Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 98 The discovery of Magneto and the rescue of the White Queen! (Please subscribe)


Fussa Town, Tama County.

Night bar.

Xiao Zhuzhen is also an unsmiling middle-aged man. As a management director who works in the experimental area all year round, although he receives a generous salary, he has also lost his freedom and needs to be vigilant at all times.

Although Xiaozhu Zhenya has maintained a professional ethics that has been conscientious for decades, he is still a human being after all.

As a human being, we need to relax and vent.

Therefore, it has become his established project to come to the night bar for a drink every weekend.

At this moment, Xiao Zhuzhen also caught a glimpse of a beautiful figure sitting next to him.

The long golden hair, the curvy figure, and the charming eyes that make people addicted, even with Kotake Shinya's will, he almost fell into it.

Fortunately, he is a person with professional ethics, and his profession does not allow him to have too much contact with strangers.

Especially strange women.

Because this might be a spy sent by someone else.

In order to steal the data in their experimental base.

Hey, are you alone?

But just when Xiao Zhuzhen was thinking this, a burst of fragrant wind suddenly came to his ears, followed by a restlessness in his heart.

When a woman raises her glass and says, Can I buy you a drink?

Xiaozhu Zhenya's eyes had completely changed, like a male dog in heat.

He looked at the woman with hot and obsessed eyes, as if she was the only one left in the world.

Dear baby, what's your name.

The woman smiled slightly: You can call me Aulaya, or you can call me Charming.

The curve of the corner of his mouth is like the scythe used by the goddess of desire to harvest a man's soul.

Gently tugging on Kotake Shinya's collar, he exhaled softly and said, It's too noisy here, why don't you go to a quieter place with me?

Xiaozhu Zhen has also completely fallen into it, and followed Olaya away like a marionette.

After a while, we came to a small hotel.

However, at this time, two people were waiting in the hotel room.

One of them was sitting on a chair, wearing a red battle suit, a cloak, and a red helmet on his head.

Although his face looked old, he still showed a majestic air.

The other person stood behind him. He looked strong and muscular, with a fierce expression and a steel helmet on his head.

It was Magneto Eric, and Red Tank.

Since the battle on Alcatraz Island, he has been cooperated by the X-Men, which resulted in him being recruited and injected with several injections of suppressive drugs.

Magneto's mutant abilities disappeared.

However, this phenomenon did not last long.

In less than a year, other mutants, including Magneto, began to feel that their mutant abilities began to return.

After regaining his powers, Magneto immediately killed the people sent by the government to monitor him.

Then it hides, develops in secret, and waits for the opportunity.

Just as Professor X understood him, he also understood Professor X.

In order not to be found by the professor, he took back his helmet as soon as possible.

Then he secretly issued a summons order to gather the mutants back to him again.

Reorganize the Brotherhood of Mutants.

It's just that since the last defeat at Alcatraz, the Brotherhood has also suffered a heavy blow.

So far, not much strength has been gathered.

As for the American army, they are still equipped with plastic firearms loaded with inhibitory agents.

It can be said that he was perfectly restrained.

So he needs to bide his time!

In the process, he has been looking for and recruiting mutants everywhere.

It's just that some succeeded and some didn't.

Success stories like the red tanks around you and the charm of being sent out on missions.

The failure case was Mystique Raven, who was ruthlessly abandoned by him before.

However, although he failed to win over Mystique, he still got a crucial piece of news from her.

In the island country, there is a laboratory inside a base of the American military stationed on the island.

Some kind of research on mutants is going on.

According to intelligence and clues, it seems that the White Queen was imprisoned there!

Earlier, Magneto was arrested and imprisoned underground in the Pentagon because he was accused of murdering the president.

The Brotherhood of Mutants was leaderless and suffered heavy losses.

A large number of mutants were either killed or captured.

They even included several veterans who originally belonged to the Hellfire Club.

Such as Red Devil, Riptide and White Queen.

Red Devil and Riptide have been confirmed dead, but the White Queen has never been found.

At this point there is finally a clue, and of course Magneto wants to take a look.

Whether it's for former companions or for the current brotherhood, which is seriously short of manpower.

Seeing that Charming completed the task perfectly, Magneto also smiled with relief.

When he raised his hand, he saw that the metal clothes drying rack next to him was bent, directly restraining Xiaozhenya.

Charming's mutant ability is to release a certain kind of hormonal secretion. People affected by this secretion can only think about mating with her, which is not conducive to interrogation.

So when she saw Magneto, Charming immediately took back her powers.

The influence of hormonal secretions gradually disappeared, and Xiaozhu Zhen also gradually came back to his senses.

His expression instantly turned to horror.

