Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 307 “It’s fun, it’s getting more and more fucking fun!”

"Hahahaha! This is how it should be!!"

Qiu Changqing's idea made Bai Xing's eyes light up.

He murdered many children for his own selfish desires, so he should be allowed to taste the loss of his own flesh and blood.

There's just one thing. What the Blood Corpse Sanren need for their cultivation is the hard work of boys and girls under the age of thirteen.

Liang Nanfeng is at least sixteen years old and does not meet the requirements at all.

"I know that Magistrate Liang has another son, who happens to be eight years old this year."

As soon as these words came out, Liang Qicheng's face suddenly turned pale!

Just like Liang Nanfeng, he knelt down directly on the ground, his whole body trembling and said: "Everyone is responsible for what he does, and it does not harm his family. Please, please be noble! Don't hurt Long'er!!"

Bai Xing ignored him, but looked at Qiu Changqing with interest.

He even knew this, so he seemed to be well prepared.

The magnetic field detection quickly found Liang Nanlong's location. When Bai Xing stretched out his hand, he saw a black shadow coming from a distance.

It ran straight into Shirahoshi's hand and was caught by him.

Surprisingly, it was Liang Qicheng’s only son, Liang Nanlong!

This boy was dressed richly and had a fat body, making him look like a chubby little boy.

Unlike Liang Nanfeng, who, as his elder sister, yearned to make a career in the world, he was more like the silly son of a landlord.

After the initial confusion, he immediately started struggling.

"Who are you! Why are you holding me! Let me down quickly! Do you hear me, or I'll tell my father to kill all nine of your tribes! I'll drag you all out and behead you!"

Liang Qicheng, who was kneeling on the ground, wanted to die, and hurriedly roared: "Long'er! Stop talking nonsense!!"

Only then did Liang Nanlong see his father and sister kneeling on the ground.

He quickly shouted: "Dad, sister! What are you doing lying on the ground? Come and save me quickly! It hurts so much when this bad guy catches me! I must have his hand cut off! Humph!"

Bai Xing thought of Liang Nanfeng's horse galloping in the busy city earlier, and said with a smile: "As expected of being raised by the same parents, it is really not a pity to die."

He casually threw it in front of the bloody corpse and released him from control.

"You heard what I just said, you should know what to do, right?"

The scattered blood corpses were very wise and did not choose to escape or make a sneak attack. Instead, they nodded and bowed and said: "I understand. I understand."


Liang Nanfeng suddenly jumped up from the ground, holding the long sword he picked up again, and stabbed towards the scattered blood corpses!

"Let go of my brother!!"

She does have some martial arts skills, but they are not advanced.

It's not worth mentioning in front of the scattered blood corpses.

He easily blocked the sword with one hand, and with a flick of his sleeve, he knocked Liang Nanfeng away.


As he landed with a muffled sound, blood overflowed from the corners of Liang Nanfeng's mouth and he could no longer move.

The scattered blood corpses did not dare to waste any time and immediately used their skills to capture Liang Nanlong.

The five fingers become claws and pierce the skin directly!

Surprisingly, the blood did not flow out, but was sealed in Liang Nanlong's body.

If you feel it carefully, you will find that as the Blood Corpse Sanren performs the exercises, all the essence and blood in Liang Nanlong's body are flowing backwards.

Gather at the heart and strengthen the heart blood.

"Ouch! It fucking hurts!! Daddy, daddy! What are you doing? Come and save your son!!"

When Liang Qicheng heard Liang Nanlong's cry, his heart felt like a knife.

"Good boy! Oooh, oh, oh, oh, my father is sorry for you!!"

When the Blood Corpse Sanren were doing their exercises, Bai Xing was also observing.

As the saying goes, the way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is more damage; the way of man is to make up for the deficiency when there is more damage.

Absorbing other people's things to strengthen oneself, Bai Xing can think of similar exercises such as "Beiming Divine Skill".

Obviously, "The Blood-Weeping Demon Sutra" has something in common with it.

But in comparison, "The Blood-Weeping Demon Sutra" still falls behind.

It can only draw the essence and blood from the heart, and it must be in an unimpeded state.

It is not as good as "Bei Ming Shen Gong" which can absorb internal energy, and can even absorb it while fighting.

The only two things that are stronger than "Beiming Divine Art" are the utilization rate and the inherent martial arts.

Whether it is "Bei Ming Shen Gong" or "Absorbing Power", there will be a problem of utilization.

In this regard, "Absorbing Gong Dafa" is the most obvious!

If you absorb a person's entire skill, only one-twentieth of it can be used for your own use!

And if you inhale too much, there will be consequences of impure Qi.

