Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 96 He is a good candidate for practicing the Hell Knife. (Please subscribe)

Damn it, if I had known better, I wouldn't have let Viper go!

At this moment, Bai Xing encountered a problem.

Since the subhuman body would decompose Adamantium, he needed to change his strategy.

Use the inspiration brought by Ruyi Four-Legged Divine Art and combine it with your own Military Killing Fist to make the cells simulate Adamantium alloy.

Create an upgraded version of the 'Armored Indestructible Body' - the 'Alloy Combat Body'!

But this process, if Bai Xing was allowed to realize and create by himself, even with his amazing wisdom, it would definitely not be something that could be completed in a short period of time.

So he needs a practice room for assistance.

Just like the training room built for him by Masao Yajima in the demi-human world.

The difference is that this time it requires more high-tech facilities and a different focus than the original practice room.

Viper is a genius.

As a woman with outstanding achievements in chemistry, mechanical engineering, etc., she may barely meet White Star's requirements.

So now Shirahoshi regretted it.

At that time, I just wanted to do whatever I wanted to see if I could get any unexpected results.

After planting the life core in Viper, let her get lost.

I never thought of keeping her by my side.

This guy should have fled the island country by now, right?

The world is so big, even for Bai Xing, it is not easy to find someone in the vast sea of ​​people.

Moreover, even if Viper could be found, it was still unknown whether she would be able to complete Shirahoshi's vision.

Oh, it would be great if this was the world of the Avengers. Tony would be able to satisfy my request easily.

Rubbing his temples, Bai Xing thought hard: Let me think about it, in the world of mutants, which scientists are ahead of their time?

At this moment, Shimazu Katsaro knocked on the door.

Mr. Bai.

Bai Xing raised his eyes and looked at him: What's the matter?

Someone said he was your friend named Logan.

Bai Xing raised his eyebrows slightly. He really didn't expect that Logan would come to him.

With a chuckle, Bai Xing instantly understood that something must have happened.

He waved his hand and said, Tell him to come in.

Not only Logan came, but also Yukio and Ororo.

As for Mariko, after officially taking over the Yashida Group, she discovered that things were not what she thought.

It turns out that the things my grandfather did had already wiped out the group.

Everyone in the world thinks that she has reached the sky in one step, but she is the only one who knows the dilemma she is facing now.

I have no choice but to resist!

Now that the entire group is in danger, she has a lot to do.

So there was no time to follow Logan.


Bai Xing was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect that the person coming with Logan would be Storm.

Ororo was also stunned. He heard a familiar flavor from Shirahoshi's voice.

She looked at him suspiciously and said, Do you recognize me? Have we met before?

Logan shrugged beside him and said, I told you, he seems to know a lot about us.

Bai Xing smiled and said: Yes, I know a lot about you. For example, when Ororo is here this time, the professor should have sent you here, right?

Of course Shirahoshi is not omniscient and omnipotent, but relying on his understanding of the plot and some speculation, he can easily determine the reason why Ororo appears here.

After all, in the movie, Ororo did not come to the island country to find Logan.

It must be because my little butterfly flapped its wings, causing the butterfly effect.

When his purpose was revealed, Ororo couldn't help but panic. He couldn't say the words he had planned in his mind before.

Okay, I wonder why the professor asked you to come to me?

If there is anyone in this world that Bai Xing should be afraid of, it would be Professor X.

As one of the strongest mutants in the world, he possesses powerful psychic powers.

The magnetic field rotation system is famous for its almighty power. Among all power systems below the single universe level, it is definitely at the very upper level.

But not without omissions.

Such as spirit or soul!

The rotation of the magnetic field does not have any strengthening effect on the soul. If you encounter a master of psychic abilities like Professor

As for things like souls and reincarnation, they actually do not belong to the magnetic field rotation system, but belong to the characteristics of the Sea Tiger World.

Although Professor

But Shirahoshi doesn't like this feeling!

This feeling of being out of your control and needing to look at other people's moods to decide your own destiny is so annoying!

Now that he has been discovered by Professor

We can only face it!

So he planned to visit x college, and if professor x would pose a threat to him, he would find a way to erase him.

Then control the beast Hank to work for you and create the training room you want.

The thoughts of those with strong magnetic fields are like electricity, and their minds are spinning thousands of times, and reality does not even pass for a second.

Just listen to Ororo say: The professor said that he can't see through you and is very curious about you, so he wants to invite you to the college as a guest.

Bai Xing couldn't help but think, 'Oh? ’ made a sound.

Can't you see through me? Tell me carefully.

