Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 308: Teaching unique skills, Yin and Yang evil!

Both of them were deeply shocked by the efficacy of magnetic field seeds.

Releasing the current is like releasing the true energy.

Controlling the magnetic field to manipulate metal is like controlling a sword with air.

This is a skill that only true masters who have reached the innate realm can master!

But now, they are still far away from innateness, but they can master this method in advance.

Simply incredible!

What is even more incredible is the series of cognitions about [magnetic field rotation] integrated into thinking and memory.

They have never been exposed to those powers and special terms, and they cannot even imagine them.

But now they all somehow know the meaning and understand all the concepts.

This strange feeling of being both familiar and unfamiliar put the two of them in a very strange experience.

"Okay, now let's choose the technique."

Bai Xing is not a stingy person. Since he has accepted the other party as his disciple, of course he will not hide anything for himself.

He directly laid out all the techniques he was good at and let the two of them choose.

The first is the "Military Killing Fist" that Bai Xing himself created and is the best at!

Then there are the "Wishful Four-Legged Divine Technique" created by Sato and the "Hell's Knife" created by Nagai Kei and later improved by Shirahoshi!

There is also the "Magnetic Martial Arts" created by Magneto, which includes such martial arts secrets as "Boundless Blood Saber", "Dao Protecting Killing Fist", "Gods and Demons Immortal Body".

As well as Inuyashiki's "Emperor's Secret Code", Lion God's "Tenjin's True Chapter", and Zefu Daizaemon's "Sha Demon Ten Kung" and "Four Thunder Tenshin Secret Code".

In addition, even the "Blood-Weeping Demon Sutra" just obtained from the Blood Corpse Sanren was taken out by Bai Xing.

“Any secret skill here is enough for you to study.

Of course, if you feel good about yourself but don’t know which one you prefer, you can also make multiple choices. "

When Bai Xing took out the "Blood-Crying Demon Sutra", Qiu Changqing's eyes were instantly fixed on it.

Later, he began to seriously review other exercises.

After making a decision, Qiu Changqing said: "Master, I want to choose the "Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Secret Code" and "The Blood-Weeping Demon Sutra"!

"Okay." Bai Xing said.

Although Qiu Changqing is only ten years old, he already has a strong cultivation level.

He is used to things like cultivating internal strength, and preconceptions will affect his judgment.

Among these techniques, only the "Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Secret Manual" has similar characteristics to traditional martial arts techniques.

Coupled with the fact that its power is really good, it is easy to win his favor.

As for "The Weeping Blood Demon Sutra".

Presumably Qiu Changqing appeared in Fayan County for this reason.

After Qiu Changqing made his choice, Liang Nanfeng also made her choice.

"I want to choose "Hell's Knife". Although I feel that this martial art is a bit murderous, but for some reason, I feel very friendly when I see it. It has an inexplicable attraction that makes me want to choose it!

But apart from that, I would also like to choose another course called "Ruyi Four-Legged Divine Technique". "

After hearing what Liang Nanfeng said, a strange color flashed in Qiu Changqing's eyes.

Bai Xing smiled and said, "Of course, no problem."

In fact, he was still a little disappointed that neither of them chose his special skill "Military Killing Fist".

Or maybe the style of this martial arts is not consistent with the environment where Liang Nanfeng and Qiu Changqing grew up.

They just expressed their disapproval of it and then gave it up.

After the martial arts chosen by the two were taught, they all began to comprehend it on the spot.

Bai Xing said: "It's getting late now, let's hurry up as soon as possible.

Practicing martial arts is not something that can be completed in one or two days, so don't rush to this moment. "

The two of them were naturally noncommittal.

Continue on the journey with Shirahoshi.

"So Master, where are we going next?"

“I heard that within the territory of Qi Yan Mansion, only the Valley Master of the Phantom Valley and the head of the Huanglong Sect have reached the innate realm.

Please accompany me to see what kind of strength this so-called innate master has! "


It's really a strange place.

In this era, traffic is slow and ordinary people have little information, making it infinitely more difficult to obtain information from the outside world.

Without the convenient networks and media in modern society, the spread of things would have been very slow.

But for Jianghu people, this is not the case.

In less than three days, the incident in Fayan County spread to everyone in Qiyan Prefecture.

Even the well-informed Jianghu people in Lingnan Dao began to gather towards Qi Yan Mansion like cats that smelled something fishy.

All of this is thanks to the wind media!

Wind media is not a person or an organization.

It’s a profession!

It is taken from the meaning of flower pollination and wind as a matchmaker. It is the code name of a person in the world who is responsible for gathering intelligence and selling information.

Any major event in the world will be spread throughout the country through the mouth of wind media.

The Wuji Blood Demon inheritance that appeared in Jiangdong Road a year ago actually appeared in Fayan County, Lingnan Road!

It immediately attracted the attention of many people!

People from the Jianghu who were relatively close to each other swarmed towards Fayan County.

Even though Bai Xing and the other three were already far away at this time, it did not prevent them from coming to look for clues.

If we talk about Fayan County five days ago, walking on the street could only occasionally see one or two Jianghu people carrying knives and swords.