However, "The Blood-Weeping Demon Sutra" has no such concerns.

Not only by absorbing your hard work, you can strengthen yourself and advance quickly.

There is no need to worry about any future problems.

Then there is the inherent martial arts.

"The Blood-Weeping Demon Sutra" is not only an internal skill and mental method, but also a complete set of martial arts!

It contains many martial arts moves, including fists, palms, kicks, even light skills, and even some powerful secret techniques!

As soon as the Blood Corpse Loose was able to cultivate to the realm of the future world, he turned into blood light and escaped. What he used was the secret escape technique contained in the "Blood-Weeping Demon Sutra"!

As the blood zombies continued to exercise their power, Liang Nanlong, who was originally fat and fat, had shriveled up visibly to the naked eye.

The duration of this process is not short, and the person himself is still conscious, so he needs to endure great pain!

You can imagine the pain and fear that those children who had their heart blood drawn by the Blood Corpse Scatters to practice martial arts experienced!

At this moment, this kind of pain and fear really fell on Liang Nanlong's head.

As the saying goes, a father's debt must be paid by his son, but he was not innocent.

When Liang Qicheng saw his sweet boy being tortured like this, his heart went crazy and he shed tears of blood.

"Hey!! Why are you doing this to me! Kill me, kill me!"


Liang Nanfeng, who was originally injured and lying on the ground, suddenly struggled to get up from the ground.

He picked up the fallen sword.


The long sword penetrated Liang Qicheng from behind!

Blood slid down the blade of the sword, and Liang Qicheng turned to look at her in disbelief.

Liang Nanfeng's temperament changed drastically at this moment, and a gloomy and infinitely reluctant voice sounded.

"Don't worry, father and brother, I will definitely avenge you!"


The long sword was withdrawn and Liang Qicheng fell to the ground.

Liang Nanfeng once again raised his sword and stepped forward, but it was not aimed at the scattered blood corpses, but at his own brother!

She already knew clearly that her whole family might not be able to escape this disaster this time.

In this case, it is better to end their suffering as soon as possible!

The Blood Corpse Scatterer was in the middle of doing his exercises when he noticed Liang Nanfeng's attack and immediately stopped practicing instinctively.

"Did I tell you to stop?"


Bai Xing's cold voice sounded, followed by a burst of sword energy with a snap of his fingers.

Instantly kill the scattered blood corpses on the spot!

And Liang Nanfeng has also come to his brother.

At this moment, the chubby little boy had become as skinny as a stick, and his loose skin was a dark yellow color, stacked on his body, making him look very strange.

His face was pale, and he looked at Liang Nanfeng.

"Sister, you are here to save me."

Liang Nanfeng's eyes were red, and two lines of blood and tears flowed down her beautiful cheeks.

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely save you."

As he spoke, he gently covered Liang Nanlong's eyes.


The sword's edge penetrates the heart.

"Save you from suffering!"

——Bah bang bang!

There was applause.

Bai Xing looked at Liang Nanfeng with interest.

"Interesting. I didn't expect that I underestimated you."

Liang Nanfeng did not hide the overwhelming hatred in her heart, and looked at Bai Xing with a pair of blood-like eyes.

"I have fulfilled my agreement with you, can you accept me as your disciple now?!"

Bai Xing laughed: "It's fun, it's getting more and more fun!"

He understood that Liang Nanfeng was gambling, and he was able to awaken in the great changes and change his previous state with such determination and courage to make a big gamble.

Bai Xing couldn't help but look at Liang Nanfeng again.

"Of course, I always keep my word. Since you have personally killed the mastermind behind the scenes, I will agree to your promise and accept you as my disciple!

At the same time, not only will I not kill you because you want to kill me, but I will also teach you everything I have learned in my life!

However, I have to do one more thing before that, because I thought of a more fun way to play.

Hehe, even just thinking about it makes people excited to the point of tearing up the flag! "


As soon as Bai Xing pointed out, Liang Nanfeng could not control the attraction of her body.

The center of his eyebrows fell right on Bai Xing's fingertips.

The next moment, the magnetic field power and the spiritual power are activated at the same time.

Bai Xing directly distorted Liang Nanfeng's thoughts and imposed a magnetic field lock on him!

Only when Liang Nanfeng reaches the strength of 500,000 horses can he automatically unlock the sky lock and restore his original thoughts.

And before all this happens, she can only be a good disciple who worships Bai Xing and serves him wholeheartedly!

Liang Nanfeng who is full of hatred is Liang Nanfeng, and Liang Nanfeng who has distorted his thoughts is also Liang Nanfeng.

