Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 97 Power surges! Increased dramatically! Strong growth! (Please subscribe)

Hank excused himself and left the room.

Professor x came out from behind the desk in a mobile wheelchair and said, Nice to meet you, Mr. Bai.

Bai Xing sat down directly on the sofa and said: Although it is rude to say this when we first met, I still want to know why you have changed your brother's body, but you still need to use a wheelchair? Do you My brother’s spine is also injured like yours?”

Even though Professor

Unexpectedly, his first concern would be this.

At the same time, Ororo, who was teaching the children, suddenly heard the voice of Professor X in his ears.

Auroro, have you told Shirahoshi about my resurrection?

After receiving a negative answer, Professor X looked at Bai Xing with a more cautious look.

Not many people knew about this matter, and Professor X didn't understand why Bai Xing knew it so clearly.

In addition, both Logan and Ororo had given feedback in advance, saying that Shirahoshi seemed familiar with them.

It made Professor x even more curious.

You are curious about my things, and I am also curious about yours. I think we can solve each other's doubts by being honest.

Bai Xing shrugged and said, What do you want to know?


My name is Bai Xing. I've already said this. As for where I come from, it should be a very far away place.

Not in this world?

Bai Xing looked at Professor

Professor x breathed out, and his guess turned out to be true.

Okay, it's your turn.


Besides, I've been in a wheelchair for so many years, and I've long been used to it.

Bai Xing nodded slightly, and then threw out a bait in an understatement: Maybe I can cure it.

After confirming that Professor

If a life core could be planted in him, it would be possible to wipe out the existence of all mankind with just one thought. If he were to become black, and if he really did that, how much life energy would he absorb in an instant?

How much life energy can it bring to Bai Xing? !

After successfully planting the fruit core, it is equivalent to signing a contract. No matter how much life energy they harvest, White Star will definitely get 70% of it.

As long as it lasts like this, Bai Xing estimates that even if his lifespan does not reach immortality, it should be no problem to at least add tens of thousands of years to his lifespan.

However, it is not easy to make Professor X so dark that he can wipe out all mankind.

Even if you forcefully plant life seeds for him, it might be useless.

This old guy is too old. After exhausting his life potential, he may only be able to live for three more days at most.

And with his character, I am afraid that even if he dies, he will not kill and absorb energy to increase his life essence.

But Bai Xing has more than one kind of core.

Perhaps you could plant an electromagnetic fruit core for him, which would also allow you to copy his psychic abilities to yourself.

It's a pity that the electromagnetic fruit is not easy to grow. Bai Xing previously supplied all the nutrients to the branch of life.

Now, not a single fruit has been born on the electromagnetic branches.

In one thought, Bai Xing reinjected new nutrients into the electromagnetic branches.

When the electromagnetic fruit is born again, the fruit core will be planted by Professor X.

the other side.

Professor x was not surprised or surprised after hearing Bai Xing's words.

But he still said in a gentle tone: Is it based on that kind of life seed?

Obviously, he should have been angry with Logan before this.

Bai Xing didn't hide anything: That's right.

Professor But I still hope you can stop sharing this kind of stuff with others easily.

Bai Xing refused directly and neatly: This is not acceptable.

Professor x was not surprised, just a little disappointed.

He also knows that the effectiveness of such dissuasion is too low, and there is basically no possibility of success.

But because of the exaggerated characteristics of the life seed, he still wanted to try it.

Sure enough it failed.

But immediately afterwards, Bai Xing's words gave Professor X hope again.

In addition to wanting to meet the famous Professor

Please say.

I hope I can use Hank to build me a practice room.

You just rejected me, why do you think I must agree to you?

“Well, as a reward, I can also do something for you.

For example, be a teacher in the academy and teach those children how to control their mutant abilities faster.


Mutant abilities are not easy to control, especially for mutants who have just awakened their abilities.

It is also something that has troubled them for a long time, and they can only be guided slowly and step by step.

When Bai Xing said this, Professor X immediately became interested.

After pondering for a while, Professor x finally agreed.

In addition to what Bai Xing said about controlling mutant abilities, it was also because Bai Xing, an outsider, was really a destabilizing factor.

If he could stay in the academy all the time, he would be able to react immediately if something happened.

With that powerful psychic power, even if he can't influence Bai Xing, he can still influence others.

Furthermore, by having more close contact, not only can we learn more about Shirahoshi, but we may also be able to establish friendship.

Especially when Shirahoshi said that he could be a teacher, didn't this give him a chance to learn more about Shirahoshi?

Of course it's no problem, but I also have a request.


Unless it is voluntary, I hope you will not use coercion on students to achieve any purpose.

Hey, does Logan still hold a grudge? Well, I agree to your request.

Bai Xing smiled slightly and didn't take this small request to heart.

Professor X's compromise was also what he expected.

Professor x more often likes to use gentle methods.

This is completely opposite to Magneto.

Island country, Yokohama.