Now, you can see people from all walks of life everywhere!

The Jianghu people are a group of people who are disobedient to discipline, act recklessly, and believe in grudges and grudges.

When people gather together, it is very easy for disputes to arise.

It happened that the magistrate Liang Qicheng of Fayan County was killed. The remaining county captain led all the arresters, but it was difficult to suppress such a large number of Jianghu people.

The entire Fayan County is in chaos!

There is an inn.

This is where Shirahoshi once lived.

"Waiter! Get me a room!"

A burly man wearing black clothes and holding a knife strode into the inn.

The waiter with a white towel on his shoulders hurriedly came forward and said with a smile: "Oh, sir, I'm really sorry.

There have been so many people staying at the hotel in the past two days that there are not enough rooms. The last room has just been booked. "

"Huh?!" The swordsman in black suddenly made a dissatisfied voice.

The waiter said hurriedly: "Calm down your anger. There is nothing we can do about it. There have been many heroes coming to the city recently. Why don't you go to other inns and have a look?"

"Hmph!" The swordsman in black yelled angrily: "I will stay here today! Who just robbed my room? Get out of here!"

His voice immediately attracted the attention of other diners in the inn lobby.

They all looked sideways.

"Hiss! This man is wearing black clothes and a black sword, and he has a murderous aura. Could it be the 'Black Swordsman' Xu Ji?"

"It is said that this man killed the 'Twelve Ghosts of the Western Mountains' with his sword, and he has perfected his 'Black Killing Sword' to a very high level!"

“I didn’t expect that he would also come to Fayan County!”

"Hmph, who wouldn't want the inheritance of the Wuji Blood Demon from a hundred years ago?"

"Keep your voice down, I've heard that this guy is very murderous and moody. He might kill someone with a knife if something goes wrong!"

"Bah! You didn't understand it before you came first, and you are still yelling here. You really lose the face of Senior Sword Demon!"

At this moment, a woman came from outside the inn door.

She was wearing an emerald green dress with a wide hem that swayed gently with her steps, like an emerald green lotus leaf swaying in the breeze.

The face is fresh and refined, the skin is as white as jade, the eyebrows are like crescent moon, and the eyes are like autumn water, revealing a unique charm.

His eyes were bright, and he looked at Xu Ji with a bit of disdain.

Xu Ji's eyes narrowed slightly, and a strong murderous aura burst out.

"I don't know what the so-called thing is. Are you trying to provoke me? Huh, do you think that as a woman, I will be merciful?

Then you have made the wrong idea! Because no matter if they are male or female, I will fucking kill them all the same! ! "

After a disagreement, he just drew his sword and killed him!


The sword flashed, and a murderous aura instantly spread within the inn.

Go straight towards that woman!

"No! Xu Ji has drawn his sword!"

"Alas! This woman is probably going to lose her beauty today."

"It is said that the predecessor of the 'Lingnan Sword Demon', in order to discover successors, taught swordsmen all over the world, and everyone who listened to the teaching became his disciples.

These people who have been taught by the senior sword demon are called the Three Thousand Swordsmen by the good guys!

And Xu Ji is one of them, and now he looks really extraordinary!

With such a fierce sword force, even I can't guarantee that I can escape unscathed! "


While many people in the lobby were talking about it, Xu Ji had already fought with the woman many times.

She was seen holding a soft sword, and she neutralized all Xu Ji's attacks.

"Good swordsmanship! I just don't know how you are going to receive my blow!"

Xu Ji shouted, and the black knife in his hand suddenly rotated, cutting the air to form a hurricane.

The surrounding tables, chairs and benches were instantly cut and scattered all over the floor.

And if you look closely, you can see that they have all turned into wooden blocks that are exactly the same in every size!

"Well done!"

The woman's figure is gentle and her soft sword dances wildly, just like a blooming lotus!

Some sharp-eyed people around immediately recognized her identity.

"This is the angry lotus in full bloom! She is the 'Green Lotus Fairy' Mo Jingzhi!"

"Hehe. Now Xu Ji has been kicked on the iron plate!

Fairy Bilian seems to be pure and refined, but she is actually a first-class master of evil, and she has never failed in the "Bilian Sword Technique"! "

"Bah! What kind of fairy? I think she is clearly a witch!

I heard that this witch just committed a major case in Dongyong County, which turned Chengjiabao upside down.

Single-handedly prompted Cheng Batian and his son to kill each other, and a good century-old foundation was ruined in one day!

And she even swept away all the wealth accumulated by Cheng Jiabao!

Unexpectedly, she came here again at this moment. Could it be that she also wants to covet the inheritance of the Wuji Blood Demon? ! "

While everyone was discussing, the battle between the two sides had concluded.


The edge of the sword penetrated the fine knife network and scratched Xu Ji's neck.

Blood suddenly shot out, forming a perfect arc in the air.

Xu Ji's eyes widened and he covered the wound on his neck, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"you you."


He fell to the ground and died!

Fairy Bilian walked forward with a smile on her face and took his black knife in her hand.

"Yes, yes, it is indeed made of cold iron as in the legend.