Bai Xing is looking forward to it when she finds her true self and breaks through the constraints.

Will there be more intense hatred, or will it be impossible to let go of the relationship between master and disciple?

No matter what she chooses, Shirahoshi has found true happiness.

And in the end, so what if she really kills him and takes revenge?

Anyway, it’s worth the price of admission! !


Liang Nanfeng fell to the ground and fell into coma.

Bai Xing stood with his hands behind his hands, a smile on his face.

"Chang Qing, what are you waiting for? Come with your senior sister."

After saying that, Bai Xing jumped up and flew towards the outside of the mansion.

Qiu Changqing showed a rare strange expression and looked at Bai Xing's back.

Finally, he withdrew his gaze and landed on the unconscious Liang Nanfeng.

Go forward and grab it.

He was only ten years old, but he showed strength that was completely beyond his age!

He really grabbed Liang Nanfeng, used Qing Kung Fu to fly up to the eaves, and disappeared from everyone's sight after a few ups and downs.

Follow the direction in which the white star disappears!

The officers and soldiers witnessed all this but did not dare to react at all.

They could only stay there in a daze. After all three people left, they looked at each other and couldn't help but feel extremely scared!

Ten miles outside the city.

Bai Xing stood under an ancient tree.

Looking at the distant scenery.

Not long after, Qiu Changqing arrived with Liang Nanfeng, who was still in a coma.

"What did you mean by what you just said?"

Bai Xing smiled and said, "I know you were caught by Huang Yuan for some other reason.

And your identity and background must not be simple.

But those are not important. When you give me a great idea, I decide one thing.

That means accepting you as my apprentice!

And if you don't want to, I won't force you. "

Qiu Changqing pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Senior Sister Liang's experience tells me that it will never be a good thing to become my disciple, but I still decided to do it!"

After saying that, he knelt down directly on the ground and kowtowed neatly: "Master, please accept my disciple Qiu Changqing's bow!"

"Hahahaha!!" Bai Xing laughed. "Very well, my good disciple, I hope you will not disappoint me!"


At this time, a soft hum came.

Attracting the two people's eyes to look over.

Liang Nanfeng was seen covering her head and slowly sitting up from the ground.

"Ah! Master, did I just fall asleep?"

Bai Xing said calmly: "It doesn't matter. If you are tired, you can just take a rest here."

Liang Nanfeng stood up quickly and said playfully: "Hehe, thank you Master for your kindness, but let's forget it. If we stay any longer, won't we delay Master's schedule?"

"As a teacher, I just wander around the world aimlessly. It doesn't matter if I spend more time or less.

But having said that, you two worship me as your teacher. I haven’t taught you my secret skills yet. It’s better to choose the day than to hit it, so let’s start here. "

Even Qiu Changqing almost lost control of his expression when he looked at Liang Nanfeng!

He was fully involved in everything that just happened.

Witnessed with my own eyes how Liang Nanfeng killed his father and brother, and how his hatred against Bai Xing was as deep as the sea!

But he didn't expect that in just a blink of an eye, she seemed to be a different person.


Qiu Changqing thought that when he was in the Liang Mansion, Bai Xing pointed his finger between Liang Nanfeng's eyebrows.

"What a scary man!"

Qiu Changqing's inner judgment of Bai Xing has once again risen to a new level.

"Chang Qing, don't be stunned, come here quickly."

Qiu Changqing heard Bai Xing's cry and calmed down his mind.

He walked over quickly and stood with Liang Nanfeng.

"Junior brother, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Listening to Liang Nanfeng's concerned words, Qiu Changqing felt an extremely strange feeling well up in his heart.

He replied stiffly: "I'm fine, Senior Sister Liang."

When the two came to the front, Bai Xing said: "I have learned a lot from my teacher, and you can't master them all at once, so first choose a favorite technique to practice.

But before that, I have to plant the most fundamental things for you. "

Liang Nanfeng asked curiously: "Master, what is it?"

"Seed, a magnetic field seed!"

The two of them didn't understand what a magnetic field was.

Shirahoshi didn't explain.

Because soon they will understand.

Two magnetic field seeds popped out with a few fingers and sank into their eyebrows.

When the two opened their eyes again, they already understood what it meant - magnetic field rotation!

"What a magical power! I have never heard of it, but now I can somehow understand how it works, as if everything is extremely natural!"

Qiu Changqing clenched his fists and felt the power in his body.

Immediately afterwards, tiny arcs of electricity surged out of his fist.

In comparison, Liang Nanfeng appears much slower.

He can only try to use electromagnetic force to control his sword.

Just like the legendary swordsmanship, he controls flying swords in the air and circulates around him. (End of chapter)

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