Ororo said: He discovered you when he was using a brainwave amplifier to find the whereabouts of mutants and Magneto. He said you were as dazzling as a sun.

But he couldn't see through you at all. There was something protecting your spirit, which gave the professor an overwhelming feeling.

At the same time, the professor also discovered that you are not a mutant and is very curious about your origin, so he wants to invite you to the academy.

Before that, Ororo prepared a lot of rhetoric, but when he actually faced Shirahoshi, for some reason, he shook off all the truth.

After Bai Xing heard her words, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

He already knew what the thing that blocked Professor X's exploration was.

Ancient Void Tree!

He didn't expect that the ancient tree in the void that was rooted in his soul could have such a function.

It fills in the soul and spirit deficiencies of those with strong magnetic fields.

With this thought, Bai Xing finally let go of his vigilance.

In this way, Professor X's greatest method is useless to him.


Shirahoshi did not hesitate and agreed to Ororo's request on the spot.

Neither Ororo nor Logan expected that things would go so smoothly.

Bai Xing didn't even hesitate and agreed directly.

So far, White Star has invested in two mutants.

Wolverine and Viper.

And Wolverine alone made White Star see the potential of investing in mutants.

If investment potential is divided into three levels, then White Star would classify them as ordinary normal people, gangsters or killers and mercenaries, and mutants.

Obviously, the cost-effectiveness of investing in mutants is higher than the first two.

Because mutants themselves have certain strengths, after being enhanced, they become stronger and can do more things.

Although there seems to be no movement on Viper's side, Wolverine's performance fully proves this point for Shirahoshi.

So Bai Xing decisively abandoned the Inagawa Society, took Ororo's Blackbird fighter plane, and followed them all the way to X Academy.

Or call it its real name, Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters!

New York.

Westchester County, Salem District Center.

1407 Greymakin Road.

With a roar, the Blackbird fighter jet landed on the tarmac.

Bai Xing looked through the porthole and saw the manor not far away that was full of historical vicissitudes.

The manor left to him by Professor X's father was transformed into a habitat for mutants in his hands.

Following Ororo all the way into it, Shirahoshi looked around and saw that the huge academy seemed a little deserted.

It seems that he has not recovered from the last incident.

At this moment, a man wearing a suit with blue hair on his face and hands walked over.

Hey Logan, nice to see you again.

Logan, who was following him, stepped forward and hugged him, saying, Sorry, maybe I should come back earlier.

It's never too late, just come back.

As he spoke, the man who looked like a blue beast turned to look at Bai Xing.

Hello, let me introduce myself. I am the dean of students here, Henry Philip McCoy. Of course, you can also call me Hank, or Beast, that's fine.

White Star.

After the two shook hands, Hank said to Ororo: Just leave it to me.

Then he said to Bai Xing: Charles is waiting for you in the office. Of course, if you want to take a rest first, go.

Bai Xing interrupted him directly and said: Let's go, I also want to see the prestigious Professor X with my own eyes.

As he walked through the long corridor, he met several young students. Perhaps it was because of Shirahoshi's oriental face that he attracted their attention.

Okay kids, let's go to class, oh! And you, Blade Girl, be careful not to hurt anyone else.

Bai Xing followed Hank's line of sight. It was a girl with short blond hair, about fifteen or sixteen years old.

The most bizarre thing was that there were blades emerging from her arms and top of her head.

Then it was taken back again, and then it popped up on the stomach again.

Perhaps he sensed that Bai Xing's gaze had touched some sensitive nerve.

The girl turned around and ran away.

Hank said from the side: Her mutant ability is that she can summon blades from any part of her body, so we call her Blade Girl.

It's just that it's difficult to control. I've hurt a lot of people before, but things got better after I came to the academy.

Last time, the Worthing Laboratory developed a suppressive drug, and many mutants chose to inject it, and she was one of them.

It's just that the potion also has an effect, and when the effect of the potion wears off, her ability control seems to have become worse.

Because she may hurt the people next to her at any time, it also makes her seem a bit lonely. Alas, in fact, many mutants have these troubles to one degree or another.

Bai Xing didn't care about this, just thinking about the girl's mutant ability just now.

He couldn't help but say tsk tsk: What a good young man who can practice the sword of hell.

Hank said from the side with some confusion: What?

Bai Xing smiled slightly and said: Nothing, let's go, take me to see Professor X.

Soon, the two came to the office.

After seeing Professor X, Bai Xing couldn't help but marvel.

Knowing the plot, of course he understood that the Professor X in front of him was no longer the original one.

After the death of Professor

However, although the two are from the same mother, they look exactly the same, and they even have the same bald head.

It's amazing enough.

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