This trip, even if I can't obtain the Wuji Blood Demon inheritance, just this cold iron black sword will be considered a worthwhile trip."

It turns out that Fairy Bilian took the initiative to provoke Xu Ji because she took a fancy to his weapon!

At this moment, a steady voice came.

"It's a good thing, but it might be a little difficult to get rid of it."

Fairy Bilian sneered and said instinctively: "This is not easy, take it to the black market to find it."

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed!

He looked up at the corner of the stairs leading to the second floor of the inn.

I saw a middle-aged man standing there at the moment.

This man has a square face, two beards, a hint of majesty in his eyes, and an extraordinary bearing.

"Who are you! No matter how I want to take action?!"

The middle-aged man chuckled and walked slowly down the stairs.

“I heard that someone had a dispute because I booked the last room, so I came down here to take a look.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain. "

As he spoke, the man locked his eyes on Fairy Bilian.

This scrutinizing gaze immediately made Fairy Bilian feel nervous.

His expression changed visibly: "Are you from Six Doors?!"

"Yes! I am Fang Zongyi!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the lobby suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"Fang Zongyi, this person is the number one arrester in Qi Yan Mansion!"

"Now Fairy Bilian has declined."

"What are Fang Zongyi doing here? Could it be that people from the Six Gates are also interested in the Wuji Blood Demon inheritance?"

"Hmph. Have you forgotten the place where the inheritance appeared? The residence of the magistrate of Fayan County!

It is said that the county magistrate Liang Qifa died tragically on the spot!

When an official of the imperial court dies, no matter what their real purpose is, they must come here to do something! "

While the people watching the theater in the lobby were talking about it.

Fairy Bilian didn't hesitate at all, turned around and flew away!

Her swordsmanship was unparalleled, and her light skills were also pretty good. Not many people present could keep up with her movement skills.

But just as Fairy Bilian came out of the inn door, a big sword suddenly fell from the sky!


In desperation, Fairy Bilian swung her soft sword to block.

This man is good at exquisite swordsmanship, and he also knows how to move a thousand pounds with four ounces. Using a soft sword, he can defeat Xu Ji's black sword full of manic killing intent!

Even if the person who came was extremely powerful, he might not be able to block her way.

As long as she finds the slightest opportunity, she will quickly disappear and hide.

However, Fairy Bilian is really in trouble this time, because the strength of the person who comes is simply not comparable to that of Xu Ji and his ilk!

The knife was so powerful and heavy that even she couldn't remove it.


With a muffled sound, the whole person was knocked back to the inn lobby.

When it fell to the ground, the bricks and stones shattered, creating a ravine.


Fairy Bilian turned pale, and blood spurted out uncontrollably from her mouth.

And just when she was still about to struggle, a pair of feet appeared beside her.

"Stop struggling, Mo Jingzhi, you have committed many major cases and committed numerous crimes. Today I will arrest you and bring you to justice!"

"Hehe! Chief Catcher, what are you going to say to this bitch? Just let me kill her with one knife!"

A rough voice came, but it was the strong man who had just slashed Fairy Bilian back with a knife and walked in the door.

This person is nearly three meters tall, tall and thick, and as tall as a thick wall.

He was carrying a huge broad-bladed sword, and his face looked a bit honest, but the words coming out of his mouth were chilling!

Fang Zongyi frowned slightly and said: "Man Liang, I don't want to hear similar words again! Now that you have put on the official uniform of the Six Doors, you must do things according to the system of the Six Doors.

No matter how many evil things this woman has done, she still has to be handed over to the magistrate for judgment!

do you understand? ! "

Niu Manliang scratched the back of his head and said an aggrieved "oh".

"I know the chief catcher."

He stepped forward and locked Fairy Bilian's acupoints, and then took out ropes to tie her up.

The two of them left the inn with Fairy Bilian.

Only the onlookers in the lobby were left talking, and the shop owner was crying at the messy scene.

on the street.

Niu Manliang said angrily: "What will the chief arrester do with her now?"

Fang Zongyi said: "Things here are more urgent. The mysterious master first slaughtered the Flying Eagle Gang, then killed the Blood Corpse Lottery, and even killed the imperial official. We must find him first!"

In comparison, Mo Jingzhi is just a small character.

Let's imprison him in the county dungeon first.

Manliang, send a signal to your brothers and ask someone to come and take her away. "

Niu Manliang nodded: "Yes, the chief arrester."

Just as the two were heading to the county government office, they suddenly saw two people standing at the corner.

They are one male and one female, one black and one white, one yin and one yang!

The woman in front was wearing a white robe, had silky silver hair, and a feminine smile, giving people a ghostly feel.

The other man was wearing a black suit, with short black hair, gloomy eyebrows, and an aura of death all over his body!

Both of them looked very young, but just the aura they exuded made Fang Zongyi feel frightened!

"Yin and Yang evil!!"

It seems that these two people were not waiting for Fang Zongyi specifically, but they bumped into each other by chance.

When Fang Zongyi saw them, they also turned their heads and looked over.

"Oh? It turns out it's the house manager who's arresting you. Long time no see, hee hee hee." (End of Chapter)

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