Magneto had done similar interrogation work countless times.

Xiaozhu Zhenya is no stricter than those professional soldiers.

He easily told everything he wanted to know.

And Magneto also got the exact news that the White Queen was indeed imprisoned in this laboratory.

In addition to the White Queen, there are a number of other mutants.

They were doing research on mutant genes, and Magneto smelled some conspiracy.

But even with Shinya Kotake's position, he has no access to the real secrets.

So no matter how you ask, you don't know anything about the greater conspiracy that may be hidden behind it.

Eventually, Magneto learned the structure of the base and the location of the laboratory through Shinya Kotake.

He raised his hand and killed him.

Let's go.

Just when he was about to break into the military base and rescue his fellow mutants.

Suddenly, his attention was attracted by the TV picture in front of the counter downstairs.

A deadly virus broke out in Yokohama. According to expert testing, the source is the water plant.

Now here’s an important piece of news.

At around 11:30 today, a residential building in Ota District collapsed.

The source is a mutant criminal, who is now wanted by the police.

Please be aware of the general public, this mutant criminal is extremely dangerous!

Magneto suddenly stopped and looked at the picture being played on the news.

There are clips of Vipers fighting the police and causing damage.

Although the picture is not very clear and the time is short, the destructive power can still be seen.

And Magneto even recognized the true identity of this so-called mutant criminal!


At first Magneto wanted to recruit Viper to join the gang, but Viper did not agree.

In Magneto's perception, the woman Viper is like a beautiful snake, full of toxins all over her body.

He is a relatively dangerous person.

But it definitely shouldn't have such great power!

What on earth happened?

Boss, what's wrong?

Charming next to her asked questions.

Magneto stepped out of the hotel.

He said calmly: Before we go to rescue our compatriots, it seems that we have one more thing to do.

New York.

Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters.

Storm Ororo stood on the podium in the classroom.

Look at the students below.

The youngest of them is only eleven or twelve years old, and the older ones are no more than nineteen years old.

Said: We are going to invite the new teacher of the academy, Bai Xing!

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately aroused curiosity among the students.

They all know that when Ororo went to Asia before, an Oriental came back with him.

Many people have already seen him.

I just didn't expect that he would become the new teacher of the college.

I saw a man wearing a long black windbreaker, about 1.85 meters tall, with a strong build, and his vest was held up by muscles as if it were tight, walking onto the podium.

There was a burst of discussion from the audience.

I thought Logan was one of the few macho men I've ever seen, but this new teacher's figure is even more macho.

Have you forgotten, after Logan came back this time, he seems to have become taller and taller.

I think this new teacher is much more handsome than Logan. God, I seem to be able to smell the mysterious oriental atmosphere from him.

Don't be a nymphomaniac, Trika.

Maybe I'm not the only one who is a nymphomaniac. The way you look at Sultana.

What do you think he will teach us?

Dunno, and I heard he's not even a mutant.


Of course, you have to trust my ears. They can hear anything within a hundred meters.

Okay Leta, did you pass on the secret that Thomas and I told last time?

Hey, it must be him, Ariel. I told you I was innocent, but you still don't believe me.

Seeing the commotion below, Ororo clapped his hands: Okay students, don't let the new teacher see the joke, please be quiet!

Ororo's majesty was still there, but everyone fell silent as soon as this statement came out.

Bai Xing stood on the podium and said calmly: First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Bai Xing, you can call me Teacher Bai.

Regarding the courses taught, you can call them meditation courses. I believe this will be very helpful to you.

Sultana was the first to raise her hand and said: Teacher Bai, what does meditation class mean? Is it like sitting there and sleeping like on TV?

Bai Xing chuckled slightly: It's almost the same, but it's best not to really fall asleep.

The students in the audience immediately started laughing.

Ororo had already reached the door at some point. Looking at Shirahoshi standing on the stage and talking, he felt a lot more relaxed.

In fact, when Professor X decided to let Bai Xing teach, she was opposed to it.

When she came into contact with Shirahoshi in Tokyo, the pressure this person gave her was too strong.

He seemed to be a difficult person to get along with, so she was worried about the children.

After Professor x talked to her, she reluctantly accepted the matter.

But today, it seems that Bai Xing did not release any powerful oppressive aura when facing the children.

You can even joke with the children and get along quickly.

This made her feel relieved, and then she turned and left.

In the classroom, Bai Xing was explaining meditation to the students.

If you can meditate deeply, the sense of Qi will be born. Remember to gather it at the Dantian.

This improves your physical fitness and enhances your mastery of your mutant abilities.

If you are interested, I can teach you some deeper martial arts techniques after you learn this Ruyi Four-Legged Divine Technique: Tuna Chapter.

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