeated directly, and the weight of this blow was indescribable.

King, my matters are not important for now.

I know all the causes and consequences. No matter what, I will stop this ugly betrayal and help you maintain your past glory.

When his rationality was suppressed by Madness, Lancelot could only wail in pain and helplessness, but after his rationality returned, he still remembered everything.

So I understand how much pain Arthur feels at this moment, and how much he hates this posture.

Lancelot has extremely murderous intentions towards Emiya Kiritsugu. How could he let my king fall into such injustice?

She should have stood under the sun, holding the holy sword and carrying the holy spear, to rule all the people.

Perhaps he longed to die under Arthur's sword and gain redemption, but he still wanted to die immediately in this battle.

But it didn't work at this time. Although all the Knights of the Round Table had various conflicts, their love for Arthur made him unable to accept that his king was fooled in this way, so he pulled out the lake light without regrets to block it. In front of Arthur.

Lancelot was serious about protecting the king's glory. Even letting Arthur withdraw at this moment was better than letting the king feel betrayed.

Of course, before that, Lancelot gratefully bowed to the wounded and dying Master.

Maybe he was once filled with jealousy, sadness and madness, but at the moment before his death, Kariya was a respectable Master.

Arthur, let's fight!

Finally, the King of Knights had a sword duel with the Knight of the Lake among his 12 Knights of the Round Table.

As long as Lancelot exists in the world, he will never allow the king to fall!

Watching Noah's comebacks one after another, Emiya Kiritsugu understood that he had failed no matter what today, and he also lost a very powerful helper and gained a terrifying enemy.

Jin Shining felt the ultimate surprise in this series of flips. He didn't expect to see such a delicate layout at this moment.

Even if the siege failed this time, he felt that the trip was worthwhile, and Mine Kirei felt the same way.

The Leziren group believes that they have not lost yet, and there is absolutely no problem in suppressing Noah at this moment with Jin Shining's combat power.

But who says this is the end. The Holy Grail War might as well enter its climax at this point.

Step 3, summon allies.

The red domineering energy lit up the sky like a torch in the eyes of those on the magic side. The powerful men who were inspired have already arrived above the clouds, and the bull carrying the divine power of Zeus rushed from the sky with thunder.

He smashed the space barrier with one head and blocked Gilgamesh.

At this moment the situation was reversed.

Noah looked at the surprised people and smiled. Using tactical means to control the combat power, and then surrounding and killing the enemy was also his specialty.

Countless top powerhouses have fallen to Noah's ingenuity.

Today, I'm going to kill someone.

This world is a ladder, a place that helps Noah gain strength. And then something disgusting burns along the way.

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