Viper did not escape from the island country as Shirahoshi thought.

Instead, he has been staying in the island country, and now he is in Yokohama.

During this period of time, she had gradually felt the benefits brought by the seeds of life.

The refreshing feeling of absorbing life energy was simply better than orgasm, and she was even addicted.

But after killing a few people in a row, even if you deliberately look for people on the fringes of society or gangsters, you will still attract the attention of local law enforcement.

If it is discovered and causes a big fuss, the army may even be sent to suppress it.

Viper did not feel that with his current strength, he could fight against the army.

What's more, she always thought that she was a smart player, so how could she possibly do something that only a fool would do?

So, Viper is ready to play a big one!

She is a woman who knows how to use her strengths.

Whether it's her beautiful skin or her mutant abilities.

And now, she is in a water plant.

When she made up her mind to do a big job, she began to retreat to prepare toxins.

Her mutant ability can produce various toxins, and she is an expert in chemistry.

She easily prepared this deadly toxin, which she called 'Black Mamba'!

Sneak into the water plant and blend the 'Black Mamba' into the water source.

Now she just has to wait for thousands of families to drink the water she has mixed with toxins.

Then just sit back and wait for the life energy to gather!

She had done experiments before.

As long as the poison is produced by oneself, even if the distance is far away, it will be counted as the one killed by oneself.

You can still draw life energy.

After doing all this, Viper left Yokohama and found a place to hide.

Then just wait quietly.

Even if the 'Black Mamba' toxin is severely diluted, it can still be fatal.

It just takes a little longer.

Within about half a day, wisps of life energy began to gather towards her.

As the toxin explodes in the city, more and more energy becomes available.

After about two days, the diluted toxin completely exploded.

Hospitals in Yokohama were already overcrowded, and people who drank a lot of water began to turn black all over their bodies.

Eventually died!

And every time a person dies, a piece of life energy leaves the body.

They gathered together like a long river, floating in the air, heading towards the place where the viper was.

Viper feels the increasing physical fitness, so happy that he feels like water is flowing out!

It seemed like it was doubling every moment.

The most important thing is that because it is the overall quality that is enhanced, it will not cause partiality.

The only bad thing is that it improves too much in a short period of time, which reduces control.

For example, right now, because the Viper is so happy, it breaks the bed when it turns over, and crushes the floor when it kicks its legs.


Cement scum continued to fall from the ceiling downstairs.

A strong man was preparing to eat when the ashes fell directly on the dinner plate.


The angry strong man slammed the table.

He cursed upstairs.

But when he saw the expanding cracks in the ceiling, he realized something was wrong.

He hurriedly ran out of the house and left the building as quickly as possible.

At this moment, Viper felt as if he was wrapped in a life source so rich that it was as liquid as a liquid.

Every cell in the body is telling the story of comfort.

After she replenished the life essence she originally consumed, basically all the rest was added to her physical fitness.

This greatly increased her physical strength! Increased dramatically! Strong growth!

Went to an extremely terrifying situation!

Damn it! What on earth is going on!

The strong man had a shocked and angry expression on his face and had already left the building.

Stand outside and look up.

At this time, because of the muffled sound of 'bang bang', many people around were attracted to stop and watch.


As time passed, the sound of broken walls continued to be heard.

The whole building even started to collapse!

Smoke and dust filled the air, and gravel splashed outward.

Some onlookers screamed after being injured, and the scene immediately fell into chaos.

And among the ruins of bricks and tiles, the Viper suddenly lifted up the reinforced concrete fragments that were pressing on it.

Feeling the huge power contained in my body, although I became unkempt, I didn't care at all, I just felt extremely excited!

It's just that the sudden surge makes the control a bit unable to keep up.

While I was enjoying myself just now, I was suddenly stopped and the building collapsed.

Sirens rang in my ears.

It seems that there is too much movement here, and someone has already called the police.

Viper snorted coldly. With her current strength, she felt that even if she was not invincible, she was definitely one of the few.

What can the mere human police do to her?


Before the police car at the front could stop, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

Then - boom!

The Viper punched out, directly smashing the police car into pieces, and countless metal parts shot towards the back like pear blossoms in a rainstorm.

The other police cars that followed were immediately beaten into pieces, and the police officers sitting inside were also riddled with holes.

Blood flowed out along the cracks of the twisted police car.

Viper stood there, clenching his fists, feeling the surging power in his body.

Haha! It's so cool!!

However, as more and more people died, the police force began to be strengthened.

Viper's state of mind that was lost in power was slightly reversed. As a person who has attainments in chemistry and mechanical manufacturing, she is actually not an impulsive type.

It's just that the sudden surge in power makes me a little addicted.

After realizing he was surrounded by more police, he calmed down a bit.

I know that even if my strength is greatly increased now, I can't have a direct conflict with these humans.

So he turned his head and kicked his legs hard.


The figure jumped ten feet high and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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